.\" Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" @(#)time.3f 6.1 (Berkeley) 5/15/85 .\" .TH TIME 3F "May 15, 1985" .UC 5 .SH NAME time, ctime, ltime, gmtime \- return system time .SH SYNOPSIS .B integer function time() .sp 1 .B character*(*) function ctime (stime) .br .B integer stime .sp 1 .B subroutine ltime (stime, tarray) .br .B integer stime, tarray(9) .sp 1 .B subroutine gmtime (stime, tarray) .br .B integer stime, tarray(9) .SH DESCRIPTION .I Time returns the time since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970, measured in seconds. This is the value of the UNIX system clock. .PP .I Ctime converts a system time to a 24 character ASCII string. The format is described under .IR ctime (3). No 'newline' or NULL will be included. .PP .I Ltime and .I gmtime disect a UNIX time into month, day, etc., either for the local time zone or as GMT. The order and meaning of each element returned in .I tarray is described under .IR ctime (3). .SH FILES .ie \nM /usr/ucb/lib/libU77.a .el /usr/lib/libU77.a .SH "SEE ALSO" ctime(3), itime(3F), idate(3F), fdate(3F)