Commands available: copyin name1 name2 - copy unix text file `name1' to cpm file `name2' copyout name1 name2 - copy cpm text file `name1' to unix file `name2' ccopyin name1 name2 - copy unix code file `name1' to cpm file `name2' ccopyout name1 name2 - copy cpm code file `name1' to unix file `name2' dir[ectory] - display directory ls - display directory del[ete] name - delete cpm file `name' era[se] name - delete cpm file `name' exi[t] - quit log[out] - quit typ[e] name - display cpm file `name' on console dum[p] name - dump the given file to the terminal in ascii and hex ren[ame] from to - rename file `from' to `to' Wildcards are not supported (refer to manual page for details)