1: /*
   2:  * Primary tape boot program to load and execute secondary boot.
   3:  *
   4:  * 1995/05/31 - unit number changed to be in bits 3-5 of 'bootdev'
   5:  *
   6:  * This is a universal tape boot which can handle HT, TM, TS and TMSCP
   7:  * tapes.  This boot is FULL.  Some of the more extended error
   8:  * checking had to be left out to get all the drivers to fit.
   9:  *
  10:  * Two copies of the primary boot are stored in the first and second records
  11:  * of the first tape file (some boot proms execute the second one when
  12:  * booting a tape).  The secondary boot is also stored in the first tape
  13:  * file, starting at record #3.
  14:  *
  15:  * Also note that the struct exec header must be removed from this bootstrap.
  16:  * This needs to be done so taking the address of the tape read and rewind
  17:  * functions will work.
  18:  *
  19:  * Due to size constraints and the rather destructive way in which
  20:  * all the registers are used, this boot does not support the
  21:  * "jsr pc,0; br restart" convention.
  22:  */
  23: NEWLOC  = [48.*1024.]                   / we relocate ourselves to this address
  24: OURSIZE = 512.                          / assume we are up to this size
  26: HT_MAJOR = 0                            / major device number from bdevsw[]
  27: TM_MAJOR = 1
  28: TS_MAJOR = 2
  29: TMS_MAJOR = 12.
  31: a_text  = 02                            / a_text (struct exec) field offset
  32: a_data  = 04                            / a_data (struct exec) field offset
  34: csr     = r5                            / saved csr of boot device
  35: tread   = r4                            / pointer at tread routine
  36: blkcnt  = r3                            / number of blocks to read
  37: memaddr = r2                            / memory location to read into
  38:                                         / r1 & r0 are junk registers
  40: .. = NEWLOC                             / so absolute address work ...
  41: start:
  42:         nop                             / DEC boot block standard
  43:         br      1f                      / "   "    "     "
  44: 1:
  45:         mov     $NEWLOC,sp              / give ourselves a stack to work with
  46:         clr     r4
  47:         mov     sp,r5
  48:         mov     $OURSIZE\/2,r3          / primary boot size in words
  49: 2:
  50:         clr     OURSIZE(r5)             / clear work area (major & TS/MSCP area)
  51:         mov     (r4)+,(r5)+             / move primary boot to just above
  52:         sob     r3,2b                   /   the stack
  53:         jmp     *$3f                    / bypass the relocation code
  54: 3:
  55:         mov     r0,unit                 / save unit number
  56:         mov     r1,csr                  / save the csr
  57:         cmp     r1,$172440              / HT is always at this address
  58:         beq     common                  / r3 is table index
  59:         inc     r3                      / index for TMSCP
  60:         cmp     r1,$172522              / is this a TS?
  61:         blo     common                  / no - br, likely TMSCP
  62:         cmp     r1,$172522+[7*4]        / is CSR in the TS range?
  63:         bhi     common                  / no, is a TMSCP - br
  64:         inc     r3                      / adjust index to TS
  65:         mov     (r1),r4                 / save contents of csr in case of a TM
  66:         clr     (r1)                    / poke the controller
  67: /	clr	r2			/ now we delay
  68: /1:
  69: /	sob	r2,1b			/ time for TS to run diagnostics
  70: 2:
  71:         tstb    (r1)                    / is controller ready?
  72:         bpl     2b                      / no - br
  73:         bit     $2000,(r1)              / TS "address required" bit
  74:         bne     common                  / if a TS - br
  75:         mov     r4,(r1)                 / is a TM, restore unit/density select
  76:         inc     r3                      / make TM index
  77: common:
  78:         movb    table1(r3),major+1      / save major device number to high byte
  79:         asl     r3                      / make a word index
  80:         mov     table2(r3),tread        / fetch read routine address
  81:         jsr     pc,*table3(r3)          / call rewind routine (must preserve r4)
  82: readit:
  83:         clr     memaddr                 / load starting at 0
  84:         jsr     pc,*tread               / skip the two copies of this
  85:         jsr     pc,*tread               / program on the tape
  86:         clr     memaddr                 / reset memory address
  87:         jsr     pc,*tread               / read first block of boot
  89:         mov     *$a_text,blkcnt         / compute remaining amount to read:
  90:         add     *$a_data,blkcnt         /   (a_text + a_data
  91:         add     $15.,blkcnt             /    + sizeof(struct exec) + 511
  92:         ash     $-9.,blkcnt             /    - 512) [already read one block]
  93:         bic     $177600,blkcnt          /   / 512 [[unsigned]]
  94:         beq     done                    / already done if == 0 [not likely]
  95: 2:
  96:         jsr     pc,*tread
  97:         sob     blkcnt,2b
  98: done:
  99: 1:                                      /   down by sizeof(struct exec)
 100:         mov     20(blkcnt),(blkcnt)+    / r3 cleared by loop above
 101:         cmp     blkcnt,sp
 102:         blo     1b
 103:         mov     csr,r1                  / put things where 'boot'
 104:         mov     unit,r3                 /  expects them
 105:         ash     $3,r3                   / unit # in bits 3-5
 106:         bis     major,r3                / the major device to high byte
 107:         clr     pc                      / go to location 0 ... no return
 109: /*
 110:  *	HT tape driver
 111:  */
 112: htcs1   = 0                             / offset from base csr
 113: htwc    = 2
 114: htba    = 4
 115: htfc    = 6
 116: htcs2   = 10
 117: htds    = 12
 118: hter    = 14
 119: httc    = 32
 121: RESET   = 040
 122: READ    = 071
 123: REW     = 07
 125: hrrec:
 126:         mov     memaddr,htba(csr)
 127:         mov     $-256.,htwc(csr)
 128:         mov     $READ,(csr)             / htcs1
 129: htcmd:
 130:         tstb    (csr)                   / controller ready?
 131:         bpl     htcmd
 132:         tst     htds(csr)               / drive ready?
 133:         bpl     htcmd
 134:         tstb    htcs2+1(csr)            / any controller errors?
 135:         bne     ctlerr
 136:         bit     $!1000,hter(csr)        / any drive errors except HTER_FCE?
 137:         beq     bumpaddr                / no, go bump address
 138: ctlerr:
 139:         halt
 141: /*
 142:  * Rewind tape.  This routine is only done once and must preceed any reads.
 143:  */
 144: htrew:
 145:         tstb    (csr)                   / controller ready?
 146:         bpl     htrew                   / no - go try again
 147:         mov     htcs2(csr),r1           / boot unit(formatter) number
 148:         bic     $!7,r1                  / only the low bits
 149:         mov     httc(csr),r0            / save format,slave,density
 150:         bic     $!3767,r0               / only the bits we're interested in
 151:         mov     $RESET,htcs2(csr)       / reset controller
 152:         movb    r1,htcs2(csr)           / reselect boot unit(formatter)
 153:         mov     r0,httc(csr)            / reselect density/format/slave(drive)
 154:         mov     $REW,(csr)
 155:         br      htcmd                   / join common code
 157: /*
 158:  *	TM tape driver
 159:  */
 160: tmer    = -2                            / offset from base csr
 161: tmcs    = 0
 162: tmbc    = 2
 163: tmba    = 4
 164: tmdb    = 6
 165: tmrd    = 10
 166: tmmr    = 12
 168: tmrrec:
 169:         mov     $-512.,tmbc(csr)        / bytecount
 170:         mov     memaddr,tmba(csr)       / bus address
 171:         mov     $3,r1                   / 'read'
 172: tmcmd:
 173:         mov     (csr),r0
 174:         bic     $!63400,r0              / save the density and unit
 175:         bis     r1,r0                   / merge in the function code
 176:         mov     r0,(csr)                / tmcs - give command
 177: /1:
 178: /	bit	$100,tmer(csr)		/ unit still selected? (TMER_SELR)
 179: /	beq	ctlerr			/ nope, go halt
 180: /	bit	$1,tmer(csr)		/ unit ready? (TMER_TUR)
 181: /	beq	1b			/ no, keep waiting
 182: tmtscom:
 183:         bit     $100200,(csr)           / error or ready?
 184:         beq     tmtscom                 / neither, keep looking
 185:         bmi     ctlerr                  / error - go halt
 187: bumpaddr:
 188:         add     $512.,memaddr
 189:         rts     pc
 191: /*
 192:  * Rewind tape.
 193:  * Side effects:
 194:  *	just what the first line says ...
 195:  */
 196: tmrew:
 197:         mov     $17,r1                  / 'rewind'
 198:         br      tmcmd                   / join common code
 200: /*
 201:  *	TS tape driver
 202:  */
 203: tsdb = -2                               / offset from ROM supplied address
 204: tssr = 0
 206: TSCHAR = 140004
 207: TSREW  = 102010
 208: TSREAD = 100001
 210: tsrrec:
 211:         mov     $tsdbuf+6,r0
 212:         mov     $512.,(r0)
 213:         clr     -(r0)
 214:         mov     memaddr,-(r0)
 215:         mov     $TSREAD,-(r0)
 216:         mov     r0,tsdb(csr)
 217:         br      tmtscom
 219: /*
 220:  * Rewind and initialize tape - only done once.
 221:  * Side effects:
 222:  *	just what the first line says ...
 223:  */
 224: tsrew:
 225:         mov     $tsdbuf,tsdb(csr)
 226:         br      tmtscom                 / go join common code
 228: .if [.-start]&2
 229:         .blkb   2                       / tsdbuf must be on a mod 4 boundary
 230: .endif
 231: tsdbuf:
 232:         TSCHAR                          / command
 233:         tsdbuf+10                       / buffer address (lo)
 234:         0                               / buffer address (hi - always 0)
 235:         10                              / length of command buffer
 237: / from here on is used only at initialization/rewind time.  The Set
 238: / Charactistics command only looks at the word following the buffer length,
 239: / part of the TMSCP code is used as the remainder of the characteristics packet.
 241:         tsdbuf+10                       / buffer address (lo)
 242:         0                               / buffer address (hi - always 0)
 243:         16                              / minimum length packet
 244:         0                               / characteristics to set (lo byte)
 246: /*
 247:  * Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1984, 1985, 1986.
 248:  * All Rights Reserved.
 249:  * Reference "/usr/src/COPYRIGHT" for applicable restrictions.
 250:  *
 251:  * ULTRIX-11 Block Zero Bootstrap for TMSCP Magtape
 252:  *
 253:  * SCCSID: @(#)tkboot.s	3.0	4/21/86
 254:  *
 255:  * Chung_wu Lee		2/8/85
 256:  *
 257:  * sms 4/27/91 - merged into universal tape boot
 258:  * sms 4/12/91 - saved some more space.  the major device number and unit
 259:  *	number are now passed to the secondary boot along with the csr of
 260:  *	the booting controller.
 261:  *
 262:  * Steven M. Schultz (sms@wlv.imsd.contel.com) Aug 20 1990.  Port to 2.11BSD
 263: */
 265: s1      = 4000
 266: go      = 1
 268: / TK initialization (and rewind) - only done once
 269: tkrew:
 270:         clr     (csr)+          / start tk init sequence
 271:                                 / move pointer to tksa register
 272:         mov     $s1,r0          / set tk state test bit to step 1
 273:         mov     $cmdtbl,r1      / address of init seq table
 274: 2:
 275:         tst     (csr)           / error ?
 276:         bmi     .               / yes, hang - can't restart !!!
 277:         bit     r0,(csr)        / current step done ?
 278:         beq     2b              / no
 279:         mov     (r1)+,(csr)     / yes, load next step info from table
 280:         asl     r0              / change state test bit to next step
 281:         bpl     2b              / if all steps not done, go back
 282:                                 / r0 now = 100000, TK_OWN bit
 283:         mov     $400,cmdhdr+2   / tape VCID = 1
 284:         mov     $36.,cmdhdr     / command packet length
 285:                                 / don't set response packet length,
 286:                                 / little shakey but it works.
 287:                                 / unit is already loaded at tkcmd+4
 288:         mov     $11,tkcmd+8.    / on-line command opcode
 289:         mov     $20000,tkcmd+10.        / set clear serious exception
 290:         mov     $ring,r2        / initialize cmd/rsp ring
 291:         mov     $tkrsp,(r2)+    / address of response packet
 292:         mov     r0,(r2)+        / set TK owner
 293:         mov     $tkcmd,(r2)+    / address of command packet
 294:         mov     r0,(r2)+        / set TK owner
 295:         mov     -(csr),r0       / start TK polling
 296: 3:
 297:         jsr     pc,tkready
 298:         mov     $tkcmd+8.,r0
 299:         mov     $45,(r0)+               / reposition opcode
 300:         mov     $20002,(r0)+            / set rewind & clear serious exception
 301:         clr     (r0)+                   / clear record/object count
 302:         clr     (r0)+                   / zzz2
 303:         clr     (r0)+                   / clear tape mark count
 304: tkpoll:
 305:         mov     $100000,ring+2          / set TK owner of response
 306:         mov     $100000,ring+6          / set TK owner of command
 307:         mov     (csr),r0                / start TK polling
 308: tkready:
 309:         tst     ring+2                  / wait for response
 310:         bmi     tkready
 311:         tstb    tkrsp+10.               / does returned status = SUCCESS ?
 312:         bne     .                       / no, hang
 313:         rts     pc
 314: tkread:
 315:         mov     $tkcmd+8.,r0
 316:         mov     $41,(r0)+               / read opcode
 317:         mov     $20000,(r0)+            / set clear serious exception
 318:         mov     $512.,(r0)+             / byte count
 319:         clr     (r0)+                   / zzz2
 320:         mov     memaddr,(r0)+           / buffer address
 321:         jsr     pc,bumpaddr             / bump address
 322:         br      tkpoll                  / wait for response
 324: cmdtbl:
 325:         100000                  / TK_ERR, init step 1
 326:         ring                    / address of ringbase
 327:         0                       / hi ringbase address
 328:         go                      / TK go bit
 330: table1:
 331:         .byte HT_MAJOR
 332:         .byte TMS_MAJOR
 333:         .byte TS_MAJOR
 334:         .byte TM_MAJOR
 335: table2:
 336:         hrrec
 337:         tkread
 338:         tsrrec
 339:         tmrrec
 340: table3:
 341:         htrew
 342:         tkrew
 343:         tsrew
 344:         tmrew
 345: end:
 347: major = NEWLOC+OURSIZE
 348: cmdint = major+2                / TMSCP stuff
 349: rspint = cmdint+2.
 350: ring = rspint+2.
 351: rsphdr = ring+8.
 352: tkrsp = rsphdr+4.
 353: cmdhdr = tkrsp+48.
 354: tkcmd = cmdhdr+4.
 355: unit = tkcmd+4

Defined functions

HT_MAJOR defined in line 26; used 1 times
NEWLOC defined in line 23; used 3 times
OURSIZE defined in line 24; used 3 times
READ defined in line 122; used 1 times
RESET defined in line 121; used 1 times
REW defined in line 123; used 1 times
TMS_MAJOR defined in line 29; used 1 times
TM_MAJOR defined in line 27; used 1 times
TSCHAR defined in line 206; used 1 times
TSREAD defined in line 208; used 1 times
TSREW defined in line 207; never used
TS_MAJOR defined in line 28; used 1 times
a_data defined in line 32; used 1 times
  • in line 90
a_text defined in line 31; used 1 times
  • in line 89
blkcnt defined in line 36; used 9 times
bumpaddr defined in line 187; used 2 times
cmdhdr defined in line 353; used 3 times
cmdint defined in line 348; used 1 times
cmdtbl defined in line 324; used 1 times
common defined in line 77; used 4 times
csr defined in line 34; used 29 times
ctlerr defined in line 138; used 2 times
done defined in line 98; used 1 times
  • in line 94
end defined in line 345; never used
go defined in line 266; used 1 times
hrrec defined in line 125; used 1 times
htba defined in line 114; used 1 times
htcmd defined in line 129; used 3 times
htcs1 defined in line 112; never used
htcs2 defined in line 116; used 4 times
htds defined in line 117; used 1 times
hter defined in line 118; used 1 times
htfc defined in line 115; never used
htrew defined in line 144; used 2 times
httc defined in line 119; used 2 times
htwc defined in line 113; used 1 times
major defined in line 347; used 3 times
memaddr defined in line 37; used 7 times
readit defined in line 82; never used
ring defined in line 350; used 6 times
rsphdr defined in line 351; used 1 times
rspint defined in line 349; used 1 times
s1 defined in line 265; used 1 times
start defined in line 41; used 1 times
table1 defined in line 330; used 1 times
  • in line 78
table2 defined in line 335; used 1 times
  • in line 80
table3 defined in line 340; used 1 times
  • in line 81
tkcmd defined in line 354; used 6 times
tkpoll defined in line 304; used 1 times
tkread defined in line 314; used 1 times
tkready defined in line 308; used 2 times
tkrew defined in line 269; used 1 times
tkrsp defined in line 352; used 3 times
tmba defined in line 163; used 1 times
tmbc defined in line 162; used 1 times
tmcmd defined in line 172; used 1 times
tmcs defined in line 161; never used
tmdb defined in line 164; never used
tmer defined in line 160; never used
tmmr defined in line 166; never used
tmrd defined in line 165; never used
tmrew defined in line 196; used 1 times
tmrrec defined in line 168; used 1 times
tmtscom defined in line 182; used 3 times
tread defined in line 35; used 5 times
tsdb defined in line 203; used 2 times
tsdbuf defined in line 231; used 4 times
tsrew defined in line 224; used 1 times
tsrrec defined in line 210; used 1 times
tssr defined in line 204; never used
unit defined in line 355; used 2 times
Last modified: 1995-06-01
Generated: 2016-12-26
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