/* * Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. * * @(#)htreg.h 1.1 (2.10BSD Berkeley) 12/1/86 */ struct htdevice { short htcs1; /* control and status 1 register */ short htwc; /* word count register */ caddr_t htba; /* bus address register */ short htfc; /* frame counter */ short htcs2; /* control and status 2 register */ short htfs; /* formatter status register */ short hter; /* error register */ short htas; /* attention summary register */ short htcc; /* check character register */ short htdb; /* data buffer register */ short htmr; /* maintenance register */ short htdt; /* drive type register */ short htsn; /* serial number register */ short httc; /* tape control register */ short htbae; /* bus address extension register (RH70 only) */ short htcs3; /* control and status 3 register (RH70 only) */ }; /* htcs1 */ #define HT_SC 0100000 /* special condition */ #define HT_TRE 0040000 /* transfer error */ #define HT_MCPE 0020000 /* MASSBUS control bus read parity error */ /* bit 12 is unused */ #define HT_DVA 0004000 /* drive available */ /* bit 10 is unused */ /* bits 9-8 are UNIBUS extension bits */ #define HT_RDY 0000200 /* ready */ #define HT_IE 0000100 /* interrupt enable */ #define HT_GO 0000001 /* go bit */ /* bits 5-1 are the command */ #define HTCS1_BITS \ "\10\20SC\17TRE\16MCPE\14DVA\12A17\11A16\10RDY\7IE\1GO" /* commands */ #define HT_SENSE 0000000 /* no operations (sense) */ #define HT_REWOFFL 0000002 /* rewind offline */ #define HT_REW 0000006 /* rewind */ #define HT_DCLR 0000010 /* drive clear */ #define HT_RIP 0000020 /* read in preset */ #define HT_ERASE 0000024 /* erase */ #define HT_WEOF 0000026 /* write tape mark */ #define HT_SFORW 0000030 /* space forward */ #define HT_SREV 0000032 /* space reverse */ #define HT_WCHFWD 0000050 /* write check forward */ #define HT_WCHREV 0000056 /* write check reverse */ #define HT_WCOM 0000060 /* write forward */ #define HT_RCOM 0000070 /* read forward */ #define HT_RREV 0000076 /* read reverse */ /* htcs2 */ #define HTCS2_DLT 0100000 /* data late */ /* * The 1981-1982 DEC peripherals handbook says bit 14 is unused. * The 1980 one says it's WCE. Take your choice. */ #define HTCS2_WCE 0040000 /* write check error */ #define HTCS2_UPE 0020000 /* UNIBUS parity error */ #define HTCS2_NEF 0010000 /* nonexistent formatter */ #define HTCS2_NEM 0004000 /* nonexistent memory */ #define HTCS2_PRE 0002000 /* program error */ #define HTCS2_MXF 0001000 /* missed transfer */ #define HTCS2_MDPE 0000400 /* MASSBUS data read parity error */ #define HTCS2_OR 0000200 /* output ready */ #define HTCS2_IR 0000100 /* input ready */ #define HTCS2_CLR 0000040 /* controller clear */ #define HTCS2_PAT 0000020 /* parity test */ #define HTCS2_MAII 0000010 /* memory address increment inhibit */ /* bits 2-0 select the formatter */ #define HTCS2_BITS \ "\10\20DLT\16UPE\16NEF\14NEM\13PRE\12MXF\11MDPE\10OR\7IR\6CLR\5PAT\4MAII" #define HTCS2_ERR \ (HTCS2_MDPE|HTCS2_MXF|HTCS2_PRE|HTCS2_NEM|HTCS2_NEF|HTCS2_UPE|HTCS2_WCE) /* htfs */ #define HTFS_ATA 0100000 /* attention active */ #define HTFS_ERR 0040000 /* composite error */ #define HTFS_PIP 0020000 /* positioning in progress */ #define HTFS_MOL 0010000 /* medium on line */ #define HTFS_WRL 0004000 /* write lock */ #define HTFS_EOT 0002000 /* end of tape */ /* bit 9 is unused */ #define HTFS_DPR 0000400 /* drive present (always 1) */ #define HTFS_DRY 0000200 /* drive ready */ #define HTFS_SSC 0000100 /* slave status change */ #define HTFS_PES 0000040 /* phase-encoded status */ #define HTFS_SDWN 0000020 /* slowing down */ #define HTFS_IDB 0000010 /* identification burst */ #define HTFS_TM 0000004 /* tape mark */ #define HTFS_BOT 0000002 /* beginning of tape */ #define HTFS_SLA 0000001 /* slave attention */ #define HTFS_BITS \ "\10\20ATA\17ERR\16PIP\15MOL\14WRL\13EOT\11DPR\10DRY\ \7SSC\6PES\5SDWN\4IDB\3TM\2BOT\1SLA" /* hter */ #define HTER_CORCRC 0100000 /* correctible data/crc error */ #define HTER_UNS 0040000 /* unsafe */ #define HTER_OPI 0020000 /* operation incomplete */ #define HTER_CTE 0010000 /* controller timing error */ #define HTER_NEF 0004000 /* non-executable function */ #define HTER_CSITM 0002000 /* correctable skew/illegal tape mark */ #define HTER_FCE 0001000 /* frame count error */ #define HTER_NSG 0000400 /* non-standard gap */ #define HTER_PEFLRC 0000200 /* pe format error/lrc error */ #define HTER_INCVPE 0000100 /* incorrectable data/vertical parity error */ #define HTER_DPAR 0000040 /* MASSBUS data write parity error */ #define HTER_FMT 0000020 /* format select error */ #define HTER_CPAR 0000010 /* MASSBUS control bus write parity error */ #define HTER_RMR 0000004 /* register modification refused */ #define HTER_ILR 0000002 /* illegal register */ #define HTER_ILF 0000001 /* illegal function */ #define HTER_BITS \ "\10\20CORCRC\17UNS\16OPI\15CTE\14NEF\13CSITM\12FCE\11NSG\10PEFLRC\ \7INCVPE\6DPAR\5FMT\4CPAR\3RMR\2ILR\1ILF" #define HTER_HARD \ (HTER_UNS|HTER_OPI|HTER_NEF|HTER_DPAR|HTER_FMT|HTER_CPAR| \ HTER_RMR|HTER_ILR|HTER_ILF) /* htcc */ /* bits 15-9 are unused */ #define HTCC_DTPAR 0000400 /* dead track parity/crc parity */ /* bits 7-0 contain dead track/crc information */ #define HTCC_BITS \ "\10\11DTPAR" /* htmr */ /* bits 15-8 contain lrc/maintenance data */ #define HTMR_MDPB 0000400 /* maintenance data parity bit */ #define HTMR_TSC 0000200 /* tape speed clock */ #define HTMR_MC 0000100 /* maintenance clock */ /* bits 4-1 contain the maintenance operation code */ #define HTMR_MM 0000001 /* maintenance mode */ #define HTMR_BITS \ "\10\10MDPB\7TSC\6MC\1MM" /* htdt */ #define HTDT_NSA 0100000 /* not sector addressed; always 1 */ #define HTDT_TAP 0040000 /* tape; always 1 */ #define HTDT_MOH 0020000 /* moving head; always 0 */ #define HTDT_7CH 0010000 /* 7 channel; always 0 */ #define HTDT_DRQ 0004000 /* drive request required; always 0 */ #define HTDT_SPR 0002000 /* slave present */ /* bit 9 is unused */ /* bits 8-0 are formatter/transport type */ #define HTDT_BITS \ "\10\20NSA\17TAP\16MOH\15SCH\14DRQ\13SPR" /* httc */ #define HTTC_ACCL 0100000 /* transport is not up to speed */ #define HTTC_FCS 0040000 /* frame count status */ #define HTTC_SAC 0020000 /* slave address change */ #define HTTC_EAODTE 0010000 /* enable abort on data xfer errors */ /* bit 11 is unused */ /* bits 10-8 are density select */ #define HTTC_800BPI 0001400 /* in bits 10-8, dens=800 */ #define HTTC_1600BPI 0002000 /* in bits 10-8, dens=1600 */ /* bits 7-4 are format select */ #define HTTC_PDP11 0000300 /* in bits 7-4, pdp11 normal format */ #define HTTC_EVEN 0000010 /* select even parity */ /* bits 2-0 are slave select */ #define HTTC_BITS \ "\10\20ACCL\17FCS\16SAC\15EAODTE\4EVEN" /* htcs3 */ #define HTCS3_APE 0100000 /* address parity error */ /* bits 14-11 are unused */ #define HTCS3_DW 0002000 /* double word */ /* bits 9-7 are unused */ #define HTCS3_IE 0000100 /* interrupt enable */ /* bits 5-4 are unused */ /* bits 3-0 are inverted parity check */ #define HTCS3_BITS \ "\10\20APE\13DW\7IE" #define b_repcnt b_bcount #define b_command b_resid