chdir source/equel echo compiling equel in .../source/equel echo yaccing grammar with ../../bin/yyyacc echo There will be two shift/reduce conflicts which can be ignored ../../bin/yyyacc grammar.y echo recompiling scanner cc -c -O *.c if -r ../../lib/equel \ rm ../../lib/equel ar vr ../../lib/equel\ main.o\ parser.o\ yylex.o\\ cvar.o\ include.o\ name.o\ getkey.o\ number.o\ operator.o\ prtout.o\ string.o\ comment.o\ retrieve.o\ display.o\ getch.o\ cmap.o\ yyerror.o\ nalloc.o chmod 0644 ../../lib/equel echo scanner routines are installed in .../lib/equel echo removing \*.o rm *.o echo compiling equel cc -f -O ../../lib/equel -ly ../../lib/gutil mv a.out equel chmod 711 equel echo 'new equel in .../source/equel/equel' echo 'move it to .../bin/equel and /usr/bin/equel'