.\" Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" @(#)colcrt.1 6.2 (Berkeley) 5/7/86 .\" .TH COLCRT 1 "May 7, 1986" .UC .SH NAME colcrt \- filter nroff output for CRT previewing .SH SYNOPSIS .B colcrt [ .B \- ] [ .B \-2 ] [ file ... ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Colcrt provides virtual half-line and reverse line feed sequences for terminals without such capability, and on which overstriking is destructive. Half-line characters and underlining (changed to dashing `\-') are placed on new lines in between the normal output lines. .PP The optional .B \- suppresses all underlining. It is especially useful for previewing .I allboxed tables from .IR tbl (1). .PP The option .B \-2 causes all half-lines to be printed, effectively double spacing the output. Normally, a minimal space output format is used which will suppress empty lines. The program never suppresses two consecutive empty lines, however. The .B \-2 option is useful for sending output to the line printer when the output contains superscripts and subscripts which would otherwise be invisible. .PP A typical use of .I colcrt would be .PP .DT tbl exum2.n | nroff \-ms | colcrt \- | more .SH "SEE ALSO" nroff/troff(1), col(1), more(1), ul(1) .SH BUGS Should fold underlines onto blanks even with the `\fB\-\fR' option so that a true underline character would show; if we did this, however, .I colcrt wouldn't get rid of .I cu'd underlining completely. .PP Can't back up more than 102 lines. .PP General overstriking is lost; as a special case `|' overstruck with `\-' or underline becomes `+'. .PP Lines are trimmed to 132 characters. .PP Some provision should be made for processing superscripts and subscripts in documents which are already double-spaced.