/* * Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. * * @(#)hkreg.h 1.1 (2.10BSD Berkeley) 12/1/86 */ struct hkdevice { short hkcs1; /* control status reg 1 */ short hkwc; /* word count */ caddr_t hkba; /* bus address */ short hkda; /* disk address */ short hkcs2; /* control status reg 2 */ short hkds; /* drive status */ short hker; /* driver error register */ short hkatt; /* attention status/offset register */ short hkcyl; /* current cylinder register */ short hkxmem; /* extended memory address register */ short hkdb; /* data buffer register */ short hkmr1; /* maint reg 1 */ short hkecps; /* burst error bit position */ short hkecpt; /* burst error bit pattern */ short hkmr2; /* maint reg 2 */ short hkmr3; /* maint reg 3 */ }; /* hkcs1 */ #define HK_CCLR 0100000 /* controller clear (also error) */ #define HK_CERR HK_CCLR #define HK_DI 0040000 /* drive interrupt */ #define HK_DTCPAR 0020000 /* drive to controller parity */ #define HK_CFMT 0010000 /* 18 bit word format */ #define HK_CTO 0004000 /* controller timeout */ #define HK_CDT 0002000 /* drive type (rk07/rk06) */ /* bits 9 and 8 are the extended bus address */ #define HK_CRDY 0000200 /* controller ready */ #define HK_IE 0000100 /* interrupt enable */ /* bit 5 is unused */ /* bits 4-1 are the function code */ #define HK_GO 0000001 #define HK_BITS \ "\10\20CCLR\17DI\16DTCPAR\15CFMT\14CTO\13CDT\10CRDY\7IE\1GO" /* commands */ #define HK_SELECT 000 /* select drive */ #define HK_PACK 002 /* pack acknowledge */ #define HK_DCLR 004 /* drive clear */ #define HK_UNLOAD 006 /* unload */ #define HK_START 010 /* start spindle */ #define HK_RECAL 012 /* recalibrate */ #define HK_OFFSET 014 /* offset */ #define HK_SEEK 016 /* seek */ #define HK_READ 020 /* read data */ #define HK_WRITE 022 /* write data */ #define HK_RHDR 026 /* read header */ #define HK_WHDR 030 /* write header */ /* hkcs2 */ #define HKCS2_DLT 0100000 /* data late */ #define HKCS2_WCE 0040000 /* write check */ #define HKCS2_UPE 0020000 /* UNIBUS parity */ #define HKCS2_NED 0010000 /* non-existent drive */ #define HKCS2_NEM 0004000 /* non-existent memory */ #define HKCS2_PGE 0002000 /* programming error */ #define HKCS2_MDS 0001000 /* multiple drive select */ #define HKCS2_UFE 0000400 /* unit field error */ #define HKCS2_OR 0000200 /* output ready */ #define HKCS2_IR 0000100 /* input ready */ #define HKCS2_SCLR 0000040 /* subsystem clear */ #define HKCS2_BAI 0000020 /* bus address increment inhibit */ #define HKCS2_RLS 0000010 /* release */ /* bits 2-0 are drive select */ #define HKCS2_BITS \ "\10\20DLT\17WCE\16UPE\15NED\14NEM\13PGE\12MDS\11UFE\ \10OR\7IR\6SCLR\5BAI\4RLS" #define HKCS2_HARD (HKCS2_NED|HKCS2_PGE) /* hkds */ #define HKDS_SVAL 0100000 /* status valid */ #define HKDS_CDA 0040000 /* current drive attention */ #define HKDS_PIP 0020000 /* positioning in progress */ /* bit 12 is unused */ #define HKDS_WRL 0004000 /* write lock */ /* bits 10-9 are unused */ #define HKDS_DDT 0000400 /* disk drive type */ #define HKDS_DRDY 0000200 /* drive ready */ #define HKDS_VV 0000100 /* volume valid */ #define HKDS_DROT 0000040 /* drive off track */ #define HKDS_SPLS 0000020 /* speed loss */ #define HKDS_ACLO 0000010 /* ac low */ #define HKDS_OFF 0000004 /* offset mode */ /* bit 1 is unused */ #define HKDS_DRA 0000001 /* drive available */ #define HKDS_DREADY (HKDS_DRA|HKDS_VV|HKDS_DRDY) #define HKDS_BITS \ "\10\20SVAL\17CDA\16PIP\14WRL\11DDT\10DRDY\7VV\6DROT\5SPLS\4ACLO\3OFF\1DRA" #define HKDS_HARD (HKDS_ACLO|HKDS_SPLS) /* hker */ #define HKER_DCK 0100000 /* data check */ #define HKER_UNS 0040000 /* drive unsafe */ #define HKER_OPI 0020000 /* operation incomplete */ #define HKER_DTE 0010000 /* drive timing error */ #define HKER_WLE 0004000 /* write lock error */ #define HKER_IDAE 0002000 /* invalid disk address error */ #define HKER_COE 0001000 /* cylinder overflow error */ #define HKER_HRVC 0000400 /* header vertical redundancy check */ #define HKER_BSE 0000200 /* bad sector error */ #define HKER_ECH 0000100 /* hard ecc error */ #define HKER_DTYE 0000040 /* drive type error */ #define HKER_FMTE 0000020 /* format error */ #define HKER_DRPAR 0000010 /* control-to-drive parity error */ #define HKER_NXF 0000004 /* non-executable function */ #define HKER_SKI 0000002 /* seek incomplete */ #define HKER_ILF 0000001 /* illegal function */ #define HKER_BITS \ "\10\20DCK\17UNS\16OPI\15DTE\14WLE\13IDAE\12COE\11HRVC\ \10BSE\7ECH\6DTYE\5FMTE\4DRPAR\3NXF\2SKI\1ILF" #define HKER_HARD \ (HKER_WLE|HKER_IDAE|HKER_COE|HKER_DTYE|HKER_FMTE|HKER_ILF) /* offset bits in hkas */ #define HKAS_P400 0020 /* +400 RK06, +200 RK07 */ #define HKAS_M400 0220 /* -400 RK06, -200 RK07 */ #define HKAS_P800 0040 /* +800 RK06, +400 RK07 */ #define HKAS_M800 0240 /* -800 RK06, -400 RK07 */ #define HKAS_P1200 0060 /* +800 RK06, +400 RK07 */ #define HKAS_M1200 0260 /* -1200 RK06, -1200 RK07 */