static char Sccsid[] = "ai.c @(#)ai.c 1.2 10/1/82 Berkeley "; #include #include "apl.h" char *bad_fn = "apl.badfn"; int prolgerr; /* Flag -- set if bad fetch in prologue */ /* * funedit -- edit a file and read it in. * * If the arg to funedit is non-zero, it is used as a * pointer to the file name to be used. If it is zero, * the namep of the function is used for the file name. */ funedit(fname, editor) char *fname; { register struct item *p; register f, (*a)(); char *c; extern edmagic; p = sp[-1]; if(p->type != LV) error("fed B"); sichk(p); if(fname == 0) fname = ((struct nlist *)p)->namep; a = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); f = FORKF(1); if(f == 0) { for(f=3; f<7; f++) close(f); c = (editor == DEL ? "/usr/bin/apldel" : "/usr/local/xed"); execl(c+9, c+9, fname, "-f", apl_term ? "-A":"-a", "-p", edmagic ? "-r":0, 0); execl(c+4, c+9, fname, "-f", apl_term ? "-A":"-a", "-p", edmagic ? "-r":0, 0); execl(c, c+9, fname, "-f", apl_term ? "-A":"-a", "-p", edmagic ? "-r":0, 0); printf("cannot find the editor!\n"); exit(1); } if(f == -1) error("try again"); while(wait(0) != f) ; signal(SIGINT, a); /* Read function into workspace. If "funread" (which calls * "fundef") returns 0, an error occurred in processing the * header (line 0). If this happened with "editf" or "del", * save the bad function in the file "bad_fn". */ if (funread(fname) == 0 && fname == scr_file){ unlink(bad_fn); if (badfnsv(fname)) printf("function saved in %s\n", bad_fn); } } funread(fname) char *fname; { register struct item *p; register f, pid; p = sp[-1]; sp--; if(p->type != LV) error("fnl B"); if(fname == 0) fname = ((struct nlist *)p)->namep; f = opn(fname, 0); return(fundef(f)); } funwrite(fname) char *fname; { register struct nlist *n; register i, cnt; int fd1, fd2; char buf[512]; n = (struct nlist *)sp[-1]; sp--; if(n->type != LV) error("fnwrite B"); if(fname ==0) fname = n->namep; fd1 = opn(fname, 0644); switch(n->use){ default: CLOSEF(fd1); error("fnwrite T"); case 0: /* undefined fn */ printf("\t[new fn]\n"); break; /* empty file already created -- do nothing */ case NF: case MF: case DF: fd2 = DUPF(wfile); SEEKF(fd2, (long)n->label, 0); do { cnt = READF(fd2, buf, 512); if(cnt <= 0) error("fnwrite eof"); for(i=0; iuse = ((struct chrstrct *)c)->c[0]; np->label = SEEKF(wfile, 0L, 2); SEEKF(ifile, 0L, 0); while((a=READF(ifile, b, 512)) > 0) WRITEF(wfile, b, a); WRITEF(wfile, "", 1); out: CLOSEF(ifile); ifile = 0; return(c); } data lnumb; char *labcpp,*labcpe; funcomp(np) struct nlist *np; { register char *a, *c; register *p; int i, err, size; char labp[MAXLAB*20], labe[MAXLAB*4]; ifile = DUPF(wfile); SEEKF(ifile, (long)np->label, 0); size = 0; err = 0; labgen = 0; pass1: a = rline(0); if(a == 0) { if(err) goto out; p = (int *)alloc((size+2)*SINT); *p = size; size = 0; SEEKF(ifile, (long)np->label, 0); err++; labcpp = labp; labcpe = labe; labgen = 1; goto pass2; } c = compile(a, size==0? 3: 5); size++; free(a); if(c == 0) { err++; goto pass1; } free(c); goto pass1; pass2: a = rline(0); if(a == 0) goto pass3; lnumb = size; c = compile(a, size==0? 3: 5); size++; free(a); if(c == 0) goto out; p[size] = c; goto pass2; pass3: labgen = 0; SEEKF(ifile, (long)np->label, 0); a = rline(0); if(a == 0){ err++; goto out; } c = compile(a, 4); free(a); if(c == 0) goto out; if(labcpp != labp){ reverse(labe); p[size+1] = catcode(labe, c); free(c); /* /* *** KLUDGE *** /* /* due to the "line-at-a-time" nature of the parser, /* we have to screw around with the compiled strings. /* /* At this point, we have: /* /* fn-prologue (p[1]): , ELID, EOF /* label-prologue (labp): , EOF /* /* and we want to produce: /* /* fn-prologue (p[1]): ,, ELID, EOF. */ a = csize(p[1]) - 1; c = csize(labp) - 1; /* * if there is an ELID at the end of the fn-prologue, * move it to the end of the label-prologue. */ if (p[1]->c[(int)a-1] == ELID){ p[1]->c[(int)a-1] = EOF; labp[(int)c] = ELID; labp[(int)c+1] = EOF; } else error("elid B"); /* *** END KLUDGE *** */ a = p[1]; p[1] = catcode(a,labp); free(a); } else p[size+1] = c; if(debug) { dump(p[1], 1); dump(p[size+1], 1); } np->itemp = (struct item *)p; err = 0; out: CLOSEF(ifile); ifile = 0; if(err) error("syntax"); } ex_fun() { struct nlist *np; register *p, s; struct si si; pcp += copy(IN, pcp, &np, 1); if (np->use < NF || np->use > DF) { printf("%s: ", np->namep); error("not a fn"); } if(np->itemp == 0) funcomp(np); p = (int *)np->itemp; /* setup new state indicator */ si.sip = gsip; gsip = &si; = np; si.oldsp = 0; /* we can add a more complicated version, later */ si.oldpcp = pcp; si.funlc = 0; si.suspended = 0; prolgerr = 0; /* Reset error flag */ s = *p; checksp(); if(funtrace) printf("\ntrace: fn %s entered: ", np->namep); if (setjmp(si.env)) goto reenter; while(1){ si.funlc++; if(funtrace) printf("\ntrace: fn %s[%d]: ", np->namep, si.funlc-1); execute(p[si.funlc]); if(si.funlc == 1){ si.oldsp = sp; if (prolgerr) error(""); } if(intflg) error("I"); reenter: if(si.funlc <= 0 || si.funlc >= s) { si.funlc = 1; /* for pretty traceback */ if(funtrace) printf("\ntrace: fn %s exits ", np->namep); execute(p[s+1]); /* restore state indicator to previous state */ gsip = si.sip; pcp = si.oldpcp; return; } pop(); } } ex_arg1() { register struct item *p; struct nlist *np; pcp += copy(IN, pcp, &np, 1); p = fetch1(); sp[-1] = np->itemp; np->itemp = p; np->use = DA; } ex_arg2() { register struct item *p1, *p2; struct nlist *np1, *np2; pcp += copy(IN, pcp, &np2, 1); /* get first argument's name */ pcp++; /* skip over ARG1 */ pcp += copy(IN, pcp, &np1, 1); /* get second arg's name */ p1 = fetch1(); /* get first expr to be bound to arg */ p2 = fetch(sp[-2]); /* get second one */ sp[-1] = np1->itemp; /* save old value of name on stack */ sp[-2] = np2->itemp; /* save second */ np1->itemp = p1; /* new arg1 binding */ np2->itemp = p2; /* ditto arg2 */ np1->use = DA; /* release safety catch */ np2->use = DA; } ex_auto() { struct nlist *np; pcp += copy(IN, pcp, &np, 1); checksp(); *sp++ = np->itemp; np->itemp = 0; np->use = 0; } ex_rest() { register struct item *p; struct nlist *np; p = sp[-1]; /* * the following is commented out because * of an obscure bug in the parser, which is * too difficult to correct right now. * the bug is related to the way the * "fn epilog" is compiled. To accomodate labels, * it was kludged up to have the label restoration * code added after the entire fn was parsed. A problem * is that the generated code is like: * * "rest-lab1 rest-lab2 eol rval-result rest-arg1 ..." * * the "eol rval-result" pops off the previous result, and * puts a "fetched" version of the returned value (result) * onto the stack. The bug is that the "eol rval." should * be output at the beginning of the fn epilog. * The following two lines used to be a simple * "p = fetch(p)", which is used to disallow * a fn to return a LV, (by fetching it, it gets * converted to a RVAL.) Since we later added * code which returned stuff which could not be * fetched (the DU, dummy datum, for example), * this thing had to be eliminated. An earlier * version only fetched LV's, but that was eliminated * by adding the "RVAL" operator. The test below * was made a botch, because no LV's should ever be * passed back. However, for this to be true, the * "eol" should be executed first, so that any possible * LV's left around by the last line executed are * discarded. Since we have some "rest"s in the epilog * before the eol, the following test fails. * I can't think of why it won't work properly as it * is, but if I had the time, I'd fix it properly. * --jjb */ /* if(p->type == LV) error("rest B"); */ pcp += copy(IN, pcp, &np, 1); erase(np); np->itemp = sp[-2]; np->use = 0; if(np->itemp) np->use = DA; sp--; sp[-1] = p; } ex_br0() { gsip->funlc = 0; ex_elid(); } ex_br() { register struct item *p; p = fetch1(); if(p->size == 0) return; gsip->funlc = fix(getdat(p)); } /* * immediate niladic branch -- reset SI */ ex_ibr0() { register struct si *s; register *p; s = gsip; if(s == 0) error("no suspended fn"); if(s->suspended == 0) error("imm } B1"); gsip->suspended = 0; while((s = gsip) && s->suspended == 0){ if(s->oldsp == 0 || sp < s->oldsp) error("imm } B2"); while(sp > s->oldsp){ pop(); } pop(); /* pop off possibly bad previous result */ ex_nilret(); /* and stick on some dummy datum */ p = (int *)s->np->itemp; execute(p[*p + 1]); gsip = s->sip; } if(gsip == 0) while(sp > stack) pop(); } /* * monadic immediate branch -- resume fn at specific line */ ex_ibr() { register struct si *s; if((s = gsip) == 0) error("no suspended fn"); ex_br(); if(s->oldsp == 0 || sp < s->oldsp) error("imm }n B"); while(sp > s->oldsp){ pop(); } pop(); /* pop off possibly bad previous result */ ex_nilret(); /* and stick on some dummy datum */ longjmp(s->env); /* warp out */ } ex_fdef() { register struct item *p; register char *p1, *p2; struct nlist *np; char b[512]; int i, dim0, dim1; p = fetch1(); if((p->rank != 2 && p->rank != 1) || p->type != CH) error("Lfx D"); /* The following code has been commented out as a * test of slight modifications to the compiler. * Before this change, it was impossible to use "Lfx" * from inside an APL function, for it might damage * an existing function by the same name. The compiler * now checks when processing function headers to see * if the function is suspended by calling "sichk", which * will generate an error if so. Hopefully this will now * allow "Lfx" to be used freely without disastrous side- * effects. */ /* if(gsip) error("si damage -- type ')reset'"); */ dim0 = p->dim[0]; dim1 = p->dim[1]; if(p->rank == 1) dim1 = dim0; copy(CH, p->datap, b, dim1); b[dim1] = '\n'; p2 = compile(b, 2); if(p2 != 0){ copy(IN, p2+1, &np, 1); erase(np); np->use = *p2; free(p2); np->label = SEEKF(wfile, 0L, 2); fappend(wfile, p); WRITEF(wfile,"",1); } pop(); *sp++ = newdat(DA, 1, 0); } ex_nilret() { checksp(); *sp++ = newdat(DU,0,0); /* put looser onto stack */ /* (should be discarded) */ } reverse(s) char *s; { register char *p, *q; register char c; int j; #define EXCH(a,b) {c=a;a=b;b=c;} p = q = s; while(*p != EOF) p++; p -= 1+sizeof(char *); while(q < p){ for(j=0; j<1+sizeof (char *); j++) EXCH(p[j], q[j]); q += j; p -= j; } } /* * produce trace back info */ char *atfrom[] = {"at\t", "from\t", "", ""}; tback(flag) { register struct si *p; register i; p = gsip; i = 0; if(flag) i = 2; while(p){ if(flag==0 && p->suspended) return; if (p->funlc != 1 || i){ /* skip if at line 0 */ printf("%s%s[%d]%s\n", atfrom[i], p->np->namep, p->funlc - 1, (p->suspended ? " *" : "") ); i |= 1; } p = p->sip; } } sichk(n) struct nlist *n; { register struct si *p; p = gsip; while(p){ if(n == p->np) error("si damage -- type ')reset'"); p = p->sip; } } ex_shell(){ /* If the environment variable SHELL is defined, attempt to * execute that shell. If not, or if that exec fails, attempt * to execute the standard shell, /bin/sh */ int (*addr)(), (*addr2)(); char *getenv(); register char *sh; register i; addr = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); addr2 = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); i = FORKF(1); if (i == 0){ for(i=3; i<20; i++) close(i); signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL); if (sh=getenv("SHELL")) execl(sh, sh, 0); execl("/bin/sh", "sh", 0); printf("no shell!\n"); exit(1); } if (i == -1) error("try again"); while(wait(0) != i); signal(SIGINT, addr); signal(SIGQUIT, addr2); } badfnsv(fname) char *fname; { /* This routine saves the contents of "fname" in the file * named in "bad_fn". It is called by "funedit" if the * header of a function just read in is messed up (thus, * the entire file is not lost). Returns 1 if successful, * 0 if not. */ register fd1, fd2, len; char buf[512]; if ((fd1=OPENF(fname, 0)) < 0 || (fd2=CREATF(bad_fn, 0644)) < 0) return(0); while((len=READF(fd1, buf, 512)) > 0) WRITEF(fd2, buf, len); CLOSEF(fd1); CLOSEF(fd2); return(1); }