V7.13 81/07/25 22:51 EED After most commands, the following letters may be entered: p print line l list line showing control characters as ^X b list line indicating bracket and parenthesis nesting q list line showing quoted string lengths !cmd execute "cmd" as a UNIX command @[p] indirect -- read commands from last "indirected" file until end, then return to reading from keyboard. "p" echoes characters as they are read @[p] FILE set default "indirect" file to "FILE", then same as above [.,.]|cmd pipe addressed lines to UNIX command [.,.]||cmd replace addressed lines with command output [.,.]||NNcmd pipe lines to command, delete, insert output after NN [.,.]|>[NN]cmd pipe lines to command, output after NN (last line sent) [ . ]|" and backspace is "-<". m toggle special-chars on/off [.,.]mDD move addressed lines to after destination line "DD" [.,.]moDD (same) n toggle line numbering on/off n- turn off | line numbering n+ turn on | line numbering [.,.]o repeat old (previous) command possibly with new line bounds [.,.]p print addressed lines [ . ]pa print out one "page" from addressed line pp print entire file q exit editor -- if file has been changed but not written, prompt will be issued for confirmation qi exit editor immediately without writing file, and without confirming q=C[C] set string quote character(s) [ $ ]r read current file after addressed line [ $ ]r FILE read "FILE" after addressed line s stop -- if file has been changed since last write command (if any), write onto current file, and exit editor saNN set the "auto-save" count to NN (decimal) "sa0" will disable auto-save (default 35) [.,.]s/OLD/NEW/ change "OLD" text to "NEW" in addressed lines t list all tab stops [.,.]tDD copy (transfer) addressed lines to after destination line "DD" t,NN, ... set tab stops in columns NN, NN, ... if NN is zero or null, all tab stops cleared t=C set tab character to "C" u undo -- recover last changed line [1,$]v/STR/XXX search edit file for all lines that contain "STR" then perform edit command "XXX" upon all other lines [1,$]v/STR/vXXX same as above, but print each line that matches "STR" and ask if user wishes to process it. "n" skips that line, otherwise process it. [1,$]w write on current edit file [1,$]w> append onto end of current edit file [1,$]w FILE write on "FILE" [1,$]w>FILE append onto end of "FILE" [1,$]wi FILE write (immediate); overrides write-lock if possible w=NN set screen width to NN (default 80) [ . ]x undelete -- most recently deleted (via "d" or "c") block of lines may be recovered via "x" command they are placed after the addressed line y print out one "page" upon receipt of an interrupt y- return to default interrupt processing ("INTERRUPT!") [ . ]y+ print out one "page" starting at addressed line upon receipt of interrupt Editor flags: -! disallow use of the ! command -@FNM preset "indirect" file to FNM -a APL mode -A APL mode for apl-equipped terminals (also sets -a) -b create "file.bak" on entry -cNN crt depth in lines -d don't delete .tmp file -e echo input commands -f create mode -h edit "huge" file -i file.int on interrupt -k "kill" long error messages -lC set eol char to "C" -mNN mod cnt for autosave -n no line numbers -o no seek to EOF on error -O over-ride write-locked file if possible -p force prompts for pipe -q don't inhibit quits -r enable special character meaning -s silent mode -tC set tab char to "C" -vC set tab fill char to "C" -wNN crt width in columns -y page on interrupt