.\" @(#)puts.3s 6.1 (Berkeley) 5/15/85 .\" .TH PUTS 3S "May 15, 1985" .AT 3 .SH NAME puts, fputs \- put a string on a stream .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .PP .B puts(s) .br .B char *s; .PP .B fputs(s, stream) .br .B char *s; .br .SM .B FILE .B *stream; .SH DESCRIPTION .I Puts copies the null-terminated string .I s to the standard output stream .B stdout and appends a newline character. .PP .I Fputs copies the null-terminated string .I s to the named output .IR stream . .PP Neither routine copies the terminal null character. .SH "SEE ALSO" fopen(3S), gets(3S), putc(3S), printf(3S), ferror(3S) .br fread(3S) for .I fwrite .SH BUGS .I Puts appends a newline, .I fputs does not, all in the name of backward compatibility.