.\" Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" @(#)mem.4 6.2 (Berkeley) 1/28/88 .\" .TH MEM 4 "January 28, 1988" .UC 2 .SH NAME mem, kmem \- main memory .SH SYNOPSIS .ft B .nf major device number(s): raw: 1 minor device encoding: mem: 0; kmem: 1; null: 2 .fi .ft R .SH DESCRIPTION .I Mem is a special file that is an image of the main memory of the computer. It may be used, for example, to examine (and even to patch) the system. .PP Byte addresses in .I mem are interpreted as physical memory addresses. References to non-existent locations cause errors to be returned. .PP The file .I kmem is the same as .I mem except that kernel virtual memory rather than physical memory is accessed. Only kernel virtual addresses that are mapped to memory are allowed. Examining and patching device registers is likely to lead to unexpected results when read-only or write-only bits are present. .PP On PDP-11s, the I/O page begins at location 0160000 of .I kmem and the per-process data segment for the current process begins at 0140000 and is USIZE clicks (64 bytes each) long. .SH FILES .ta \w'/dev/MAKEDEV.local 'u /dev/mem .br /dev/kmem .br /dev/MAKEDEV script to create special files .br /dev/MAKEDEV.local script to localize special files .DT .SH BUGS .PP On PDP-11's, specifying an odd kernel or user address, or an odd transfer count is [generally] slower than using all even parameters. .PP On machines with ENABLE/34(tm) memory mapping boards the I/O page can be accessed only through \fIkmem\fP.