.../bin This directory contains all binaries of the INGRES system. Some of these binaries should remain here; they are used internally and are expected to live in this directory. These binaries and their modes are: -rws------ ingres decomp70 -rwx--x--x ingres geoquelgt -rwx--x--x ingres geoqueltk -rwsr-x--x ingres ksort -rwx--x--x ingres monitor -rws------ ingres overlayg -rws------ ingres ovqp -rws------ ingres parser -rws------ ingres qrymod -rwx------ ingres usersetup -rwxr-xr-x ingres yyyacc Other files are intended to be moved into public directories (e.g., /usr/bin). They are: -rws--x--x ingres creatdb -rwxr-xr-x ingres demodb -rws--x--x ingres destroydb -rwx--x--x ingres equel -rwx--x--x ingres geoquel -rws--x--x ingres helpr -rws--x--x ingres ingres -rws--x--x ingres printr -rws--x--x ingres purge -rws--x--x ingres restore -rws--x--x ingres sysmod Finally, one file is a library, and should be moved into /lib or /usr/lib so that it will be accessible via the -l option of the ld (& cc) commands: -rw-r--r-- ingres libq.a