.\" Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" @(#)L-dialcodes.5 6.1.1 (2.11BSD) 1996/10/22 .\" .TH L-DIALCODES 5 "October 22, 1996" .UC 6 .SH NAME L-dialcodes \- UUCP phone number index file .SH DESCRIPTION The .I L-dialcodes file defines the mapping of strings from the phone number field of .IR L.sys (5) to actual phone numbers. .PP Each line in L-dialcodes has the form: .PP .nf alpha_string phone_number .fi .PP The two items can be separated by any number of blanks or tabs. Lines beginning with a `#' character are comments. .PP A phone number in .I L.sys can be preceded by an arbitrary alphabetic character string; the string is matched against the list of .IR alpha_string s in .IR L-dialcodes . If a match is found, .I phone_number is substituted for it. If no match is found, the string is discarded. .PP .I L-dialcodes is commonly used either of two ways: .TP 4 (1) The alphabetic strings are used as prefixes to denote area codes, zones, and other commonly used sequences. For example, if .I L-dialcodes included the following lines: .PP .nf chi 1312 .br mv 1415 .fi .PP In .I L.sys you could enter: .PP .nf chivax Any ACU 1200 chi5551234 ogin:--ogin: nuucp .br mvpyr Any ACU 1200 mv5556001 ogin:--ogin: Uuucp instead of chivax Any ACU 1200 13125551234 ogin:--ogin: nuucp .br mvpyr Any ACU 1200 14155556001 ogin:--ogin: Uuucp .fi .TP 4 (2) All phone numbers are placed in .IR L-dialcodes , one for each remote site. .I L.sys then refers to these by name. For example, if .I L-dialcodes contains the following lines: .PP .nf chivax 13125551234 .br mvpyr 14155556601 .fi .PP then .I L.sys could have: .PP .nf chivax Any ACU 1200 chivax ogin:--ogin: nuucp .br mvpyr Any ACU 1200 mvpyr ogin:--ogin: Uuucp .fi .PP This scheme allows a site administrator to give users read access to the table of phone numbers, while still protecting the login/password sequences in .IR L.sys . .SH FILES .nf .ta \w'/etc/uucp/UUAIDS/L-dialcodes 'u /etc/uucp/L-dialcodes /etc/uucp/UUAIDS/L-dialcodes L-dialcodes example .fi .SH SEE ALSO uucp(1), uux(1), L.sys(5), uucico(8).