.\" Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" @(#)insque.3 6.2 (Berkeley) 5/20/86 .\" .TH INSQUE 3 "May 20, 1986" .UC 5 .SH NAME insque, remque \- insert/remove element from a queue .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .DT .ft B struct qelem { struct qelem *q_forw; struct qelem *q_back; char q_data[]; }; .PP .ft B insque(elem, pred) struct qelem *elem, *pred; .PP .ft B remque(elem) struct qelem *elem; .ft R .SH DESCRIPTION .I Insque and .I remque manipulate queues built from doubly linked lists. Each element in the queue must in the form of ``struct qelem''. .I Insque inserts .I elem in a queue immediately after .IR pred ; .I remque removes an entry .I elem from a queue. .SH "SEE ALSO ``VAX Architecture Handbook'', pp. 228-235.