PLOT(5) UNIX Programmer's Manual PLOT(5) NAME plot - graphics interface DESCRIPTION Files of this format are produced by routines described in _p_l_o_t(3X), and are interpreted for various devices by com- mands described in _p_l_o_t(1G). A graphics file is a stream of plotting instructions. Each instruction consists of an ASCII letter usually followed by bytes of binary informa- tion. The instructions are executed in order. A point is designated by four bytes representing the x and y values; each value is a signed integer. The last designated point in an l, m, n, or p instruction becomes the `current point' for the next instruction. Each of the following descriptions begins with the name of the corresponding routine in _p_l_o_t(3X). m move: The next four bytes give a new current point. n cont: Draw a line from the current point to the point given by the next four bytes. See _p_l_o_t(1G). p point: Plot the point given by the next four bytes. l line: Draw a line from the point given by the next four bytes to the point given by the following four bytes. t label: Place the following ASCII string so that its first character falls on the current point. The string is ter- minated by a newline. a arc: The first four bytes give the center, the next four give the starting point, and the last four give the end point of a circular arc. The least significant coordi- nate of the end point is used only to determine the qua- drant. The arc is drawn counter-clockwise. c circle: The first four bytes give the center of the cir- cle, the next two the radius. e erase: Start another frame of output. f linemod: Take the following string, up to a newline, as the style for drawing further lines. The styles are `dotted,' `solid,' `longdashed,' `shortdashed,' and `dot- dashed.' Effective only in _p_l_o_t _4_0_1_4 and _p_l_o_t _v_e_r. s space: The next four bytes give the lower left corner of the plotting area; the following four give the upper right corner. The plot will be magnified or reduced to fit the device as closely as possible. Printed 8/5/83 1 PLOT(5) UNIX Programmer's Manual PLOT(5) Space settings that exactly fill the plotting area with unity scaling appear below for devices supported by the filters of _p_l_o_t(1G). The upper limit is just outside the plotting area. In every case the plotting area is taken to be square; points outside may be displayable on dev- ices whose face isn't square. 4014 space(0, 0, 3120, 3120); ver space(0, 0, 2048, 2048); 300, 300s space(0, 0, 4096, 4096); 450 space(0, 0, 4096, 4096); SEE ALSO graph(1G), plot(1G), plot(3X) Printed 8/5/83 2