1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  *
   6:  *	@(#)conf.c	2.7 (2.11BSD) 1997/11/7
   7:  */
   9: #include "../h/param.h"
  10: #include "saio.h"
  12:     int nullsys();
  14: extern  int xpstrategy(), xpopen(), xpclose(), xplabel();
  15: extern  int brstrategy(), bropen();
  16: extern  int rkstrategy(), rkopen();
  17: extern  int rxstrategy(), rxopen();
  18: extern  int hkstrategy(), hkopen(), hklabel();
  19: extern  int rlstrategy(), rlopen(), rllabel();
  20: extern  int sistrategy(), siopen();
  21: extern  int rastrategy(), raopen(), raclose(), ralabel();
  22: extern  int tmstrategy(), tmopen(), tmclose(), tmseek();
  23: extern  int htstrategy(), htopen(), htclose(), htseek();
  24: extern  int tsstrategy(), tsopen(), tsclose(), tsseek();
  25: extern  int tmscpstrategy(), tmscpopen(), tmscpclose(), tmscpseek();
  27: extern  caddr_t *XPcsr[], *BRcsr[], *RKcsr[], *HKcsr[], *RLcsr[], *RXcsr[];
  28: extern  caddr_t *SIcsr[], *RAcsr[], *TMcsr[], *HTcsr[], *TScsr[], *TMScsr[];
  30: /*
  31:  * NOTE!  This table must be in major device number order.  See /sys/pdp/conf.c
  32:  *	  for the major device numbers.
  33: */
  35: struct devsw devsw[] = {
  36:     "ht",   htstrategy, htopen,     htclose,    HTcsr, /* 0 */
  37:     nullsys, htseek,
  38:     "tm",   tmstrategy, tmopen,     tmclose,    TMcsr, /* 1 */
  39:     nullsys, tmseek,
  40:     "ts",   tsstrategy, tsopen,     tsclose,    TScsr, /* 2 */
  41:     nullsys, tsseek,
  42:     "ram",  nullsys,    nullsys,    nullsys,    0,     /* 3 */
  43:     nullsys, nullsys,
  44:     "hk",   hkstrategy, hkopen,     nullsys,    HKcsr, /* 4 */
  45:     hklabel, nullsys,
  46:     "ra",   rastrategy, raopen,     raclose,    RAcsr, /* 5 */
  47:     ralabel, nullsys,
  48:     "rk",   rkstrategy, rkopen,     nullsys,    RKcsr, /* 6 */
  49:     nullsys, nullsys,
  50:     "rl",   rlstrategy, rlopen,     nullsys,    RLcsr, /* 7 */
  51:     rllabel, nullsys,
  52:     "rx",   rxstrategy, rxopen,     nullsys,    RXcsr, /* 8 */
  53:     nullsys, nullsys,
  54:     "si",   sistrategy, siopen,     nullsys,    SIcsr, /* 9 */
  55:     nullsys, nullsys,
  56:     "xp",   xpstrategy, xpopen,     xpclose,    XPcsr, /* 10 */
  57:     xplabel, nullsys,
  58:     "br",   brstrategy, bropen,     nullsys,    BRcsr, /* 11 */
  59:     nullsys, nullsys,
  60:     "tms",  tmscpstrategy,  tmscpopen,  tmscpclose, TMScsr,/* 12 */
  61:     nullsys, tmscpseek,
  62:     0,  0,      0,      0,      0,
  63:     nullsys, nullsys,
  64: };
  66:     int ndevsw = (sizeof (devsw) / sizeof (devsw[0])) - 1;
  68:     char    ADJcsr[] =
  69:         {
  70:         0,  /* HT = 0 */
  71:         2,  /* TM = 1 */
  72:         2,  /* TS = 2 */
  73:         0,  /* RAM = 3 */
  74:         0,  /* HK = 4 */
  75:         0,  /* RA = 5 */
  76:         4,  /* RK = 6 */
  77:         0,  /* RL = 7 */
  78:         0,  /* RX = 8 */
  79:         0,  /* XP/SI = 9 */
  80:         0,  /* XP = 10 */
  81:         4,  /* BR =11 */
  82:         0,  /* TMS = 12 */
  83:         };
  85: devread(io)
  86:     register struct iob *io;
  87: {
  89:     return((*devsw[io->i_ino.i_dev].dv_strategy)(io, READ));
  90: }
  92: devwrite(io)
  93:     register struct iob *io;
  94: {
  95:     return((*devsw[io->i_ino.i_dev].dv_strategy)(io, WRITE));
  96: }
  98: devopen(io)
  99:     register struct iob *io;
 100: {
 101:     return((*devsw[io->i_ino.i_dev].dv_open)(io));
 102: }
 104: devclose(io)
 105:     register struct iob *io;
 106: {
 107:     (*devsw[io->i_ino.i_dev].dv_close)(io);
 108: }
 110: /*
 111:  * Call the 'seek' entry for a tape device.  Seeking only works for 1kb
 112:  * records - which is how the executables are stored - not for the dump
 113:  * or tar files on a boot tape.
 114: */
 115: devseek(io, space)
 116:     register struct iob *io;
 117:     int space;
 118:     {
 119:     return((*devsw[io->i_ino.i_dev].dv_seek)(io, space));
 120:     }
 122: devlabel(io, fnc)
 123:     register struct iob *io;
 124:     int fnc;
 125:     {
 126:     int (*dvlab)() = devsw[io->i_ino.i_dev].dv_label;
 127:     int (*strat)() = devsw[io->i_ino.i_dev].dv_strategy;
 128:     register struct disklabel *lp;
 129:     register struct partition *pi;
 131:     switch  (fnc)
 132:         {
 133:         case    WRITELABEL:
 134:             return(writelabel(io, strat));
 135:         case    READLABEL:
 136:             return(readlabel(io, strat));
 137:         case    DEFAULTLABEL:
 138: /*
 139:  * Zero out the label buffer and then assign defaults common to all drivers.
 140:  * Many of these are rarely (if ever) changed.  The 'a' partition is set up
 141:  * to be one sector past the label sector - the driver is expected to change
 142:  * this to span the volume once the size is known.
 143: */
 144:             lp = &io->i_label;
 145:             pi = &lp->d_partitions[0];
 146:             bzero(lp, sizeof (struct disklabel));
 147:             lp->d_npartitions = 1;
 148:             pi->p_offset = 0;
 149:             pi->p_size = LABELSECTOR + 1;
 150:             pi->p_fsize = DEV_BSIZE;
 151:             pi->p_frag = 1;
 152:             pi->p_fstype = FS_V71K;
 153:             strcpy(lp->d_packname, "DEFAULT");
 154:             lp->d_secsize = 512;
 155:             lp->d_interleave = 1;
 156:             lp->d_rpm = 3600;
 157: /*
 158:  * param.h declares BBSIZE to be DEV_BSIZE which is 1kb.  This is _wrong_,
 159:  * the boot block size (what the bootroms read) is 512.  The disklabel(8)
 160:  * program explicitly sets d_bbsize to 512 so we do the same thing here.
 161:  *
 162:  * What a mess - when the 1k filesystem was created there should have been
 163:  * a (clearer) distinction made between '(hardware) sectors' and
 164:  * '(filesystem) blocks'.  Sigh.
 165: */
 166:             lp->d_bbsize = 512;
 167:             lp->d_sbsize = SBSIZE;
 168:             return((*dvlab)(io));
 169:         default:
 170:             printf("devlabel: bad fnc %d\n");
 171:             return(-1);
 172:         }
 173:     }
 175: /*
 176:  * Common routine to print out the full device name in the form:
 177:  *
 178:  *	dev(ctlr,unit,part)
 179:  *
 180:  * Have to do it the hard way since there's no sprintf to call.  Register
 181:  * oriented string copies are small though.
 182: */
 184: char    *
 185: devname(io)
 186:     register struct iob *io;
 187:     {
 188:     static  char    dname[16];
 189:     register char *cp, *dp;
 191:     cp = dname;
 192:     dp = devsw[io->i_ino.i_dev].dv_name;
 193:     while   (*cp = *dp++)
 194:         cp++;
 195:     *cp++ = '(';
 196:     dp = itoa(io->i_ctlr);
 197:     while   (*cp = *dp++)
 198:         cp++;
 199:     *cp++ = ',';
 200:     dp = itoa(io->i_unit);
 201:     while   (*cp = *dp++)
 202:         cp++;
 203:     *cp++ = ',';
 204:     dp = itoa(io->i_part);
 205:     while   (*cp = *dp++)
 206:         cp++;
 207:     *cp++ = ')';
 208:     *cp++ = '\0';
 209:     return(dname);
 210:     }
 211: /*
 212:  * Check for end of volume.  Actually this checks for end of partition.
 213:  * Since this is almost always called when reading unlabeled disks (treating
 214:  * a floppy as a short tape for example) it's effectively an EOV check.
 215: */
 217: deveovchk(io)
 218:     register struct iob *io;
 219:     {
 220:     register struct partition *pi;
 221:     daddr_t  sz, eov;
 223:     pi = &io->i_label.d_partitions[io->i_part];
 224:     sz = io->i_cc / 512;
 225: /*
 226:  * i_bn already has the p_offset added in, thus we have to add in the partition
 227:  * offset when calculating the end point.
 228: */
 229:     eov = pi->p_offset + pi->p_size;
 230:     if  (io->i_bn + sz > eov)
 231:         {
 232:         sz = eov - io->i_bn;
 233:         if  (sz == 0)
 234:             return(0);  /* EOF */
 235: /*
 236:  * Probably should call this EOF too since there is no 'errno' to specify
 237:  * what type of error has happened.
 238: */
 239:         if  (sz < 0)
 240:             return(-1);
 241:         io->i_cc = dbtob(sz);
 242:         }
 243:     return(1);
 244:     }
 246: nullsys()
 247: {
 248:     return(-1);
 249: }

Defined functions

devclose defined in line 104; used 1 times
devopen defined in line 98; used 1 times
devread defined in line 85; used 5 times
devseek defined in line 115; used 1 times
devwrite defined in line 92; used 1 times
nullsys defined in line 246; used 30 times

Defined variables

ADJcsr defined in line 68; used 4 times
devsw defined in line 35; used 24 times
ndevsw defined in line 66; used 1 times
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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