invalid repetition count in DATA statement nonconstant initializer too many initializers bad impldoblock 0%o attempt to initialize adjustable array initialization of string of nonconstant length nonconstant implied DO parameter noncharacter type initialized with string incompatible types in initialization setdata: impossible type %d 1-dim subscript in EQUIVALENCE nonconstant subscript in equivalence adjustable in equivalence bad storage class in equivalence inconsistent equivalence bad alignment forced by equivalence attempt to extend common %s backward inconsistent common usage eqvcommon: impossible vstg %d elseif out of place else out of place endif out of place nesting too deep control stack empty assignment to a non-variable statement function amid executables redeclaration of statement function non-variable argument in statement function definition pause/stop argument must be constant pause/stop argument must be integer or string nested loops with variable %s bad type on do variable bad type on DO parameter too few DO parameters too many DO parameters zero DO increment DO range never executed noninteger assign variable invalid type of arithmetic if expression RETURN statement in main or block data alternate return in nonsubroutine assigned goto variable must be integer invalid complex constant mkconv of impossible type %d cpexpr: impossible tag %d frexpr: impossible tag %d fixtype: impossible tag %d fixexpr: invalid tag %d left side of assignment must be variable addr of addr shorten: invalid tag %d Dummy procedure not declared EXTERNAL. Code may be wrong. invalid class code for function no substring of function call recursive call mkfunct: impossible recursion mkfunct: impossible vprocclass %d disagreement of argument types in statement function call statement function definition and argument list differ substring of noncharacter %s more than 7 subscripts subscripts on scalar variable wrong number of subscripts on %s subscript on variable %s out of range mkaddr: impossible storage tag %d no qualifiers on parameter name used as variable adjustable automatic array attempt to use undefined variable attempted division by zero mkexpr: impossible opcode %d nonarithmetic operand of arithmetic operator nonarithmetic operand of negation NOT of nonlogical nonlogical operand of logical operator illegal comparison order comparison of complex data comparison of nonarithmetic data concatenation of nonchar data impossible conversion. possible compiler bug impossible conversion cktype: impossible opcode %d fold: invalid unary operator %d consnegop: impossible type %d conspower: invalid type %d integer ** negative power inline mod of noninteger sgn(nonconstant) conssgn(type %d) integer**negative complex division by zero statement cannot be reached unclassifiable statement label %s already defined there is a branch to label %s from outside block misplaced entry statement length must be an integer constant too many equivalences too few initializers can only save static variables cannot make %s parameter inconsistent storage classes illegal branch to inner block, statement %s implicit item must be single letter declaration among executables no backward DO loops too many alternate returns computed GOTO list too long characters out of order in implicit:%c-%c intrcall: bad intrgroup %d bad number of arguments to intrinsic %s bad argument type to intrinsic %s intraddr: %s is not intrinsic cannot pass %s as actual intraddr: impossible f1=%d unlabeled format statement bad format number bad end= clause bad err= clause iostat must be an integer variable impossible iostmt %d invalid control %s for statement unknown iocontrol %s illegal positional iocontrol illegal * iocontrol iocontrol %s repeated attempt to i/o array of unknown size non-left side in READ list function in READ list attempt to use internal unit array of unknown size bad unit specifier bad REC= clause bad format descriptor unformatted internal I/O not allowed direct list-directed I/O not allowed bad unit in open bad file in open bad recl bad unit in close statement inquire by unit or by file, not both must inquire by unit or by file bad unit in I/O motion statement non-character control clause impossible inquire parameter %s includes nested too deep impossible lexstate %d illegal continuation card ignored nondigit in statement number field unbalanced quotes; closing quote supplied %dH too big unbalanced parentheses, statement skipped name %s too long, truncated to %d bad bit identifier invalid binary character -O%d: too many register variables invalid flag -I%c invalid flag %c arg count %d missing END statement cannot open intermediate file %s writing error too many digits in floating constant hash table full too many statement numbers too many external symbols improper use of builtin %s popstack: stack empty out of memory memname: invalid vstg %d missing end statement DO loop or BLOCK IF not closed missing statement number %s invalid entry name external name already used retval: impossible type %d noncharacter entry of character function mismatched character entry lengths character entry of noncharacter function local variable %s never used adjustable dimension on non-argument adjustable leng on nonargument common alignment adjustable array in common incompatible lengths for common block %s automatic variable of nonconstant length mktmpn: invalid type %d adjustable length %s cannot be a common block name incompatible common declaration incompatible storage declarations incompatible or duplicate type declaration lengtype: invalid type %d incompatible type-length combination incompatible use of intrinsic function invalid intrinsic declaration unknown intrinsic function invalid external declaration only variables may be arrays only last bound may be asterisk putconst: bad tag %d putconst: bad type %d non-logical expression in IF statement invalid goto label computed goto index must be integer putx: invalid opcode %d putx: impossible tag %d putop: impossible conversion putop: invalid opcode %d putpower: bad call putcx1: bad tag %d putcx1 of invalid opcode %d putch1: bad character conversion putch1: invalid opcode %d putch1: bad tag %d putaddr: invalid vstg %d adjustable character function