1: /* $Header: respond.c,v 85/09/10 11:05:00 lwall Exp $
   2:  *
   3:  * $Log:	respond.c,v $
   4:  * Revision  85/09/10  11:05:00  lwall
   5:  * Improved %m in in_char().
   6:  *
   7:  * Revision  85/05/23  17:24:49  lwall
   8:  * Now allows 'r' and 'f' on null articles.
   9:  *
  10:  * Revision  85/05/15  14:42:32  lwall
  11:  * Removed duplicate include of intrp.h.
  12:  *
  13:  * Revision  85/05/14  08:55:15  lwall
  14:  * Default for normal/mailbox question was applied to wrong buffer.
  15:  *
  16:  * Revision  85/05/10  11:37:33  lwall
  17:  * Branch for patches.
  18:  *
  19:  * Revision 4.3  85/05/01  11:47:04  lwall
  20:  * Baseline for release with 4.3bsd.
  21:  *
  22:  */
  24: #include "EXTERN.h"
  25: #include "common.h"
  26: #include "intrp.h"
  27: #include "head.h"
  28: #include "term.h"
  29: #include "ng.h"
  30: #include "util.h"
  31: #include "rn.h"
  32: #include "artio.h"
  33: #include "final.h"
  34: #include "INTERN.h"
  35: #include "respond.h"
  37: static char nullart[] = "\nNull article\n";
  39: void
  40: respond_init()
  41: {
  42:     ;
  43: }
  45: int
  46: save_article()
  47: {
  48:     bool use_pref;
  49:     register char *s, *c;
  50:     char altbuf[CBUFLEN];
  51:     int iter;
  52:     bool interactive = (buf[1] == FINISHCMD);
  54:     if (!finish_command(interactive))   /* get rest of command */
  55:     return SAVE_ABORT;
  56:     use_pref = isupper(*buf);
  57: #ifdef ASYNC_PARSE
  58:     parse_maybe(art);
  59: #endif
  60:     savefrom = (*buf=='w' || *buf=='W' ? htype[PAST_HEADER].ht_minpos : 0);
  61:     if (artopen(art) == Nullfp) {
  62: #ifdef VERBOSE
  63:     IF(verbose)
  64:         fputs("\n\
  65: Saving null articles is not very productive!  :-)\n\
  66: ",stdout) FLUSH;
  67:     ELSE
  68: #endif
  69: #ifdef TERSE
  70:         fputs(nullart,stdout) FLUSH;
  71: #endif
  72:     return SAVE_DONE;
  73:     }
  74:     if (chdir(cwd)) {
  75:     printf(nocd,cwd) FLUSH;
  76:     sig_catcher(0);
  77:     }
  78:     if (savedest)
  79:     free(savedest);
  80:     if ((s = index(buf,'|')) != Nullch) {
  81:                 /* is it a pipe command? */
  82:     s++;            /* skip the | */
  83:     while (*s == ' ') s++;
  84:     safecpy(altbuf,filexp(s),sizeof altbuf);
  85:     savedest = altbuf;
  86:     interp(cmd_buf, (sizeof cmd_buf), getval("PIPESAVER",PIPESAVER));
  87:                 /* then set up for command */
  88:     resetty();      /* restore tty state */
  89:     if (use_pref)       /* use preferred shell? */
  90:         doshell(Nullch,cmd_buf);
  91:                 /* do command with it */
  92:     else
  93:         doshell(sh,cmd_buf);    /* do command with sh */
  94:     noecho();       /* and stop echoing */
  95:     crmode();       /* and start cbreaking */
  96:     savedest = savestr(savedest);
  97:     }
  98:     else {          /* normal save */
  99:     bool there, mailbox;
 100:     char *savename = getval("SAVENAME",SAVENAME);
 102:     s = buf+1;      /* skip s or S */
 103:     if (*s == '-') {    /* if they are confused, skip - also */
 104: #ifdef VERBOSE
 105:         IF(verbose)
 106:         fputs("Warning: '-' ignored.  This isn't readnews.\n",stdout)
 107:           FLUSH;
 108:         ELSE
 109: #endif
 110: #ifdef TERSE
 111:         fputs("'-' ignored.\n",stdout) FLUSH;
 112: #endif
 113:         s++;
 114:     }
 115:     for (; *s == ' '; s++); /* skip spaces */
 116:     safecpy(altbuf,filexp(s),sizeof altbuf);
 117:     s = altbuf;
 118:     if (! index(s,'/')) {
 119:         interp(buf, (sizeof buf), getval("SAVEDIR",SAVEDIR));
 120:         if (makedir(buf,MD_DIR))    /* ensure directory exists */
 121:         strcpy(buf,cwd);
 122:         if (*s) {
 123:         for (c = buf; *c; c++) ;
 124:         *c++ = '/';
 125:         strcpy(c,s);        /* add filename */
 126:         }
 127:         s = buf;
 128:     }
 129:     for (iter = 0;
 130:         (there = stat(s,&filestat) >= 0) &&
 131:         (filestat.st_mode & S_IFDIR);
 132:         iter++) {           /* is it a directory? */
 134:         c = (s+strlen(s));
 135:         *c++ = '/';         /* put a slash before filename */
 136:         interp(c, s==buf?(sizeof buf):(sizeof altbuf),
 137:         iter ? "News" : savename );
 138:                 /* generate a default name somehow or other */
 139:         if (index(c,'/')) {     /* yikes, a '/' in the filename */
 140:         makedir(s,MD_FILE);
 141:         }
 142:     }
 143:     if (*s != '/') {        /* relative path? */
 144:         c = (s==buf ? altbuf : buf);
 145:         sprintf(c, "%s/%s", cwd, s);
 146:         s = c;          /* absolutize it */
 147:     }
 148:     s = savedest = savestr(s);  /* doesn't move any more */
 149:                     /* make it handy for %b */
 150:     if (!there) {
 151:         if (mbox_always)
 152:         mailbox = TRUE;
 153:         else if (norm_always)
 154:         mailbox = FALSE;
 155:         else {
 156:         char *dflt = (instr(savename,"%a") ? "nyq" : "ynq");
 158:         sprintf(cmd_buf,
 159:         "\nFile %s doesn't exist--\n	use mailbox format? [%s] ",
 160:           s,dflt);
 161:           reask_save:
 162:         in_char(cmd_buf, 'M');
 163:         putchar('\n') FLUSH;
 164:         setdef(buf,dflt);
 165: #ifdef VERIFY
 166:         printcmd();
 167: #endif
 168:         if (*buf == 'h') {
 169: #ifdef VERBOSE
 170:             IF(verbose)
 171:             printf("\n\
 172: Type y to create %s as a mailbox.\n\
 173: Type n to create it as a normal file.\n\
 174: Type q to abort the save.\n\
 175: ",s) FLUSH;
 176:             ELSE
 177: #endif
 178: #ifdef TERSE
 179:             fputs("\n\
 180: y to create mailbox.\n\
 181: n to create normal file.\n\
 182: q to abort.\n\
 183: ",stdout) FLUSH;
 184: #endif
 185:             goto reask_save;
 186:         }
 187:         else if (*buf == 'n') {
 188:             mailbox = FALSE;
 189:         }
 190:         else if (*buf == 'y') {
 191:             mailbox = TRUE;
 192:         }
 193:         else if (*buf == 'q') {
 194:             goto s_bomb;
 195:         }
 196:         else {
 197:             fputs(hforhelp,stdout) FLUSH;
 198:             settle_down();
 199:             goto reask_save;
 200:         }
 201:         }
 202:     }
 203:     else if (filestat.st_mode & S_IFCHR)
 204:         mailbox = FALSE;
 205:     else {
 206:         int tmpfd;
 208:         tmpfd = open(s,0);
 209:         if (tmpfd == -1)
 210:         mailbox = FALSE;
 211:         else {
 212:         read(tmpfd,buf,LBUFLEN);
 213:         c = buf;
 214:         if (!isspace(MBOXCHAR))
 215:             while (isspace(*c))
 216:             c++;
 217:         mailbox = (*c == MBOXCHAR);
 218:         close(tmpfd);
 219:         }
 220:     }
 222:     safecpy(cmd_buf, filexp(mailbox ?
 223:         getval("MBOXSAVER",MBOXSAVER) :
 224:         getval("NORMSAVER",NORMSAVER) ), sizeof cmd_buf);
 225:                 /* format the command */
 226:     resetty();      /* make terminal behave */
 227:     if (doshell(use_pref?Nullch:SH,cmd_buf))
 228:         fputs("Not saved",stdout);
 229:     else
 230:         printf("%s to %s %s",
 231:           there?"Appended":"Saved",
 232:           mailbox?"mailbox":"file",
 233:           s);
 234:     if (interactive)
 235:         putchar('\n') FLUSH;
 236:     noecho();       /* make terminal do what we want */
 237:     crmode();
 238:     }
 239: s_bomb:
 240: #ifdef SERVER
 241:     if (chdir(spool)) {
 242: #else not SERVER
 243:     if (chdir(spool) || chdir(ngdir)) {
 244: #endif SERVER
 245:     printf(nocd,ngdir) FLUSH;
 246:     sig_catcher(0);
 247:     }
 248:     return SAVE_DONE;
 249: }
 251: int
 252: cancel_article()
 253: {
 254:     char *artid_buf;
 255:     char *ngs_buf;
 256:     char *from_buf;
 257:     char *reply_buf;
 258:     int myuid = getuid();
 259:     int r = -1;
 261:     if (artopen(art) == Nullfp) {
 262: #ifdef VERBOSE
 263:     IF(verbose)
 264:         fputs("\n\
 265: Cancelling null articles is your idea of fun?  :-)\n\
 266: ",stdout) FLUSH;
 267:     ELSE
 268: #endif
 269: #ifdef TERSE
 270:         fputs(nullart,stdout) FLUSH;
 271: #endif
 272:     return r;
 273:     }
 274:     reply_buf = fetchlines(art,REPLY_LINE);
 275:     from_buf = fetchlines(art,FROM_LINE);
 276:     artid_buf = fetchlines(art,ARTID_LINE);
 277:     ngs_buf = fetchlines(art,NGS_LINE);
 278:     if (!instr(from_buf,sitename) ||
 279:     (!instr(from_buf,logname) &&
 280:      !instr(reply_buf,logname) &&
 281: #ifdef NEWSADMIN
 282:      myuid != newsuid &&
 283: #endif
 284:      myuid != ROOTID ) )
 285: #ifdef VERBOSE
 286:         IF(verbose)
 287:         fputs("You can't cancel someone else's article\n",stdout)
 288:           FLUSH;
 289:         ELSE
 290: #endif
 291: #ifdef TERSE
 292:         fputs("Not your article\n",stdout) FLUSH;
 293: #endif
 294:     else {
 295:     tmpfp = fopen(headname,"w");    /* open header file */
 296:     if (tmpfp == Nullfp) {
 297:         printf(cantcreate,headname) FLUSH;
 298:         goto no_cancel;
 299:     }
 300:     interp(buf, (sizeof buf), getval("CANCELHEADER",CANCELHEADER));
 301:     fputs(buf,tmpfp);
 302:     fclose(tmpfp);
 303:     r = doshell(sh,filexp(getval("CANCEL",CANCEL)));
 304:     }
 305: no_cancel:
 306:     free(artid_buf);
 307:     free(ngs_buf);
 308:     free(from_buf);
 309:     free(reply_buf);
 310:     return r;
 311: }
 313: void
 314: reply()
 315: {
 316:     bool incl_body = (*buf == 'R');
 317:     char *maildoer = savestr(filexp(getval("MAILPOSTER",MAILPOSTER)));
 319:     artopen(art);
 320:     tmpfp = fopen(headname,"w");    /* open header file */
 321:     if (tmpfp == Nullfp) {
 322:     printf(cantcreate,headname) FLUSH;
 323:     goto no_reply;
 324:     }
 325:     interp(buf, (sizeof buf), getval("MAILHEADER",MAILHEADER));
 326:     fputs(buf,tmpfp);
 327:     if (!instr(maildoer,"%h"))
 328: #ifdef VERBOSE
 329:     IF(verbose)
 330:         printf("\n%s\n(Above lines saved in file %s)\n",buf,headname)
 331:           FLUSH;
 332:     ELSE
 333: #endif
 334: #ifdef TERSE
 335:         printf("\n%s\n(Header in %s)\n",buf,headname) FLUSH;
 336: #endif
 337:     if (incl_body && artfp != Nullfp) {
 338:     interp(buf, (sizeof buf), getval("YOUSAID",YOUSAID));
 339:     fprintf(tmpfp,"%s\n",buf);
 340: #ifdef ASYNC_PARSE
 341:     parse_maybe(art);
 342: #endif
 343:     fseek(artfp,(long)htype[PAST_HEADER].ht_minpos,0);
 344:     while (fgets(buf,LBUFLEN,artfp) != Nullch) {
 345:         fprintf(tmpfp,"%s%s",indstr,buf);
 346:     }
 347:     fprintf(tmpfp,"\n");
 348:     }
 349:     fclose(tmpfp);
 350:     interp(cmd_buf, (sizeof cmd_buf), maildoer);
 351:     invoke(cmd_buf,origdir);
 352:     UNLINK(headname);       /* kill the header file */
 353: no_reply:
 354:     free(maildoer);
 355: }
 357: void
 358: followup()
 359: {
 360:     bool incl_body = (*buf == 'F');
 362:     artopen(art);
 363:     tmpfp = fopen(headname,"w");
 364:     if (tmpfp == Nullfp) {
 365:     printf(cantcreate,headname) FLUSH;
 366:     return;
 367:     }
 368:     interp(buf, (sizeof buf), getval("NEWSHEADER",NEWSHEADER));
 369:     fprintf(tmpfp,"%s",buf);
 370:     if (incl_body && artfp != Nullfp) {
 371: #ifdef VERBOSE
 372:     if (verbose)
 373:         fputs("\n\
 374: (Be sure to double-check the attribution against the signature, and\n\
 375: trim the quoted article down as much as possible.)\n\
 376: ",stdout) FLUSH;
 377: #endif
 378:     interp(buf, (sizeof buf), getval("ATTRIBUTION",ATTRIBUTION));
 379:     fprintf(tmpfp,"%s\n",buf);
 380: #ifdef ASYNC_PARSE
 381:     parse_maybe(art);
 382: #endif
 383:     fseek(artfp,(long)htype[PAST_HEADER].ht_minpos,0);
 384:     while (fgets(buf,LBUFLEN,artfp) != Nullch) {
 385:         fprintf(tmpfp,"%s%s",indstr,buf);
 386:     }
 387:     fprintf(tmpfp,"\n");
 388:     }
 389:     fclose(tmpfp);
 390:     safecpy(cmd_buf,filexp(getval("NEWSPOSTER",NEWSPOSTER)),sizeof cmd_buf);
 391:     invoke(cmd_buf,origdir);
 392:     UNLINK(headname);
 393: }
 395: void
 396: invoke(cmd,dir)
 397: char *cmd,*dir;
 398: {
 399:     if (chdir(dir)) {
 400:     printf(nocd,dir) FLUSH;
 401:     return;
 402:     }
 403: #ifdef VERBOSE
 404:     IF(verbose)
 405:     printf("\n(leaving cbreak mode; cwd=%s)\nInvoking command: %s\n\n",
 406:         dir,cmd) FLUSH;
 407:     ELSE
 408: #endif
 409: #ifdef TERSE
 410:     printf("\n(-cbreak; cwd=%s)\nInvoking: %s\n\n",dir,cmd) FLUSH;
 411: #endif
 412:     resetty();          /* make terminal well-behaved */
 413:     doshell(sh,cmd);        /* do the command */
 414:     noecho();           /* set no echo */
 415:     crmode();           /* and cbreak mode */
 416: #ifdef VERBOSE
 417:     IF(verbose)
 418:     fputs("\n(re-entering cbreak mode)\n",stdout) FLUSH;
 419:     ELSE
 420: #endif
 421: #ifdef TERSE
 422:     fputs("\n(+cbreak)\n",stdout) FLUSH;
 423: #endif
 424: #ifdef SERVER
 425:     if (chdir(spool)) {
 426: #else not SERVER
 427:     if (chdir(spool) || chdir(ngdir)) {
 428: #endif SERVER
 429:     printf(nocd,ngdir) FLUSH;
 430:     sig_catcher(0);
 431:     }
 432: }

Defined functions

IF defined in line 417; never used
followup defined in line 357; used 2 times
invoke defined in line 395; used 3 times
printf defined in line 407; used 226 times
reply defined in line 313; used 2 times
respond_init defined in line 39; used 2 times
save_article defined in line 45; used 3 times

Defined variables

nullart defined in line 37; used 2 times
Last modified: 1989-04-22
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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