.\" @(#)apropos.1 6.4 (Berkeley) 6/5/86 .\" .TH APROPOS 1 "June 5, 1986" .AT 3 .SH NAME apropos \- locate commands by keyword lookup .SH SYNOPSIS .B apropos keyword ... .SH DESCRIPTION .I Apropos shows which manual sections contain instances of any of the given keywords in their title. Each word is considered separately and case of letters is ignored. Words which are part of other words are considered; thus, when looking for compile, \fIapropos\fP will find all instances of `compiler' also. Try .IP apropos password .PP and .IP apropos editor .PP If the line starts `name(section) ...' you can do `man section name' to get the documentation for it. Try `apropos format' and then `man 3s printf' to get the manual on the subroutine .I printf. .PP .I Apropos is actually just the .B \-k option to the .IR man (1) command. .SH FILES .DT /usr/man/whatis data base .SH "SEE ALSO" man(1), whatis(1), catman(8) .SH AUTHOR William Joy