.\" @(#)du.1 6.1 (Berkeley) 4/29/85 .\" .TH DU 1 "April 29, 1985" .AT 3 .SH NAME du \- summarize disk usage .SH SYNOPSIS .B du [ .B \-s ] [ .B \-a ] [ name ... ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Du gives the number of kilobytes contained in all files and, recursively, directories within each specified directory or file .IR name . If .I name is missing, `\fB.\fR' is used. .PP The argument .B \-s causes only the grand total to be given. The argument .B \-a causes an entry to be generated for each file. Absence of either causes an entry to be generated for each directory only. .PP A file which has two links to it is only counted once. .SH "SEE ALSO" df(1), quot(8) .SH BUGS Non-directories given as arguments (not under .B \-a option) are not listed. .br If there are too many distinct linked files, .I du counts the excess files multiply.