.\" @(#)ttyname.3 6.1 (Berkeley) 5/15/85 .\" .TH TTYNAME 3 "May 15, 1985" .AT 3 .SH NAME ttyname, isatty, ttyslot \- find name of a terminal .SH SYNOPSIS .B char *ttyname(filedes) .PP .B isatty(filedes) .PP .B ttyslot() .SH DESCRIPTION .I Ttyname returns a pointer to the null-terminated path name of the terminal device associated with file descriptor .I filedes (this is a system file descriptor and has nothing to do with the standard I/O FILE typedef). .PP .I Isatty returns 1 if .I filedes is associated with a terminal device, 0 otherwise. .PP .I Ttyslot returns the number of the entry in the .IR ttys (5) file for the control terminal of the current process. .SH FILES /dev/\(** .br /etc/ttys .SH SEE ALSO ioctl(2), ttys(5) .SH DIAGNOSTICS .I Ttyname returns a null pointer (0) if .I filedes does not describe a terminal device in directory `/dev'. .PP .I Ttyslot returns 0 if `/etc/ttys' is inaccessible or if it cannot determine the control terminal. .SH BUGS The return value points to static data whose content is overwritten by each call.