# # Copyright (c) 1987 Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement # specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. # # @(#)Makefile 4.7.2 (2.11BSD) 1996/12/1 # # Possible options: # make compile source for all terminal tables below # make compile table for a specific # make install move tables to ${DEST} # make clean remove tab*.o files lying around CFLAGS= -O DEST= ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/term SRCS= tab300-12.c tab300.c tab302-12.c tab302.c tab37.c tab382-12.c \ tab382.c tab450-12.c tab450.c tab833-12.c tab833.c tabepson.c \ tabitoh.c tabitoh12.c tablpr.c tabnec-t.c tabnec.c tabnec12.c \ tabnec25-t.c tabqume.c tabqume12.c tabx-ecs.c tabx-ecs12.c \ tabxerox.c tabxerox12.c OBJS= tab300-12.o tab300.o tab302-12.o tab302.o tab37.o tab382-12.o \ tab382.o tab450-12.o tab450.o tab833-12.o tab833.o tabepson.o \ tabitoh.o tabitoh12.o tablpr.o tabnec-t.o tabnec.o tabnec12.o \ tabnec25-t.o tabqume.o tabqume12.o tabx-ecs.o tabx-ecs12.o \ tabxerox.o tabxerox12.o ALL= 37 lpr 300 300-12 302 302-12 382 382-12 450 450-12 833 833-12 \ epson itoh itoh12 nec nec12 nec-t nec25-t qume qume12 xerox \ xerox12 x-ecs x-ecs12 all: ${ALL} 37: tab37.o lpr: tablpr.o 300: tab300.o 300-12: tab300-12.o 302: tab302.o 302-12: tab302-12.o 382: tab382.o 382-12: tab382-12.o 450: tab450.o 450-12: tab450-12.o 833: tab833.o 833-12: tab833-12.o epson: tabepson.o itoh: tabitoh.o itoh12: tabitoh12.o nec: tabnec.o nec12: tabnec12.o nec-t: tabnec-t.o nec25-t: tabnec25-t.o qume: tabqume.o qume12: tabqume12.o xerox: tabxerox.o xerox12: tabxerox12.o x-ecs: tabx-ecs.o x-ecs12: tabx-ecs12.o clean: FRC rm -f ${OBJS} core depend: FRC mkdep ${CFLAGS} ${SRCS} install: ${ALL} -mkdir -p ${DEST} chmod 755 ${DEST} for file in tab*.o; do \ install -c -s -o bin -g bin -m 755 $$file ${DEST}/`basename $$file .o`; \ done rm -f ${DEST}/tabtn300; ln ${DEST}/tablpr ${DEST}/tabtn300 rm -f ${DEST}/tabcrt; ln ${DEST}/tablpr ${DEST}/tabcrt rm -f ${DEST}/tab300s; ln ${DEST}/tab302 ${DEST}/tab300s rm -f ${DEST}/tab300s-12; ln ${DEST}/tab302-12 ${DEST}/tab300s-12 rm -f ${DEST}/tabdtc; ln ${DEST}/tab302 ${DEST}/tabdtc rm -f ${DEST}/tabdtc12; ln ${DEST}/tab302-12 ${DEST}/tabdtc12 rm -f ${DEST}/tabipsi; ln ${DEST}/tab450 ${DEST}/tabipsi rm -f ${DEST}/tabipsi12; ln ${DEST}/tab450-12 ${DEST}/tabipsi12 install -c -o bin -g bin -m 644 README ${DEST}/README lint: FRC lint ${CFLAGS} ${SRCS} tags: FRC ctags ${SRCS} FRC: # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- mkdep uses it. # DO NOT PUT ANYTHING AFTER THIS LINE, IT WILL GO AWAY.