1: #ifndef lint
   2: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)cmd6.c	3.13 4/24/85";
   3: #endif
   5: /*
   6:  * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California,
   7:  * All rights reserved.  Redistribution permitted subject to
   8:  * the terms of the Berkeley Software License Agreement.
   9:  */
  11: #include "defs.h"
  12: #include "string.h"
  13: #include "char.h"
  15: /*
  16:  * Debugging commands.
  17:  */
  19: c_debug()
  20: {
  21:     register struct ww *w;
  23:     if (!terse)
  24:         wwputs("[m(smap) n(ns) o(os) s(string) v(nvis) w(win)]? ", cmdwin);
  25:     wwcurtowin(cmdwin);
  26:     while (wwpeekc() < 0)
  27:         wwiomux();
  28:     if (!terse)
  29:         wwputc('\n', cmdwin);
  30:     switch (wwgetc()) {
  31:     case 'm':
  32:         wwdumpsmap();
  33:         break;
  34:     case 'n':
  35:         wwdumpns();
  36:         break;
  37:     case 'o':
  38:         wwdumpos();
  39:         break;
  40:     case 's':
  41:         debug_str();
  42:         break;
  43:     case 'v':
  44:         if ((w = getwin()) != 0)
  45:             wwdumpnvis(w);
  46:         break;
  47:     case 'w':
  48:         if ((w = getwin()) != 0)
  49:             wwdumpwin(w);
  50:         break;
  51:     default:
  52:         wwbell();
  53:     }
  54: }
  56: #ifdef STR_DEBUG
  57: debug_str()
  58: {
  59:     register struct ww *w;
  60:     struct string *s;
  62:     if ((w = openiwin(wwnrow - 3, "Allocated Strings")) == 0) {
  63:         error("Can't open string window: %s.", wwerror());
  64:         return;
  65:     }
  66:     for (s = str_head.s_forw; s != &str_head; s = s->s_forw) {
  67:         if (more(w, 0) == 2)
  68:             goto out;
  69:         wwprintf(w, "(0x%x)\t\"%s\"\n", s->s_data, s->s_data);
  70:     }
  71:     waitnl(w);
  72: out:
  73:     closeiwin(w);
  74: }
  75: #else
  76: debug_str()
  77: {
  78:     error("No string debugging.");
  79: }
  80: #endif

Defined functions

c_debug defined in line 19; used 1 times
debug_str defined in line 76; used 1 times
  • in line 41

Defined variables

sccsid defined in line 2; never used
Last modified: 1987-02-17
Generated: 2016-12-26
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