.\" Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" @(#)cat.1 6.2 (Berkeley) 5/5/86 .\" .TH CAT 1 "May 5, 1986" .UC 4 .SH NAME cat \- catenate and print .SH SYNOPSIS .B cat [ .B \-u ] [ .B \-n ] [ .B \-s ] [ .B \-v ] file ... .br .SH DESCRIPTION .I Cat reads each .I file in sequence and displays it on the standard output. Thus .PP .ti+15n cat file .PP displays the file on the standard output, and .PP .ti+15n cat file1 file2 >file3 .PP concatenates the first two files and places the result on the third. .PP If no input file is given, or if the argument `\-' is encountered, .I cat reads from the standard input file. Output is buffered in the block size recommended by \fIstat\fP(2) unless the standard output is a terminal, when it is line buffered. The .B \-u option makes the output completely unbuffered. .PP The .B \-n option displays the output lines preceded by lines numbers, numbered sequentially from 1. Specifying the .B \-b option with the .B \-n option omits the line numbers from blank lines. .PP The .B \-s option crushes out multiple adjacent empty lines so that the output is displayed single spaced. .PP The .B \-v option displays non-printing characters so that they are visible. Control characters print like ^X for control-x; the delete character (octal 0177) prints as ^?. Non-ascii characters (with the high bit set) are printed as M- (for meta) followed by the character of the low 7 bits. A .B \-e option may be given with the .B \-v option, which displays a `$' character at the end of each line. Specifying the .B \-t option with the .B \-v option displays tab characters as ^I. .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" cp(1), ex(1), more(1), pr(1), tail(1) .SH BUGS Beware of `cat a b >a' and `cat a b >b', which destroy the input files before reading them.