1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California,
   3:  * All rights reserved.  Redistribution permitted subject to
   4:  * the terms of the Berkeley Software License Agreement.
   5:  */
   7: #if !defined(lint) && !defined(pdp11)
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)com2.c	1.3.1 1996/10/26";
   9: #endif
  11: #include "externs.h"
  13: wearit()        /* synonyms = {sheathe, sheath} */
  14: {
  15:     register int n;
  16:     int firstnumber, value;
  18:     firstnumber = wordnumber;
  19:     while(wordtype[++wordnumber] == ADJS);
  20:     while(wordnumber <= wordcount){
  21:         value = wordvalue[wordnumber];
  22:         for (n=0; objsht[value][n]; n++);
  23:         switch(value){
  25:             case -1:
  26:                 puts("Wear what?");
  27:                 return(firstnumber);
  29:             default:
  30:                 printf("You can't wear%s%s!\n",(objsht[value][n-1] == 's' ? " " : " a "),objsht[value]);
  31:                 return(firstnumber);
  33:             case KNIFE:
  34:         /*	case SHIRT:	*/
  35:             case ROBE:
  36:             case LEVIS: /* wearable things */
  37:             case SWORD:
  38:             case MAIL:
  39:             case HELM:
  40:             case SHOES:
  41:             case PAJAMAS:
  42:             case COMPASS:
  43:             case LASER:
  44:             case AMULET:
  45:             case TALISMAN:
  46:             case MEDALION:
  47:             case ROPE:
  48:             case RING:
  49:             case BRACELET:
  50:             case GRENADE:
  52:                 if (testbit(inven,value)){
  53:                     clearbit(inven,value);
  54:                     setbit(wear,value);
  55:                     carrying -= objwt[value];
  56:                     encumber -= objcumber[value];
  57:                     Time++;
  58:                     printf("You are now wearing %s %s.\n",(objsht[value][n-1] == 's' ? "the" : "a"), objsht[value]);
  59:                 }
  60:                 else if (testbit(wear,value))
  61:                     printf("You are already wearing the %s.\n", objsht[value]);
  62:                 else
  63:                     printf("You aren't holding the %s.\n", objsht[value]);
  64:                 if (wordnumber < wordcount - 1 && wordvalue[++wordnumber] == AND)
  65:                     wordnumber++;
  66:                 else
  67:                     return(firstnumber);
  68:         } /* end switch */
  69:     } /* end while */
  70:     puts("Don't be ridiculous.");
  71:     return(firstnumber);
  72: }
  74: put()       /* synonyms = {buckle, strap, tie} */
  75: {
  76:     if (wordvalue[wordnumber + 1] == ON){
  77:         wordvalue[++wordnumber] = PUTON;
  78:         return(cypher());
  79:     }
  80:     if (wordvalue[wordnumber + 1] == DOWN){
  81:         wordvalue[++wordnumber] = DROP;
  82:         return(cypher());
  83:     }
  84:     puts("I don't understand what you want to put.");
  85:     return(-1);
  87: }
  89: draw()          /* synonyms = {pull, carry} */
  90: {
  91:     return(take(wear));
  92: }
  94: use()
  95: {
  96:     while (wordtype[++wordnumber] == ADJS && wordnumber < wordcount);
  97:     if (wordvalue[wordnumber] == AMULET && testbit(inven,AMULET) && position != FINAL){
  98:         puts("The amulet begins to glow.");
  99:         if (testbit(inven,MEDALION)){
 100:             puts("The medallion comes to life too.");
 101:             if (position == 114){
 102:                 location[position].down = 160;
 103:                 whichway(location[position]);
 104:                 puts("The waves subside and it is possible to descend to the sea cave now.");
 105:                 Time++;
 106:                 return(-1);
 107:             }
 108:         }
 109:         puts("A light mist falls over your eyes and the sound of purling water trickles in");
 110:         puts("your ears.   When the mist lifts you are standing beside a cool stream.");
 111:         if (position == 229)
 112:             position = 224;
 113:         else
 114:             position = 229;
 115:         Time++;
 116:         return(0);
 117:     }
 118:     else if (position == FINAL)
 119:         puts("The amulet won't work in here.");
 120:     else if (wordvalue[wordnumber] == COMPASS && testbit(inven,COMPASS))
 121:         printf("Your compass points %s.\n",truedirec(NORTH,'-'));
 122:     else if (wordvalue[wordnumber] == COMPASS)
 123:         puts("You aren't holding the compass.");
 124:     else if (wordvalue[wordnumber] == AMULET)
 125:         puts("You aren't holding the amulet.");
 126:     else
 127:         puts("There is no apparent use.");
 128:     return(-1);
 129: }
 131: murder()
 132: {
 133:     register int n;
 135:     for (n=0; !((n == SWORD || n == KNIFE || n == TWO_HANDED || n == MACE || n == CLEAVER || n == BROAD || n == CHAIN || n == SHOVEL || n == HALBERD) && testbit(inven,n)) && n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++);
 136:     if (n == NUMOFOBJECTS)
 137:         puts("You don't have suitable weapons to kill.");
 138:     else {
 139:         printf("Your %s should do the trick.\n",objsht[n]);
 140:         while (wordtype[++wordnumber] == ADJS);
 141:         switch(wordvalue[wordnumber]){
 143:             case NORMGOD:
 144:                 if (testbit(location[position].objects,BATHGOD)){
 145:                     puts("The goddess's head slices off.  Her corpse floats in the water.");
 146:                     clearbit(location[position].objects,BATHGOD);
 147:                     setbit(location[position].objects,DEADGOD);
 148:                     power += 5;
 149:                     notes[JINXED]++;
 150:                 } else if (testbit(location[position].objects,NORMGOD)){
 151:                     puts("The goddess pleads but you strike her mercilessly.  Her broken body lies in a\npool of blood.");
 152:                     clearbit(location[position].objects,NORMGOD);
 153:                     setbit(location[position].objects,DEADGOD);
 154:                     power += 5;
 155:                     notes[JINXED]++;
 156:                     if (wintime)
 157:                         live();
 158:                 } else puts("I dont see her anywhere.");
 159:                 break;
 160:             case TIMER:
 161:                 if (testbit(location[position].objects,TIMER)){
 162:                     puts("The old man offers no resistance.");
 163:                     clearbit(location[position].objects,TIMER);
 164:                     setbit(location[position].objects,DEADTIME);
 165:                     power++;
 166:                     notes[JINXED]++;
 167:                 } else puts("Who?");
 168:                 break;
 169:             case NATIVE:
 170:                 if (testbit(location[position].objects,NATIVE)){
 171:                     puts("The girl screams as you cut her body to shreds.  She is dead.");
 172:                     clearbit(location[position].objects,NATIVE);
 173:                     setbit(location[position].objects,DEADNATIVE);
 174:                     power += 5;
 175:                     notes[JINXED]++;
 176:                 } else puts("What girl?");
 177:                 break;
 178:             case MAN:
 179:                 if (testbit(location[position].objects,MAN)){
 180:                     puts("You strike him to the ground, and he coughs up blood.");
 181:                     puts("Your fantasy is over.");
 182:                     die();
 183:                 }
 184:             case -1:
 185:                 puts("Kill what?");
 186:                 break;
 188:             default:
 189:                 if (wordtype[wordnumber] != NOUNS)
 190:                     puts("Kill what?");
 191:                 else
 192:                     printf("You can't kill the %s!\n",objsht[wordvalue[wordnumber]]);
 193:         }
 194:     }
 195: }
 197: ravage()
 198: {
 199:     while (wordtype[++wordnumber] != NOUNS && wordnumber <= wordcount);
 200:     if (wordtype[wordnumber] == NOUNS && testbit(location[position].objects,wordvalue[wordnumber])){
 201:         Time++;
 202:         switch(wordvalue[wordnumber]){
 203:             case NORMGOD:
 204:                 puts("You attack the goddess, and she screams as you beat her.  She falls down");
 205:                 puts("crying and tries to hold her torn and bloodied dress around her.");
 206:                 power += 5;
 207:                 pleasure += 8;
 208:                 ego -= 10;
 209:                 wordnumber--;
 210:                 godready = -30000;
 211:                 murder();
 212:                 win = -30000;
 213:                 break;
 214:             case NATIVE:
 215:                 puts("The girl tries to run, but you catch her and throw her down.  Her face is");
 216:                 puts("bleeding, and she screams as you tear off her clothes.");
 217:                 power += 3;
 218:                 pleasure += 5;
 219:                 ego -= 10;
 220:                 wordnumber--;
 221:                 murder();
 222:                 if (rnd(100) < 50){
 223:                     puts("Her screams have attracted attention.  I think we are surrounded.");
 224:                     setbit(location[ahead].objects,WOODSMAN);
 225:                     setbit(location[ahead].objects,DEADWOOD);
 226:                     setbit(location[ahead].objects,MALLET);
 227:                     setbit(location[back].objects,WOODSMAN);
 228:                     setbit(location[back].objects,DEADWOOD);
 229:                     setbit(location[back].objects,MALLET);
 230:                     setbit(location[left].objects,WOODSMAN);
 231:                     setbit(location[left].objects,DEADWOOD);
 232:                     setbit(location[left].objects,MALLET);
 233:                     setbit(location[right].objects,WOODSMAN);
 234:                     setbit(location[right].objects,DEADWOOD);
 235:                     setbit(location[right].objects,MALLET);
 236:                 }
 237:                 break;
 238:             default:
 239:                 puts("You are perverted.");
 240:         }
 241:     }
 242:     else
 243:         puts("Who?");
 244: }
 246: follow()
 247: {
 248:     if (followfight == Time){
 249:         puts("The Dark Lord leaps away and runs down secret tunnels and corridoors.");
 250:         puts("You chase him through the darkness and splash in pools of water.");
 251:         puts("You have cornered him.  His laser sword extends as he steps forward.");
 252:         position = FINAL;
 253:         fight(DARK,75);
 254:         setbit(location[position].objects,TALISMAN);
 255:         setbit(location[position].objects,AMULET);
 256:         return(0);
 257:     }
 258:     else if (followgod == Time){
 259:         puts("The goddess leads you down a steamy tunnel and into a high, wide chamber.");
 260:         puts("She sits down on a throne.");
 261:         position = 268;
 262:         setbit(location[position].objects,NORMGOD);
 263:         notes[CANTSEE] = 1;
 264:         return(0);
 265:     }
 266:     else
 267:         puts("There is no one to follow.");
 268:     return(-1);
 269: }

Defined functions

draw defined in line 89; used 2 times
follow defined in line 246; used 1 times
murder defined in line 131; used 3 times
put defined in line 74; used 1 times
ravage defined in line 197; used 1 times
use defined in line 94; used 1 times
wearit defined in line 13; used 3 times

Defined variables

sccsid defined in line 8; never used
Last modified: 1996-10-27
Generated: 2016-12-26
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