.\" Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" @(#)banner.6 6.2 (Berkeley) 5/6/86 .\" .TH BANNER 6 "May 6, 1986" .UC .SH NAME banner \- print large banner on printer .SH SYNOPSIS .B /usr/games/banner [ .BI \-w n ] message ... .SH DESCRIPTION .I Banner prints a large, high quality banner on the standard output. If the message is omitted, it prompts for and reads one line of its standard input. If .B \-w is given, the output is scrunched down from a width of 132 to .I n , suitable for a narrow terminal. If .I n is omitted, it defaults to 80. .PP The output should be printed on a hard-copy device, up to 132 columns wide, with no breaks between the pages. The volume is great enough that you may want a printer or a fast hardcopy terminal, but if you are patient, a decwriter or other 300 baud terminal will do. .SH BUGS Several ASCII characters are not defined, notably <, >, [, ], \\, ^, _, {, }, |, and ~. Also, the characters ", ', and & are funny looking (but in a useful way.) .PP The .B \-w option is implemented by skipping some rows and columns. The smaller it gets, the grainier the output. Sometimes it runs letters together. .SH AUTHOR Mark Horton