2: %left SCON '/' NEWE
   3: %left '|'
   4: %left '$' '^'
   5: %left CHAR CCL NCCL '(' '.' STR NULLS
   6: %left ITER
   7: %left CAT
   8: %left '*' '+' '?'
  10: %{
  11: # include "ldefs.c"
  12: %}
  13: %%
  14: %{
  15: int i;
  16: int j,k;
  17: int g;
  18: char *p;
  19: %}
  20: acc :   lexinput
  21:     ={
  22: # ifdef DEBUG
  23:         if(debug) sect2dump();
  24: # endif
  25:     }
  26:     ;
  27: lexinput:   defns delim prods end
  28:     |   defns delim end
  29:     ={
  30:         if(!funcflag)phead2();
  31:         funcflag = TRUE;
  32:     }
  33:     | error
  34:     ={
  35: # ifdef DEBUG
  36:         if(debug) {
  37:             sect1dump();
  38:             sect2dump();
  39:             }
  40: # endif
  41:         }
  42:     ;
  43: end:        delim | ;
  44: defns:  defns STR STR
  45:     ={  scopy($2,dp);
  46:         def[dptr] = dp;
  47:         dp =+ slength($2) + 1;
  48:         scopy($3,dp);
  49:         subs[dptr++] = dp;
  50:         if(dptr >= DEFSIZE)
  51:             error("Too many definitions");
  52:         dp =+ slength($3) + 1;
  53:         if(dp >= dchar+DEFCHAR)
  54:             error("Definitions too long");
  55:         subs[dptr]=def[dptr]=0; /* for lookup - require ending null */
  56:     }
  57:     |
  58:     ;
  59: delim:  DELIM
  60:     ={
  61: # ifdef DEBUG
  62:         if(sect == DEFSECTION && debug) sect1dump();
  63: # endif
  64:         sect++;
  65:         }
  66:     ;
  67: prods:  prods pr
  68:     ={  $$ = mn2(RNEWE,$1,$2);
  69:         }
  70:     |   pr
  71:     ={  $$ = $1;}
  72:     ;
  73: pr: r NEWE
  74:     ={
  75:         if(divflg == TRUE)
  76:             i = mn1(S1FINAL,casecount);
  77:         else i = mn1(FINAL,casecount);
  78:         $$ = mn2(RCAT,$1,i);
  79:         divflg = FALSE;
  80:         casecount++;
  81:         }
  82:     | error NEWE
  83:     ={
  84: # ifdef DEBUG
  85:         if(debug) sect2dump();
  86: # endif
  87:         }
  88: r:  CHAR
  89:     ={  $$ = mn0($1); }
  90:     | STR
  91:     ={
  92:         p = $1;
  93:         i = mn0(*p++);
  94:         while(*p)
  95:             i = mn2(RSTR,i,*p++);
  96:         $$ = i;
  97:         }
  98:     | '.'
  99:     ={  symbol['\n'] = 0;
 100:         if(psave == FALSE){
 101:             p = ccptr;
 102:             psave = ccptr;
 103:             for(i=1;i<'\n';i++){
 104:                 symbol[i] = 1;
 105:                 *ccptr++ = i;
 106:                 }
 107:             for(i='\n'+1;i<NCH;i++){
 108:                 symbol[i] = 1;
 109:                 *ccptr++ = i;
 110:                 }
 111:             *ccptr++ = 0;
 112:             if(ccptr > ccl+CCLSIZE)
 113:                 error("Too many large character classes");
 114:             }
 115:         else
 116:             p = psave;
 117:         $$ = mn1(RCCL,p);
 118:         cclinter(1);
 119:         }
 120:     | CCL
 121:     ={  $$ = mn1(RCCL,$1); }
 122:     | NCCL
 123:     ={  $$ = mn1(RNCCL,$1); }
 124:     | r '*'
 125:     ={  $$ = mn1(STAR,$1); }
 126:     | r '+'
 127:     ={  $$ = mn1(PLUS,$1); }
 128:     | r '?'
 129:     ={  $$ = mn1(QUEST,$1); }
 130:     | r '|' r
 131:     ={  $$ = mn2(BAR,$1,$3); }
 132:     | r r %prec CAT
 133:     ={  $$ = mn2(RCAT,$1,$2); }
 134:     | r '/' r
 135:     ={  if(!divflg){
 136:             j = mn1(S2FINAL,-casecount);
 137:             i = mn2(RCAT,$1,j);
 138:             $$ = mn2(DIV,i,$3);
 139:             }
 140:         else {
 141:             $$ = mn2(RCAT,$1,$3);
 142:             warning("Extra slash removed");
 143:             }
 144:         divflg = TRUE;
 145:         }
 146:     | r ITER ',' ITER '}'
 147:     ={  if($2 > $4){
 148:             i = $2;
 149:             $2 = $4;
 150:             $4 = i;
 151:             }
 152:         if($4 <= 0)
 153:             warning("Iteration range must be positive");
 154:         else {
 155:             j = $1;
 156:             for(k = 2; k<=$2;k++)
 157:                 j = mn2(RCAT,j,dupl($1));
 158:             for(i = $2+1; i<=$4; i++){
 159:                 g = dupl($1);
 160:                 for(k=2;k<=i;k++)
 161:                     g = mn2(RCAT,g,dupl($1));
 162:                 j = mn2(BAR,j,g);
 163:                 }
 164:             $$ = j;
 165:             }
 166:     }
 167:     | r ITER '}'
 168:     ={
 169:         if($2 < 0)warning("Can't have negative iteration");
 170:         else if($2 == 0) $$ = mn0(RNULLS);
 171:         else {
 172:             j = $1;
 173:             for(k=2;k<=$2;k++)
 174:                 j = mn2(RCAT,j,dupl($1));
 175:             $$ = j;
 176:             }
 177:         }
 178:     | r ITER ',' '}'
 179:     ={
 180:                 /* from n to infinity */
 181:         if($2 < 0)warning("Can't have negative iteration");
 182:         else if($2 == 0) $$ = mn1(STAR,$1);
 183:         else if($2 == 1)$$ = mn1(PLUS,$1);
 184:         else {      /* >= 2 iterations minimum */
 185:             j = $1;
 186:             for(k=2;k<$2;k++)
 187:                 j = mn2(RCAT,j,dupl($1));
 188:             k = mn1(PLUS,dupl($1));
 189:             $$ = mn2(RCAT,j,k);
 190:             }
 191:         }
 192:     | SCON r
 193:     ={  $$ = mn2(RSCON,$2,$1); }
 194:     | '^' r
 195:     ={  $$ = mn1(CARAT,$2); }
 196:     | r '$'
 197:     ={  i = mn0('\n');
 198:         if(!divflg){
 199:             j = mn1(S2FINAL,-casecount);
 200:             k = mn2(RCAT,$1,j);
 201:             $$ = mn2(DIV,k,i);
 202:             }
 203:         else $$ = mn2(RCAT,$1,i);
 204:         divflg = TRUE;
 205:         }
 206:     | '(' r ')'
 207:     ={  $$ = $2; }
 208:     |   NULLS
 209:     ={  $$ = mn0(RNULLS); }
 210:     ;
 211: %%
 212: yylex(){
 213:     register char *p;
 214:     register int c, i;
 215:     char  *t, *xp;
 216:     int n, j, k, x;
 217:     static int sectbegin;
 218:     static char token[TOKENSIZE];
 219:     static int iter;
 221: # ifdef DEBUG
 222:     yylval = 0;
 223: # endif
 225:     if(sect == DEFSECTION) {        /* definitions section */
 226:         while(!eof) {
 227:             if(prev == '\n'){       /* next char is at beginning of line */
 228:                 getl(p=buf);
 229:                 switch(*p){
 230:                 case '%':
 231:                     switch(c= *(p+1)){
 232:                     case '%':
 233:                         lgate();
 234:                         if(!ratfor)fprintf(fout,"# ");
 235:                         fprintf(fout,"define YYNEWLINE %d\n",ctable['\n']);
 236:                         if(!ratfor)fprintf(fout,"yylex(){\nint nstr; extern int yyprevious;\n");
 237:                         sectbegin = TRUE;
 238:                         i = treesize*(sizeof(*name)+sizeof(*left)+
 239:                             sizeof(*right)+sizeof(*nullstr)+sizeof(*parent))+ALITTLEEXTRA;
 240:                         c = myalloc(i,1);
 241:                         if(c == 0)
 242:                             error("Too little core for parse tree");
 243:                         p = c;
 244:                         cfree(p,i,1);
 245:                         name = myalloc(treesize,sizeof(*name));
 246:                         left = myalloc(treesize,sizeof(*left));
 247:                         right = myalloc(treesize,sizeof(*right));
 248:                         nullstr = myalloc(treesize,sizeof(*nullstr));
 249:                         parent = myalloc(treesize,sizeof(*parent));
 250:                         if(name == 0 || left == 0 || right == 0 || parent == 0 || nullstr == 0)
 251:                             error("Too little core for parse tree");
 252:                         return(freturn(DELIM));
 253:                     case 'p': case 'P': /* has overridden number of positions */
 254:                         while(*p && !digit(*p))p++;
 255:                         maxpos = siconv(p);
 256: # ifdef DEBUG
 257:                         if (debug) printf("positions (%%p) now %d\n",maxpos);
 258: # endif
 259:                         if(report == 2)report = 1;
 260:                         continue;
 261:                     case 'n': case 'N': /* has overridden number of states */
 262:                         while(*p && !digit(*p))p++;
 263:                         nstates = siconv(p);
 264: # ifdef DEBUG
 265:                         if(debug)printf( " no. states (%%n) now %d\n",nstates);
 266: # endif
 267:                         if(report == 2)report = 1;
 268:                         continue;
 269:                     case 'e': case 'E':     /* has overridden number of tree nodes */
 270:                         while(*p && !digit(*p))p++;
 271:                         treesize = siconv(p);
 272: # ifdef DEBUG
 273:                         if (debug) printf("treesize (%%e) now %d\n",treesize);
 274: # endif
 275:                         if(report == 2)report = 1;
 276:                         continue;
 277:                     case 'o': case 'O':
 278:                         while (*p && !digit(*p))p++;
 279:                         outsize = siconv(p);
 280:                         if (report ==2) report=1;
 281:                         continue;
 282:                     case 'a': case 'A':     /* has overridden number of transitions */
 283:                         while(*p && !digit(*p))p++;
 284:                         if(report == 2)report = 1;
 285:                         ntrans = siconv(p);
 286: # ifdef DEBUG
 287:                         if (debug)printf("N. trans (%%a) now %d\n",ntrans);
 288: # endif
 289:                         continue;
 290:                     case 'k': case 'K': /* overriden packed char classes */
 291:                         while (*p && !digit(*p))p++;
 292:                         if (report==2) report=1;
 293:                         cfree(pchar, pchlen, sizeof(*pchar));
 294:                         pchlen = siconv(p);
 295: # ifdef DEBUG
 296:                         if (debug) printf( "Size classes (%%k) now %d\n",pchlen);
 297: # endif
 298:                         pchar=pcptr=myalloc(pchlen, sizeof(*pchar));
 299:                         continue;
 300:                     case 't': case 'T':     /* character set specifier */
 301:                         ZCH = atoi(p+2);
 302:                         if (ZCH < NCH) ZCH = NCH;
 303:                         if (ZCH > 2*NCH) error("ch table needs redeclaration");
 304:                         chset = TRUE;
 305:                         for(i = 0; i<ZCH; i++)
 306:                             ctable[i] = 0;
 307:                         while(getl(p) && scomp(p,"%T") != 0 && scomp(p,"%t") != 0){
 308:                             if((n = siconv(p)) <= 0 || n > ZCH){
 309:                                 warning("Character value %d out of range",n);
 310:                                 continue;
 311:                                 }
 312:                             while(!space(*p) && *p) p++;
 313:                             while(space(*p)) p++;
 314:                             t = p;
 315:                             while(*t){
 316:                                 c = ctrans(&t);
 317:                                 if(ctable[c]){
 318:                                     if (printable(c))
 319:                                         warning("Character '%c' used twice",c);
 320:                                     else
 321:                                         warning("Character %o used twice",c);
 322:                                     }
 323:                                 else ctable[c] = n;
 324:                                 t++;
 325:                                 }
 326:                             p = buf;
 327:                             }
 328:                         {
 329:                         char chused[2*NCH]; int kr;
 330:                         for(i=0; i<ZCH; i++)
 331:                             chused[i]=0;
 332:                         for(i=0; i<NCH; i++)
 333:                             chused[ctable[i]]=1;
 334:                         for(kr=i=1; i<NCH; i++)
 335:                             if (ctable[i]==0)
 336:                                 {
 337:                                 while (chused[kr] == 0)
 338:                                     kr++;
 339:                                 ctable[i]=kr;
 340:                                 chused[kr]=1;
 341:                                 }
 342:                         }
 343:                         lgate();
 344:                         continue;
 345:                     case 'r': case 'R':
 346:                         c = 'r';
 347:                     case 'c': case 'C':
 348:                         if(lgatflg)
 349:                             error("Too late for language specifier");
 350:                         ratfor = (c == 'r');
 351:                         continue;
 352:                     case '{':
 353:                         lgate();
 354:                         while(getl(p) && scomp(p,"%}") != 0)
 355:                             fprintf(fout, "%s\n",p);
 356:                         if(p[0] == '%') continue;
 357:                         error("Premature eof");
 358:                     case 's': case 'S':     /* start conditions */
 359:                         lgate();
 360:                         while(*p && index(*p," \t,") < 0) p++;
 361:                         n = TRUE;
 362:                         while(n){
 363:                             while(*p && index(*p," \t,") >= 0) p++;
 364:                             t = p;
 365:                             while(*p && index(*p," \t,") < 0)p++;
 366:                             if(!*p) n = FALSE;
 367:                             *p++ = 0;
 368:                             if (*t == 0) continue;
 369:                             i = sptr*2;
 370:                             if(!ratfor)fprintf(fout,"# ");
 371:                             fprintf(fout,"define %s %d\n",t,i);
 372:                             scopy(t,sp);
 373:                             sname[sptr++] = sp;
 374:                             sname[sptr] = 0;    /* required by lookup */
 375:                             if(sptr >= STARTSIZE)
 376:                                 error("Too many start conditions");
 377:                             sp =+ slength(sp) + 1;
 378:                             if(sp >= schar+STARTCHAR)
 379:                                 error("Start conditions too long");
 380:                             }
 381:                         continue;
 382:                     default:
 383:                         warning("Invalid request %s",p);
 384:                         continue;
 385:                         }   /* end of switch after seeing '%' */
 386:                 case ' ': case '\t':        /* must be code */
 387:                     lgate();
 388:                     fprintf(fout, "%s\n",p);
 389:                     continue;
 390:                 default:        /* definition */
 391:                     while(*p && !space(*p)) p++;
 392:                     if(*p == 0)
 393:                         continue;
 394:                     prev = *p;
 395:                     *p = 0;
 396:                     bptr = p+1;
 397:                     yylval = buf;
 398:                     if(digit(buf[0]))
 399:                         warning("Substitution strings may not begin with digits");
 400:                     return(freturn(STR));
 401:                     }
 402:                 }
 403:             /* still sect 1, but prev != '\n' */
 404:             else {
 405:                 p = bptr;
 406:                 while(*p && space(*p)) p++;
 407:                 if(*p == 0)
 408:                     warning("No translation given - null string assumed");
 409:                 scopy(p,token);
 410:                 yylval = token;
 411:                 prev = '\n';
 412:                 return(freturn(STR));
 413:                 }
 414:             }
 415:         /* end of section one processing */
 416:         }
 417:     else if(sect == RULESECTION){       /* rules and actions */
 418:         while(!eof){
 419:             switch(c=gch()){
 420:             case '\0':
 421:                 return(freturn(0));
 422:             case '\n':
 423:                 if(prev == '\n') continue;
 424:                 x = NEWE;
 425:                 break;
 426:             case ' ':
 427:             case '\t':
 428:                 if(sectbegin == TRUE){
 429:                     cpyact();
 430:                     while((c=gch()) && c != '\n');
 431:                     continue;
 432:                     }
 433:                 if(!funcflag)phead2();
 434:                 funcflag = TRUE;
 435:                 if(ratfor)fprintf(fout,"%d\n",30000+casecount);
 436:                 else fprintf(fout,"case %d:\n",casecount);
 437:                 if(cpyact()){
 438:                     if(ratfor)fprintf(fout,"goto 30997\n");
 439:                     else fprintf(fout,"break;\n");
 440:                     }
 441:                 while((c=gch()) && c != '\n');
 442:                 if(peek == ' ' || peek == '\t' || sectbegin == TRUE){
 443:                     warning("Executable statements should occur right after %%");
 444:                     continue;
 445:                     }
 446:                 x = NEWE;
 447:                 break;
 448:             case '%':
 449:                 if(prev != '\n') goto character;
 450:                 if(peek == '{'){    /* included code */
 451:                     getl(buf);
 452:                     while(!eof && getl(buf) && scomp("%}",buf) != 0)
 453:                         fprintf(fout,"%s\n",buf);
 454:                     continue;
 455:                     }
 456:                 if(peek == '%'){
 457:                     c = gch();
 458:                     c = gch();
 459:                     x = DELIM;
 460:                     break;
 461:                     }
 462:                 goto character;
 463:             case '|':
 464:                 if(peek == ' ' || peek == '\t' || peek == '\n'){
 465:                     if(ratfor)fprintf(fout,"%d\n",30000+casecount++);
 466:                     else fprintf(fout,"case %d:\n",casecount++);
 467:                     continue;
 468:                     }
 469:                 x = '|';
 470:                 break;
 471:             case '$':
 472:                 if(peek == '\n' || peek == ' ' || peek == '\t' || peek == '|' || peek == '/'){
 473:                     x = c;
 474:                     break;
 475:                     }
 476:                 goto character;
 477:             case '^':
 478:                 if(prev != '\n' && scon != TRUE) goto character;    /* valid only at line begin */
 479:                 x = c;
 480:                 break;
 481:             case '?':
 482:             case '+':
 483:             case '.':
 484:             case '*':
 485:             case '(':
 486:             case ')':
 487:             case ',':
 488:             case '/':
 489:                 x = c;
 490:                 break;
 491:             case '}':
 492:                 iter = FALSE;
 493:                 x = c;
 494:                 break;
 495:             case '{':   /* either iteration or definition */
 496:                 if(digit(c=gch())){ /* iteration */
 497:                     iter = TRUE;
 498:                 ieval:
 499:                     i = 0;
 500:                     while(digit(c)){
 501:                         token[i++] = c;
 502:                         c = gch();
 503:                         }
 504:                     token[i] = 0;
 505:                     yylval = siconv(token);
 506:                     munput('c',c);
 507:                     x = ITER;
 508:                     break;
 509:                     }
 510:                 else {      /* definition */
 511:                     i = 0;
 512:                     while(c && c!='}'){
 513:                         token[i++] = c;
 514:                         c = gch();
 515:                         }
 516:                     token[i] = 0;
 517:                     i = lookup(token,def);
 518:                     if(i < 0)
 519:                         warning("Definition %s not found",token);
 520:                     else
 521:                         munput('s',subs[i]);
 522:                     continue;
 523:                     }
 524:             case '<':       /* start condition ? */
 525:                 if(prev != '\n')        /* not at line begin, not start */
 526:                     goto character;
 527:                 t = slptr;
 528:                 do {
 529:                     i = 0;
 530:                     c = gch();
 531:                     while(c != ',' && c && c != '>'){
 532:                         token[i++] = c;
 533:                         c = gch();
 534:                         }
 535:                     token[i] = 0;
 536:                     if(i == 0)
 537:                         goto character;
 538:                     i = lookup(token,sname);
 539:                     if(i < 0) {
 540:                         warning("Undefined start condition %s",token);
 541:                         continue;
 542:                         }
 543:                     *slptr++ = i+1;
 544:                     } while(c && c != '>');
 545:                 *slptr++ = 0;
 546:                 /* check if previous value re-usable */
 547:                 for (xp=slist; xp<t; )
 548:                     {
 549:                     if (strcmp(xp, t)==0)
 550:                         break;
 551:                     while (*xp++);
 552:                     }
 553:                 if (xp<t)
 554:                     {
 555:                     /* re-use previous pointer to string */
 556:                     slptr=t;
 557:                     t=xp;
 558:                     }
 559:                 if(slptr > slist+STARTSIZE)     /* note not packed ! */
 560:                     error("Too many start conditions used");
 561:                 yylval = t;
 562:                 x = SCON;
 563:                 break;
 564:             case '"':
 565:                 i = 0;
 566:                 while((c=gch()) && c != '"' && c != '\n'){
 567:                     if(c == '\\') c = usescape(c=gch());
 568:                     token[i++] = c;
 569:                     if(i > TOKENSIZE){
 570:                         warning("String too long");
 571:                         i = TOKENSIZE-1;
 572:                         break;
 573:                         }
 574:                     }
 575:                 if(c == '\n') {
 576:                     yyline--;
 577:                     warning("Non-terminated string");
 578:                     yyline++;
 579:                     }
 580:                 token[i] = 0;
 581:                 if(i == 0)x = NULLS;
 582:                 else if(i == 1){
 583:                     yylval = token[0];
 584:                     x = CHAR;
 585:                     }
 586:                 else {
 587:                     yylval = token;
 588:                     x = STR;
 589:                     }
 590:                 break;
 591:             case '[':
 592:                 for(i=1;i<NCH;i++) symbol[i] = 0;
 593:                 x = CCL;
 594:                 if((c = gch()) == '^'){
 595:                     x = NCCL;
 596:                     c = gch();
 597:                     }
 598:                 while(c != ']' && c){
 599:                     if(c == '\\') c = usescape(c=gch());
 600:                     symbol[c] = 1;
 601:                     j = c;
 602:                     if((c=gch()) == '-' && peek != ']'){        /* range specified */
 603:                         c = gch();
 604:                         if(c == '\\') c = usescape(c=gch());
 605:                         k = c;
 606:                         if(j > k) {
 607:                             n = j;
 608:                             j = k;
 609:                             k = n;
 610:                             }
 611:                         if(!(('A' <= j && k <= 'Z') ||
 612:                              ('a' <= j && k <= 'z') ||
 613:                              ('0' <= j && k <= '9')))
 614:                             warning("Non-portable Character Class");
 615:                         for(n=j+1;n<=k;n++)
 616:                             symbol[n] = 1;      /* implementation dependent */
 617:                         c = gch();
 618:                         }
 619:                     }
 620:                 /* try to pack ccl's */
 621:                 i = 0;
 622:                 for(j=0;j<NCH;j++)
 623:                     if(symbol[j])token[i++] = j;
 624:                 token[i] = 0;
 625:                 p = ccptr;
 626:                 if(optim){
 627:                     p = ccl;
 628:                     while(p <ccptr && scomp(token,p) != 0)p++;
 629:                     }
 630:                 if(p < ccptr)   /* found it */
 631:                     yylval = p;
 632:                 else {
 633:                     yylval = ccptr;
 634:                     scopy(token,ccptr);
 635:                     ccptr =+ slength(token) + 1;
 636:                     if(ccptr >= ccl+CCLSIZE)
 637:                         error("Too many large character classes");
 638:                     }
 639:                 cclinter(x==CCL);
 640:                 break;
 641:             case '\\':
 642:                 c = usescape(c=gch());
 643:             default:
 644:             character:
 645:                 if(iter){   /* second part of an iteration */
 646:                     iter = FALSE;
 647:                     if('0' <= c && c <= '9')
 648:                         goto ieval;
 649:                     }
 650:                 if(alpha(peek)){
 651:                     i = 0;
 652:                     yylval = token;
 653:                     token[i++] = c;
 654:                     while(alpha(peek))
 655:                         token[i++] = gch();
 656:                     if(peek == '?' || peek == '*' || peek == '+')
 657:                         munput('c',token[--i]);
 658:                     token[i] = 0;
 659:                     if(i == 1){
 660:                         yylval = token[0];
 661:                         x = CHAR;
 662:                         }
 663:                     else x = STR;
 664:                     }
 665:                 else {
 666:                     yylval = c;
 667:                     x = CHAR;
 668:                     }
 669:                 }
 670:             scon = FALSE;
 671:             if(x == SCON)scon = TRUE;
 672:             sectbegin = FALSE;
 673:             return(freturn(x));
 674:             }
 675:         }
 676:     /* section three */
 677:     ptail();
 678: # ifdef DEBUG
 679:     if(debug)
 680:         fprintf(fout,"\n/*this comes from section three - debug */\n");
 681: # endif
 682:     while(getl(buf) && !eof)
 683:         fprintf(fout,"%s\n",buf);
 684:     return(freturn(0));
 685:     }
 686: /* end of yylex */
 687: # ifdef DEBUG
 688: freturn(i)
 689:   int i; {
 690:     if(yydebug) {
 691:         printf("now return ");
 692:         if(i < NCH) allprint(i);
 693:         else printf("%d",i);
 694:         printf("   yylval = ");
 695:         switch(i){
 696:             case STR: case CCL: case NCCL:
 697:                 strpt(yylval);
 698:                 break;
 699:             case CHAR:
 700:                 allprint(yylval);
 701:                 break;
 702:             default:
 703:                 printf("%d",yylval);
 704:                 break;
 705:             }
 706:         putchar('\n');
 707:         }
 708:     return(i);
 709:     }
 710: # endif

Defined functions

_freturn defined in line 688; never used
_yylex defined in line 211; never used
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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