.\" Copyright (c) 1987 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" @(#)mkdep.1 1.3 (Berkeley) 6/4/87 .\" .TH MKDEP 1 "June 4, 1987" .UC 5 .SH NAME mkdep \- construct Makefile dependency list .SH SYNOPSIS .B mkdep [ .B \-f makefile ] [ .B \-p ] flags file ... .SH DESCRIPTION \fIMkdep\fP takes a set of flags for the C compiler and a list of C source files as arguments and constructs a set of include file dependencies. It attaches this dependency list to the end of the file ``Makefile''. An example of its use in a makefile might be: .nf .RS CFLAGS= -O -I../include -I. SRCS= file1.c file2.c depend: mkdep ${CFLAGS} ${SRCS} .RE .PP where the macro SRCS is the list of C source files and the macro CFLAGS is the list of flags for the C compiler. The \fB-f\fP option provides \fImkdep\fP with a name other than ``Makefile'' to be edited. If the \fB-p\fP option is provided, \fImkdep\fP produces dependencies of the form ``program: program.c'' so that subsequent makes will produce \fIprogram\fP directly from its C module rather than using an intermediate \fI.o\fP module. This is useful in directories that contain many programs, each of whose source is contained in a single C module. .SH "SEE ALSO" cc(1), make(1)