1: /*	@(#)c02.c	2.2	SCCS id keyword	*/
   2: #
   3: /* C compiler
   4:  *
   5:  *
   6:  */
   8: #include "c0.h"
  10: /*
  11:  * Process a single external definition
  12:  */
  13: extdef()
  14: {
  15:     register o;
  16:     int sclass, scflag, *cb;
  17:     struct hshtab typer;
  18:     register struct hshtab *ds;
  20:     if(((o=symbol())==EOFC) || o==SEMI)
  21:         return;
  22:     peeksym = o;
  23:     sclass = 0;
  24:     blklev = 0;
  25:     if (getkeywords(&sclass, &typer)==0) {
  26:         sclass = EXTERN;
  27:         if (peeksym!=NAME)
  28:             goto syntax;
  29:     }
  30:     scflag = 0;
  31:     if (sclass==DEFXTRN) {
  32:         scflag++;
  33:         sclass = EXTERN;
  34:     }
  35:     if (sclass!=EXTERN && sclass!=STATIC && sclass!=TYPEDEF)
  36:         error("Illegal storage class");
  37:     do {
  38:         defsym = 0;
  39:         paraml = 0;
  40:         parame = 0;
  41:         if (sclass==TYPEDEF) {
  42:             decl1(TYPEDEF, &typer, 0, NULL);
  43:             continue;
  44:         }
  45:         decl1(EXTERN, &typer, 0, NULL);
  46:         if ((ds=defsym)==0)
  47:             return;
  48:         funcsym = ds;
  49:         if ((ds->type&XTYPE)==FUNC) {
  50:             if ((peeksym=symbol())==LBRACE || peeksym==KEYW
  51:              || (peeksym==NAME && csym->hclass==TYPEDEF)) {
  52:                 funcblk.type = decref(ds->type);
  53:                 funcblk.strp = ds->strp;
  54:                 setinit(ds);
  55:                 outcode("BS", SYMDEF, sclass==EXTERN?ds->name:"");
  56:                 cfunc();
  57:                 return;
  58:             }
  59:             if (paraml)
  60:                 error("Inappropriate parameters");
  61:         } else if ((o=symbol())==COMMA || o==SEMI) {
  62:             peeksym = o;
  63:             o = (length(ds)+ALIGN) & ~ALIGN;
  64:             if (sclass==STATIC) {
  65:                 setinit(ds);
  66:                 outcode("BSBBSBN", SYMDEF, "", BSS, NLABEL, ds->name, SSPACE, o);
  67:             } else if (scflag)
  68:                 outcode("BSN", CSPACE, ds->name, o);
  69:         } else {
  70:             if (o!=ASSIGN)
  71:                 peeksym = o;
  72:             setinit(ds);
  73:             if (sclass==EXTERN)
  74:                 outcode("BS", SYMDEF, ds->name);
  75:             outcode("BBS", DATA, NLABEL, ds->name);
  76:             cb = funcbase;
  77:             if (cinit(ds, 1, sclass) & ALIGN)
  78:                 outcode("B", EVEN);
  79:             if (maxdecl > cb)
  80:                 cb = maxdecl;
  81:             funcbase = cb;
  82:         }
  83:     } while ((o=symbol())==COMMA);
  84:     if (o==SEMI)
  85:         return;
  86: syntax:
  87:     if (o==RBRACE) {
  88:         error("Too many }'s");
  89:         peeksym = 0;
  90:         return;
  91:     }
  92:     error("External definition syntax");
  93:     errflush(o);
  94:     statement();
  95: }
  97: /*
  98:  * Process a function definition.
  99:  */
 100: cfunc()
 101: {
 102:     register int *cb;
 103:     register sloc;
 105:     sloc = isn;
 106:     isn =+ 2;
 107:     outcode("BBS", PROG, RLABEL, funcsym->name);
 108:     if (proflg)
 109:         outcode("BN", PROFIL, isn++);
 110:     cb = curbase;
 111:     regvar = 5;
 112:     autolen = STAUTO;
 113:     maxauto = STAUTO;
 114:     blklev = 1;
 115:     declist(ARG);
 116:     outcode("B", SAVE);
 117:     funchead();
 118:     branch(sloc);
 119:     label(sloc+1);
 120:     retlab = isn++;
 121:     blklev = 0;
 122:     if ((peeksym = symbol()) != LBRACE)
 123:         error("Compound statement required");
 124:     statement();
 125:     outcode("BNB", LABEL, retlab, RETRN);
 126:     label(sloc);
 127:     outcode("BN", SETSTK, -maxauto+STAUTO); /* MENLO_OVLY bug fix */
 128:     branch(sloc+1);
 129:     if (cb < maxdecl)
 130:         cb = maxdecl;
 131:     curbase = funcbase = cb;
 132: }
 134: /*
 135:  * Process the initializers for an external definition.
 136:  */
 137: cinit(anp, flex, sclass)
 138: struct hshtab *anp;
 139: {
 140:     register struct phshtab *np;
 141:     register nel, ninit;
 142:     int width, isarray, o, brace, realtype, *cb;
 143:     struct tnode *s;
 145:     cb = funcbase;
 146:     np = gblock(sizeof(*np));
 147:     funcbase = curbase;
 148:     cpysymb(np, anp);
 149:     realtype = np->type;
 150:     isarray = 0;
 151:     if ((realtype&XTYPE) == ARRAY)
 152:         isarray++;
 153:     else
 154:         flex = 0;
 155:     width = length(np);
 156:     nel = 1;
 157:     /*
 158: 	 * If it's an array, find the number of elements.
 159: 	 * temporarily modify to look like kind of thing it's
 160: 	 * an array of.
 161: 	 */
 162:     if (sclass==AUTO)
 163:         if (isarray || realtype==STRUCT)
 164:             error("No auto. aggregate initialization");
 165:     if (isarray) {
 166:         np->type = decref(realtype);
 167:         np->subsp++;
 168:         if (width==0 && flex==0)
 169:             error("0-length row: %.8s", anp->name);
 170:         o = length(np);
 171:         /* nel = ldiv(0, width, o); */
 172:         nel = (unsigned)width/o;
 173:         width = o;
 174:     }
 175:     brace = 0;
 176:     if ((peeksym=symbol())==LBRACE && (isarray || np->type!=STRUCT)) {
 177:         peeksym = -1;
 178:         brace++;
 179:     }
 180:     ninit = 0;
 181:     do {
 182:         if ((o=symbol())==RBRACE)
 183:             break;
 184:         peeksym = o;
 185:         if (o==STRING && realtype==ARRAY+CHAR) {
 186:             if (sclass==AUTO)
 187:                 error("No strings in automatic");
 188:             peeksym = -1;
 189:             putstr(0, flex?10000:nel);
 190:             ninit =+ nchstr;
 191:             o = symbol();
 192:             break;
 193:         } else if (np->type==STRUCT) {
 194:             strinit(np, sclass);
 195:         } else if ((np->type&ARRAY)==ARRAY || peeksym==LBRACE)
 196:             cinit(np, 0, sclass);
 197:         else {
 198:             initflg++;
 199:             s = tree();
 200:             initflg = 0;
 201:             if (np->hflag&FFIELD)
 202:                 error("No field initialization");
 203:             *cp++ = nblock(np);
 204:             *cp++ = s;
 205:             build(ASSIGN);
 206:             if (sclass==AUTO||sclass==REG)
 207:                 rcexpr(*--cp);
 208:             else if (sclass==ENUMCON) {
 209:                 if (s->op!=CON)
 210:                     error("Illegal enum constant for %.8s", anp->name);
 211:                 anp->hoffset = s->value;
 212:             } else
 213:                 rcexpr(block(INIT,np->type,NULL,NULL,(*--cp)->tr2));
 214:         }
 215:         ninit++;
 216:         if ((ninit&077)==0 && sclass==EXTERN)
 217:             outcode("BS", SYMDEF, "");
 218:     } while ((o=symbol())==COMMA && (ninit<nel || brace || flex));
 219:     if (brace==0 || o!=RBRACE)
 220:         peeksym = o;
 221:     /*
 222: 	 * If there are too few initializers, allocate
 223: 	 * more storage.
 224: 	 * If there are too many initializers, extend
 225: 	 * the declared size for benefit of "sizeof"
 226: 	 */
 227:     if (ninit<nel && sclass!=AUTO)
 228:         outcode("BN", SSPACE, (nel-ninit)*width);
 229:     else if (ninit>nel) {
 230:         if (flex && nel==0) {
 231:             np->subsp[-1] = ninit;
 232:         } else
 233:             error("Too many initializers: %.8s", anp->name);
 234:         nel = ninit;
 235:     }
 236:     curbase = funcbase = cb;
 237:     return(nel*width);
 238: }
 240: /*
 241:  * Initialize a structure
 242:  */
 243: strinit(np, sclass)
 244: struct tnode *np;
 245: {
 246:     register struct hshtab **mlp;
 247:     static zerloc;
 248:     register int o, brace;
 250:     if ((mlp = np->strp->memlist)==NULL) {
 251:         mlp = &zerloc;
 252:         error("Undefined structure initialization");
 253:     }
 254:     brace = 0;
 255:     if ((o = symbol()) == LBRACE)
 256:         brace++;
 257:     else
 258:         peeksym = o;
 259:     do {
 260:         if ((o=symbol()) == RBRACE)
 261:             break;
 262:         peeksym = o;
 263:         if (*mlp==0) {
 264:             error("Too many structure initializers");
 265:             cinit(&funcblk, 0, sclass);
 266:         } else
 267:             cinit(*mlp++, 0, sclass);
 268:         if (*mlp ==  &structhole) {
 269:             outcode("B", EVEN);
 270:             mlp++;
 271:         }
 272:     } while ((o=symbol())==COMMA && (*mlp || brace));
 273:     if (sclass!=AUTO && sclass!=REG) {
 274:         if (*mlp)
 275:             outcode("BN", SSPACE, np->strp->ssize - (*mlp)->hoffset);
 276:         outcode("B", EVEN);
 277:     }
 278:     if (o!=RBRACE || brace==0)
 279:         peeksym = o;
 280: }
 282: /*
 283:  * Mark already initialized
 284:  */
 285: setinit(anp)
 286: struct hshtab *anp;
 287: {
 288:     register struct hshtab *np;
 290:     np = anp;
 291:     if (np->hflag&FINIT)
 292:         error("%s multiply defined", np->name);
 293:     np->hflag =| FINIT;
 294: }
 296: /*
 297:  * Process one statement in a function.
 298:  */
 299: statement()
 300: {
 301:     register o, o1, o2;
 302:     int o3;
 303:     struct tnode *np;
 304:     int sauto, sreg;
 306: stmt:
 307:     switch(o=symbol()) {
 309:     case EOFC:
 310:         error("Unexpected EOF");
 311:     case SEMI:
 312:         return;
 314:     case LBRACE:
 315:         sauto = autolen;
 316:         sreg = regvar;
 317:         blockhead();
 318:         while (!eof) {
 319:             if ((o=symbol())==RBRACE) {
 320:                 autolen = sauto;
 321:                 if (sreg!=regvar)
 322:                     outcode("BN", SETREG, sreg);
 323:                 regvar = sreg;
 324:                 blkend();
 325:                 return;
 326:             }
 327:             peeksym = o;
 328:             statement();
 329:         }
 330:         error("Missing '}'");
 331:         return;
 333:     case KEYW:
 334:         switch(cval) {
 336:         case GOTO:
 337:             if (o1 = simplegoto())
 338:                 branch(o1);
 339:             else
 340:                 dogoto();
 341:             goto semi;
 343:         case RETURN:
 344:             doret();
 345:             goto semi;
 347:         case IF:
 348:             np = pexpr();
 349:             o2 = 0;
 350:             if ((o1=symbol())==KEYW) switch (cval) {
 351:             case GOTO:
 352:                 if (o2=simplegoto())
 353:                     goto simpif;
 354:                 cbranch(np, o2=isn++, 0);
 355:                 dogoto();
 356:                 label(o2);
 357:                 goto hardif;
 359:             case RETURN:
 360:                 if (nextchar()==';') {
 361:                     o2 = retlab;
 362:                     goto simpif;
 363:                 }
 364:                 cbranch(np, o1=isn++, 0);
 365:                 doret();
 366:                 label(o1);
 367:                 o2++;
 368:                 goto hardif;
 370:             case BREAK:
 371:                 o2 = brklab;
 372:                 goto simpif;
 374:             case CONTIN:
 375:                 o2 = contlab;
 376:             simpif:
 377:                 chconbrk(o2);
 378:                 cbranch(np, o2, 1);
 379:             hardif:
 380:                 if ((o=symbol())!=SEMI)
 381:                     goto syntax;
 382:                 if ((o1=symbol())==KEYW && cval==ELSE)
 383:                     goto stmt;
 384:                 peeksym = o1;
 385:                 return;
 386:             }
 387:             peeksym = o1;
 388:             cbranch(np, o1=isn++, 0);
 389:             statement();
 390:             if ((o=symbol())==KEYW && cval==ELSE) {
 391:                 o2 = isn++;
 392:                 branch(o2);
 393:                 label(o1);
 394:                 statement();
 395:                 label(o2);
 396:                 return;
 397:             }
 398:             peeksym = o;
 399:             label(o1);
 400:             return;
 402:         case WHILE:
 403:             o1 = contlab;
 404:             o2 = brklab;
 405:             label(contlab = isn++);
 406:             cbranch(pexpr(), brklab=isn++, 0);
 407:             statement();
 408:             branch(contlab);
 409:             label(brklab);
 410:             contlab = o1;
 411:             brklab = o2;
 412:             return;
 414:         case BREAK:
 415:             chconbrk(brklab);
 416:             branch(brklab);
 417:             goto semi;
 419:         case CONTIN:
 420:             chconbrk(contlab);
 421:             branch(contlab);
 422:             goto semi;
 424:         case DO:
 425:             o1 = contlab;
 426:             o2 = brklab;
 427:             contlab = isn++;
 428:             brklab = isn++;
 429:             label(o3 = isn++);
 430:             statement();
 431:             label(contlab);
 432:             contlab = o1;
 433:             if ((o=symbol())==KEYW && cval==WHILE) {
 434:                 cbranch(tree(), o3, 1);
 435:                 label(brklab);
 436:                 brklab = o2;
 437:                 goto semi;
 438:             }
 439:             goto syntax;
 441:         case CASE:
 442:             o1 = conexp();
 443:             if ((o=symbol())!=COLON)
 444:                 goto syntax;
 445:             if (swp==0) {
 446:                 error("Case not in switch");
 447:                 goto stmt;
 448:             }
 449:             if(swp>=swtab+SWSIZ) {
 450:                 error("Switch table overflow");
 451:             } else {
 452:                 swp->swlab = isn;
 453:                 (swp++)->swval = o1;
 454:                 label(isn++);
 455:             }
 456:             goto stmt;
 458:         case SWITCH:
 459:             o1 = brklab;
 460:             brklab = isn++;
 461:             np = pexpr();
 462:             chkw(np, -1);
 463:             rcexpr(block(RFORCE,0,NULL,NULL,np));
 464:             pswitch();
 465:             brklab = o1;
 466:             return;
 468:         case DEFAULT:
 469:             if (swp==0)
 470:                 error("Default not in switch");
 471:             if (deflab)
 472:                 error("More than 1 'default'");
 473:             if ((o=symbol())!=COLON)
 474:                 goto syntax;
 475:             label(deflab = isn++);
 476:             goto stmt;
 478:         case FOR:
 479:             o1 = contlab;
 480:             o2 = brklab;
 481:             contlab = isn++;
 482:             brklab = isn++;
 483:             if (o=forstmt())
 484:                 goto syntax;
 485:             label(brklab);
 486:             contlab = o1;
 487:             brklab = o2;
 488:             return;
 490:         case ELSE:
 491:             error("Inappropriate 'else'");
 492:             statement();
 493:             return;
 494:         }
 495:         error("Unknown keyword");
 496:         goto syntax;
 498:     case NAME:
 499:         if (nextchar()==':') {
 500:             peekc = 0;
 501:             o1 = csym;
 502:             if (o1->hclass>0) {
 503:                 if (o1->hblklev==0) {
 504:                     pushdecl(o1);
 505:                     o1->hoffset = 0;
 506:                 } else {
 507:                     defsym = o1;
 508:                     redec();
 509:                     goto stmt;
 510:                 }
 511:             }
 512:             o1->hclass = STATIC;
 513:             o1->htype = ARRAY;
 514:             o1->hflag =| FLABL;
 515:             if (o1->hoffset==0)
 516:                 o1->hoffset = isn++;
 517:             label(o1->hoffset);
 518:             goto stmt;
 519:         }
 520:     }
 521:     peeksym = o;
 522:     rcexpr(tree());
 524: semi:
 525:     if ((o=symbol())==SEMI)
 526:         return;
 527: syntax:
 528:     error("Statement syntax");
 529:     errflush(o);
 530: }
 532: /*
 533:  * Process a for statement.
 534:  */
 535: forstmt()
 536: {
 537:     register int l, o, sline;
 538:     int sline1, *ss;
 539:     struct tnode *st;
 541:     if ((o=symbol()) != LPARN)
 542:         return(o);
 543:     if ((o=symbol()) != SEMI) {     /* init part */
 544:         peeksym = o;
 545:         rcexpr(tree());
 546:         if ((o=symbol()) != SEMI)
 547:             return(o);
 548:     }
 549:     label(contlab);
 550:     if ((o=symbol()) != SEMI) {     /* test part */
 551:         peeksym = o;
 552:         cbranch(tree(), brklab, 0);
 553:         if ((o=symbol()) != SEMI)
 554:             return(o);
 555:     }
 556:     if ((peeksym=symbol()) == RPARN) {  /* incr part */
 557:         peeksym = -1;
 558:         statement();
 559:         branch(contlab);
 560:         return(0);
 561:     }
 562:     l = contlab;
 563:     contlab = isn++;
 564:     st = tree();
 565:     sline = line;
 566:     if ((o=symbol()) != RPARN)
 567:         return(o);
 568:     ss = funcbase;
 569:     funcbase = curbase;
 570:     statement();
 571:     sline1 = line;
 572:     line = sline;
 573:     label(contlab);
 574:     rcexpr(st);
 575:     line = sline1;
 576:     if (ss < maxdecl)
 577:         ss = maxdecl;
 578:     curbase = funcbase = ss;
 579:     branch(l);
 580:     return(0);
 581: }
 583: /*
 584:  * A parenthesized expression,
 585:  * as after "if".
 586:  */
 587: struct tnode *
 588: pexpr()
 589: {
 590:     register o, t;
 592:     if ((o=symbol())!=LPARN)
 593:         goto syntax;
 594:     t = tree();
 595:     if ((o=symbol())!=RPARN)
 596:         goto syntax;
 597:     return(t);
 598: syntax:
 599:     error("Statement syntax");
 600:     errflush(o);
 601:     return(0);
 602: }
 604: /*
 605:  * The switch statement, which involves collecting the
 606:  * constants and labels for the cases.
 607:  */
 608: pswitch()
 609: {
 610:     register struct swtab *cswp, *sswp;
 611:     int dl, swlab;
 613:     cswp = sswp = swp;
 614:     if (swp==0)
 615:         cswp = swp = swtab;
 616:     branch(swlab=isn++);
 617:     dl = deflab;
 618:     deflab = 0;
 619:     statement();
 620:     branch(brklab);
 621:     label(swlab);
 622:     if (deflab==0)
 623:         deflab = brklab;
 624:     outcode("BNN", SWIT, deflab, line);
 625:     for (; cswp < swp; cswp++)
 626:         outcode("NN", cswp->swlab, cswp->swval);
 627:     outcode("0");
 628:     label(brklab);
 629:     deflab = dl;
 630:     swp = sswp;
 631: }
 633: /*
 634:  * funchead is called at the start of each function
 635:  * to process the arguments, which have been linked in a list.
 636:  * This list is necessary because in
 637:  * f(a, b) float b; int a; ...
 638:  * the names are seen before the types.
 639:  */
 640: /*
 641:  * Structure resembling a block for a register variable.
 642:  */
 643: struct  hshtab  hreg    { REG, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0 };
 644: struct  tnode   areg    { NAME, 0, NULL, NULL, &hreg};
 645: funchead()
 646: {
 647:     register pl;
 648:     register struct hshtab *cs;
 649:     struct tnode *bstack[2];
 651:     pl = STARG;
 652:     while(paraml) {
 653:         parame->hoffset = 0;
 654:         cs = paraml;
 655:         paraml = paraml->hoffset;
 656:         if (cs->htype==FLOAT)
 657:             cs->htype = DOUBLE;
 658:         cs->hoffset = pl;
 659:         if ((cs->htype&XTYPE) == ARRAY) {
 660:             cs->htype =- (ARRAY-PTR);   /* set ptr */
 661:             cs->subsp++;        /* pop dims */
 662:         }
 663:         pl =+ rlength(cs);
 664:         if (cs->hclass==AREG && (hreg.hoffset=goodreg(cs))>=0) {
 665:             bstack[0] = &areg;
 666:             bstack[1] = nblock(cs);
 667:             cp = &bstack[2];
 668:             areg.type = cs->htype;
 669:             cs->hclass = AUTO;
 670:             build(ASSIGN);
 671:             rcexpr(bstack[0]);
 672:             cs->hoffset = hreg.hoffset;
 673:             cs->hclass = REG;
 674:         } else
 675:             cs->hclass = AUTO;
 676:         prste(cs);
 677:     }
 678:     for (cs=hshtab; cs<hshtab+HSHSIZ; cs++) {
 679:         if (cs->name[0] == '\0')
 680:             continue;
 681:         if (cs->hclass == ARG || cs->hclass==AREG)
 682:             error("Not an argument: %.8s", cs->name);
 683:     }
 684:     outcode("BN", SETREG, regvar);
 685: }
 687: blockhead()
 688: {
 689:     register r;
 691:     r = regvar;
 692:     blklev++;
 693:     declist(0);
 694:     if (r != regvar)
 695:         outcode("BN", SETREG, regvar);
 696: }
 698: /*
 699:  * After the end of a block, delete local
 700:  * symbols; save those that are external.
 701:  * Also complain about undefined labels.
 702:  */
 703: blkend()
 704: {
 705:     register struct hshtab *cs, *ncs;
 706:     struct hshtab *endcs;
 707:     register i;
 709:     blklev--;
 710:     for (cs=hshtab; cs->name[0] && cs<hshtab+HSHSIZ-1; ++cs)
 711:         ;
 712:     endcs = cs;
 713:     do  if (cs->name[0]) {
 714:         if (cs->hblklev <= blklev)
 715:             continue;
 716:         if ((cs->hclass!=EXTERN || blklev!=0)
 717:          && ((cs->hflag&FLABL)==0 || blklev==0)) {
 718:             if (cs->hclass==0)
 719:                 error("%.8s undefined", cs->name);
 720:             if ((ncs = cs->hpdown)==NULL) {
 721:                 cs->name[0] = '\0';
 722:                 hshused--;
 723:                 cs->hflag =& FKEYW;
 724:             } else {
 725:                 cpysymb(cs, ncs);
 726:             }
 727:             continue;
 728:         }
 729:         /*
 730: 		 * Retained name; must rehash.
 731: 		 */
 732:         for (i=0; i<NCPS; i++)
 733:             symbuf[i] = cs->name[i];
 734:         mossym = cs->hflag&FMOS;
 735:         lookup();
 736:         if ((ncs=csym) != cs) {
 737:             cs->name[0] = '\0';
 738:             hshused--;
 739:             i = ncs->hflag;
 740:             cpysymb(ncs, cs);
 741:             ncs->hflag =| i&FKEYW;
 742:             cs->hflag =& FKEYW;
 743:         }
 744:         if (ncs->hblklev>1 || (ncs->hblklev>0 && ncs->hclass==EXTERN))
 745:             ncs->hblklev--;
 746:     } while ((cs = (cs<&hshtab[HSHSIZ-1])? ++cs: hshtab) != endcs);
 747: }
 749: /*
 750:  * write out special definitions of local symbols for
 751:  * benefit of the debugger.  None of these are used
 752:  * by the assembler except to save them.
 753:  */
 754: prste(acs)
 755: struct hshtab *acs;
 756: {
 757:     register struct hshtab *cs;
 758:     register nkind;
 760:     cs = acs;
 761:     switch (cs->hclass) {
 762:     case REG:
 763:         nkind = RNAME;
 764:         break;
 766:     case AUTO:
 767:         nkind = ANAME;
 768:         break;
 770:     case STATIC:
 771:         nkind = SNAME;
 772:         break;
 774:     default:
 775:         return;
 777:     }
 778:     outcode("BSN", nkind, cs->name, cs->hoffset);
 779: }
 781: /*
 782:  * In case of error, skip to the next
 783:  * statement delimiter.
 784:  */
 785: errflush(ao)
 786: {
 787:     register o;
 789:     o = ao;
 790:     while(o>RBRACE) /* ; { } */
 791:         o = symbol();
 792:     peeksym  = o;
 793: }

Defined functions

blkend defined in line 703; used 1 times
blockhead defined in line 687; used 1 times
cfunc defined in line 100; used 1 times
  • in line 56
cinit defined in line 137; used 8 times
errflush defined in line 785; used 5 times
extdef defined in line 13; used 1 times
forstmt defined in line 535; used 1 times
funchead defined in line 645; used 1 times
pexpr defined in line 587; used 4 times
prste defined in line 754; used 2 times
pswitch defined in line 608; used 1 times
setinit defined in line 285; used 3 times
statement defined in line 299; used 11 times
strinit defined in line 243; used 1 times

Defined variables

areg defined in line 644; used 2 times
hreg defined in line 643; used 3 times
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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