.\" Public Domain, March 1996, Steven M. Schultz .\" .\" @(#)syserrlst.3 1.1 (2.11BSD) 1996/3/26 .\" .TH SYSERRLST 3 "March 26, 1996" .UC 2 .SH NAME syserrlst, __errlst \- read system error messages from file .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B char * .B syserrlst(err) .B int err; .PP .B char * .B __errlst(err, path); .B int err; .B char *path; .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .BR Syserrlst (3) reads the error message string corresponding to \fIerr\fP from the file \fI/etc/syserrlst\fP. .PP .BR __errlst(3) reads the error message string corresponding to \fIerr\fP from the file \fIpath\fP. The file \fIpath\fP must be in the format described in .BR syserrlst (5). .PP .B NULL is returned if \fIerr\fP is out of bounds (negative or greater than the highest message number in \fI/etc/syserrlst\fP or \fIpath\fP) or if the error message file can not be opened. It is the responsibility of the caller (\fBstrerror\fP(3)) to check for and properly handle the \fINULL\fP return. .SH "RETURN VALUE" .B NULL if an error was encountered in opening the error message file, if the error was out of bounds, or if the file did not start with the correct magic number. Otherwise a .B "char *" is returned pointing to a static buffer containing the text of the error message. .SH ERRORS .BR syserrlst (3) and .BR __errlst (3) can return any of the errors for the .BR open (2), .BR lseek (2), or .BR read (2) system calls. .SH "SEE ALSO" perror(3), strerror(3), syserrlst(5) .SH HISTORY .BR syserrlst (3), and .BR __errlst (3) were created for 2.11BSD with the aim of saving 2kb of \fBData\fP space in programs which called .BR perror (3), or .BR strerror (3). .SH BUGS The information is stored in a static buffer.