.\" @(#)sigwait.2 1.0 (2.11BSD) 1999/9/10 .\" .TH SIGACTION 2 "September 10, 1999" .UC 7 .SH NAME \fBsigwait\fP \- wait for a signal .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .sp int \fBsigwait\fP(set, sig) .br .I sigset_t *set; .br .I int *sig; .SH DESCRIPTION .B Sigwait checks for a pending signal in .IR set , clears it from the set of pending signals and returns the signal number in the location referenced by .IR sig . If more than one of the signals contained in .I set is pending then .B sigwait selects only one and acts upon it. If no signal contained in .I set is pending, then .B sigwait waits for a signal to arrive. All of the signals contained in .I set should be blocked or unpredictable results may occur. .SH RETURN VALUES The .B sigwait function returns 0 if successful and the signal number is stored in the location referenced by .IR sig . .SH ERRORS The .B sigwait function may return one of the following errors: .TP 20 EINVAL The .I set argument contains an invalid or unsupported signal number. .TP 20 EFAULT .I Sig points to memory that is not a valid part of the process address space. .SH SEE ALSO sigprocmask(2) .SH STANDARDS The .B sigwait function call conforms to IEEE Std1003.1-1998 (``POSIX'').