1: # include "mfile1"
   2: # include <ctype.h>
   3:     /* temporarily */
   5:     /* lexical actions */
   7: # define A_ERR 0        /* illegal character */
   8: # define A_LET 1        /* saw a letter */
   9: # define A_DIG 2        /* saw a digit */
  10: # define A_1C 3         /* return a single character */
  11: # define A_STR 4        /* string */
  12: # define A_CC 5         /* character constant */
  13: # define A_BCD 6        /* GCOS BCD constant */
  14: # define A_SL 7         /* saw a / */
  15: # define A_DOT 8        /* saw a . */
  16: # define A_PL 9     /* + */
  17: # define A_MI 10        /* - */
  18: # define A_EQ 11        /* = */
  19: # define A_NOT 12       /* ! */
  20: # define A_LT 13        /* < */
  21: # define A_GT 14        /* > */
  22: # define A_AND 16       /* & */
  23: # define A_OR 17        /* | */
  24: # define A_WS 18        /* whitespace (not \n) */
  25: # define A_NL 19        /* \n */
  27:     /* character classes */
  29: # define LEXLET 01
  30: # define LEXDIG 02
  31: # define LEXOCT 04
  32: # define LEXHEX 010
  33: # define LEXWS 020
  34: # define LEXDOT 040
  36:     /* reserved word actions */
  38: # define AR_TY 0        /* type word */
  39: # define AR_RW 1        /* simple reserved word */
  40: # define AR_CL 2        /* storage class word */
  41: # define AR_S 3     /* struct */
  42: # define AR_U 4     /* union */
  43: # define AR_E 5     /* enum */
  44: # define AR_A 6     /* asm */
  46:     /* text buffer */
  47: # define LXTSZ 100
  48: char yytext[LXTSZ];
  49: char * lxgcp;
  52:     /* ARGSUSED */
  53: mainp1( argc, argv ) int argc; char *argv[]; {  /* control multiple files */
  55:     register i;
  56:     register char *cp;
  57:     extern int idebug, bdebug, tdebug, edebug, ddebug, xdebug;
  59:     for( i=1; i<argc; ++i ){
  60:         if( *(cp=argv[i]) == '-' && *++cp == 'X' ){
  61:             while( *++cp ){
  62:                 switch( *cp ){
  64:                 case 'd':
  65:                     ++ddebug;
  66:                     break;
  67:                 case 'i':
  68:                     ++idebug;
  69:                     break;
  70:                 case 'b':
  71:                     ++bdebug;
  72:                     break;
  73:                 case 't':
  74:                     ++tdebug;
  75:                     break;
  76:                 case 'e':
  77:                     ++edebug;
  78:                     break;
  79:                 case 'x':
  80:                     ++xdebug;
  81:                     break;
  82:                     }
  83:                 }
  84:             }
  85:         }
  87: # ifdef ONEPASS
  88:     p2init( argc, argv );
  89: # endif
  91:     for( i=0; i<SYMTSZ; ++i ) stab[i].stype = TNULL;
  93:     lxinit();
  94:     tinit();
  95:     mkdope();
  97:     lineno = 1;
  99:     /* dimension table initialization */
 101:     dimtab[NULL] = 0;
 102:     dimtab[CHAR] = SZCHAR;
 103:     dimtab[INT] = SZINT;
 104:     dimtab[FLOAT] = SZFLOAT;
 105:     dimtab[DOUBLE] = SZDOUBLE;
 106:     dimtab[LONG] = SZLONG;
 107:     dimtab[SHORT] = SZSHORT;
 108:     dimtab[UCHAR] = SZCHAR;
 109:     dimtab[USHORT] = SZSHORT;
 110:     dimtab[UNSIGNED] = SZINT;
 111:     dimtab[ULONG] = SZLONG;
 112:     /* starts past any of the above */
 113:     curdim = 16;
 114:     reached = 1;
 116:     yyparse();
 117:     yyaccpt();
 119:     ejobcode( nerrors ? 1 : 0 );
 120:     return(nerrors?1:0);
 122:     }
 124: # ifdef ibm
 126: # define CSMASK 0377
 127: # define CSSZ 256
 129: # else
 131: # define CSMASK 0177
 132: # define CSSZ 128
 134: # endif
 136: short lxmask[CSSZ+1];
 138: lxenter( s, m ) register char *s; register short m; {
 139:     /* enter a mask into lxmask */
 140:     register c;
 142:     while( c= *s++ ) lxmask[c+1] |= m;
 144:     }
 147: # define lxget(c,m) (lxgcp=yytext,lxmore(c,m))
 149: lxmore( c, m )  register c, m; {
 150:     register char *cp;
 152:     *(cp = lxgcp) = c;
 153:     while( c=getchar(), lxmask[c+1]&m ){
 154:         if( cp < &yytext[LXTSZ-1] ){
 155:             *++cp = c;
 156:             }
 157:         }
 158:     ungetc(c,stdin);
 159:     *(lxgcp = cp+1) = '\0';
 160:     }
 162: struct lxdope {
 163:     short lxch; /* the character */
 164:     short lxact;    /* the action to be performed */
 165:     short lxtok;    /* the token number to be returned */
 166:     short lxval;    /* the value to be returned */
 167:     } lxdope[] = {
 169:     '$',    A_ERR,  0,  0,  /* illegal characters go here... */
 170:     '_',    A_LET,  0,  0,  /* letters point here */
 171:     '0',    A_DIG,  0,  0,  /* digits point here */
 172:     ' ',    A_WS,   0,  0,  /* whitespace goes here */
 173:     '\n',   A_NL,   0,  0,
 174:     '"',    A_STR,  0,  0,  /* character string */
 175:     '\'',   A_CC,   0,  0,  /* character constant */
 176:     '`',    A_BCD,  0,  0,  /* GCOS BCD constant */
 177:     '(',    A_1C,   LP, 0,
 178:     ')',    A_1C,   RP, 0,
 179:     '{',    A_1C,   LC, 0,
 180:     '}',    A_1C,   RC, 0,
 181:     '[',    A_1C,   LB, 0,
 182:     ']',    A_1C,   RB, 0,
 183:     '*',    A_1C,   MUL,    MUL,
 184:     '?',    A_1C,   QUEST,  0,
 185:     ':',    A_1C,   COLON,  0,
 186:     '+',    A_PL,   PLUS,   PLUS,
 187:     '-',    A_MI,   MINUS,  MINUS,
 188:     '/',    A_SL,   DIVOP,  DIV,
 189:     '%',    A_1C,   DIVOP,  MOD,
 190:     '&',    A_AND,  AND,    AND,
 191:     '|',    A_OR,   OR, OR,
 192:     '^',    A_1C,   ER, ER,
 193:     '!',    A_NOT,  UNOP,   NOT,
 194:     '~',    A_1C,   UNOP,   COMPL,
 195:     ',',    A_1C,   CM, CM,
 196:     ';',    A_1C,   SM, 0,
 197:     '.',    A_DOT,  STROP,  DOT,
 198:     '<',    A_LT,   RELOP,  LT,
 199:     '>',    A_GT,   RELOP,  GT,
 200:     '=',    A_EQ,   ASSIGN, ASSIGN,
 201:     -1, A_1C,   0,  0,
 202:     };
 204: struct lxdope *lxcp[CSSZ+1];
 206: lxinit(){
 207:     register struct lxdope *p;
 208:     register i;
 209:     register char *cp;
 210:     /* set up character classes */
 212:     lxenter( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_", LEXLET );
 213:     lxenter( "0123456789", LEXDIG );
 214:     lxenter( "0123456789abcdefABCDEF", LEXHEX );
 215:     lxenter( " \t\r\b\f", LEXWS );
 216:     lxenter( "01234567", LEXOCT );
 217:     lxmask['.'+1] |= LEXDOT;
 219:     /* make lxcp point to appropriate lxdope entry for each character */
 221:     /* initialize error entries */
 223:     for( i= 0; i<=CSSZ; ++i ) lxcp[i] = lxdope;
 225:     /* make unique entries */
 227:     for( p=lxdope; ; ++p ) {
 228:         lxcp[p->lxch+1] = p;
 229:         if( p->lxch < 0 ) break;
 230:         }
 232:     /* handle letters, digits, and whitespace */
 233:     /* by convention, first, second, and third places */
 235:     cp = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
 236:     while( *cp ) lxcp[*cp++ + 1] = &lxdope[1];
 237:     cp = "123456789";
 238:     while( *cp ) lxcp[*cp++ + 1] = &lxdope[2];
 239:     cp = "\t\b\r\f";
 240:     while( *cp ) lxcp[*cp++ + 1] = &lxdope[3];
 242:     /* first line might have title */
 243:     lxtitle();
 245:     }
 247: int lxmatch;  /* character to be matched in char or string constant */
 249: lxstr(ct){
 250:     /* match a string or character constant, up to lxmatch */
 252:     register c;
 253:     register val;
 254:     register i;
 256:     i=0;
 257:     while( (c=getchar()) != lxmatch ){
 258:         switch( c ) {
 260:         case EOF:
 261:             uerror( "unexpected EOF" );
 262:             break;
 264:         case '\n':
 265:             uerror( "newline in string or char constant" );
 266:             ++lineno;
 267:             break;
 269:         case '\\':
 270:             switch( c = getchar() ){
 272:             case '\n':
 273:                 ++lineno;
 274:                 continue;
 276:             default:
 277:                 val = c;
 278:                 goto mkcc;
 280:             case 'n':
 281:                 val = '\n';
 282:                 goto mkcc;
 284:             case 'r':
 285:                 val = '\r';
 286:                 goto mkcc;
 288:             case 'b':
 289:                 val = '\b';
 290:                 goto mkcc;
 292:             case 't':
 293:                 val = '\t';
 294:                 goto mkcc;
 296:             case 'f':
 297:                 val = '\f';
 298:                 goto mkcc;
 300:             case '0':
 301:             case '1':
 302:             case '2':
 303:             case '3':
 304:             case '4':
 305:             case '5':
 306:             case '6':
 307:             case '7':
 308:                 val = c-'0';
 309:                 c=getchar();  /* try for 2 */
 310:                 if( lxmask[c+1] & LEXOCT ){
 311:                     val = (val<<3) | (c-'0');
 312:                     c = getchar();  /* try for 3 */
 313:                     if( lxmask[c+1] & LEXOCT ){
 314:                         val = (val<<3) | (c-'0');
 315:                         }
 316:                     else ungetc( c ,stdin);
 317:                     }
 318:                 else ungetc( c ,stdin);
 320:                 goto mkcc1;
 322:                 }
 323:         default:
 324:             val =c;
 325:         mkcc:
 326:             val = CCTRANS(val);
 327:         mkcc1:
 328:             if( lxmatch == '\'' ){
 329:                 val = CHARCAST(val);  /* it is, after all, a "character" constant */
 330:                 makecc( val, i );
 331:                 }
 332:             else { /* stash the byte into the string */
 333:                 if( strflg ) {
 334:                     if( ct==0 || i<ct ) putbyte( val );
 335:                     else if( i == ct ) werror( "non-null byte ignored in string initializer" );
 336:                     }
 337:                 else bycode( val, i );
 338:                 }
 339:             ++i;
 340:             continue;
 341:             }
 342:         break;
 343:         }
 344:     /* end of string or  char constant */
 346:     if( lxmatch == '"' ){
 347:         if( strflg ){ /* end the string */
 348:             if( ct==0 || i<ct ) putbyte( 0 );  /* the null at the end */
 349:             }
 350:         else {  /* the initializer gets a null byte */
 351:             bycode( 0, i++ );
 352:             bycode( -1, i );
 353:             dimtab[curdim] = i;  /* in case of later sizeof ... */
 354:             }
 355:         }
 356:     else { /* end the character constant */
 357:         if( i == 0 ) uerror( "empty character constant" );
 358:         if( i>(SZINT/SZCHAR) || ( (pflag||hflag)&&i>1) )
 359:             uerror( "too many characters in character constant" );
 360:         }
 361:     }
 363: lxcom(){
 364:     register c;
 365:     /* saw a /*: process a comment */
 367:     for(;;){
 369:         switch( c = getchar() ){
 371:         case EOF:
 372:             uerror( "unexpected EOF" );
 373:             return;
 375:         case '\n':
 376:             ++lineno;
 378:         default:
 379:             continue;
 381:         case '*':
 382:             if( (c = getchar()) == '/' ) return;
 383:             else ungetc( c ,stdin);
 384:             continue;
 386: # ifdef LINT
 387:         case 'V':
 388:             lxget( c, LEXLET|LEXDIG );
 389:             {
 390:                 extern int vaflag;
 391:                 int i;
 392:                 i = yytext[7]?yytext[7]-'0':0;
 393:                 yytext[7] = '\0';
 394:                 if( strcmp( yytext, "VARARGS" ) ) continue;
 395:                 vaflag = i;
 396:                 continue;
 397:                 }
 398:         case 'L':
 399:             lxget( c, LEXLET );
 400:             if( strcmp( yytext, "LINTLIBRARY" ) ) continue;
 401:             {
 402:                 extern int libflag;
 403:                 libflag = 1;
 404:                 }
 405:             continue;
 407:         case 'A':
 408:             lxget( c, LEXLET );
 409:             if( strcmp( yytext, "ARGSUSED" ) ) continue;
 410:             {
 411:                 extern int argflag, vflag;
 412:                 argflag = 1;
 413:                 vflag = 0;
 414:                 }
 415:             continue;
 417:         case 'N':
 418:             lxget( c, LEXLET );
 419:             if( strcmp( yytext, "NOTREACHED" ) ) continue;
 420:             reached = 0;
 421:             continue;
 422: # endif
 423:             }
 424:         }
 425:     }
 427: yylex(){
 428:     for(;;){
 430:         register lxchar;
 431:         register struct lxdope *p;
 432:         register struct symtab *sp;
 433:         int id;
 435:         switch( (p=lxcp[(lxchar=getchar())+1])->lxact ){
 437:         onechar:
 438:             ungetc( lxchar ,stdin);
 440:         case A_1C:
 441:             /* eat up a single character, and return an opcode */
 443:             yylval.intval = p->lxval;
 444:             return( p->lxtok );
 446:         case A_ERR:
 447:             uerror( "illegal character: %03o (octal)", lxchar );
 448:             break;
 450:         case A_LET:
 451:             /* collect an identifier, check for reserved word, and return */
 452:             lxget( lxchar, LEXLET|LEXDIG );
 453:             if( (lxchar=lxres()) > 0 ) return( lxchar ); /* reserved word */
 454:             if( lxchar== 0 ) continue;
 455:             id = lookup( yytext, (stwart&(INSTRUCT|INUNION|FUNNYNAME))?SMOS:0 );
 456:             sp = &stab[id];
 457:             if( sp->sclass == TYPEDEF && !stwart ){
 458:                 stwart = instruct;
 459:                 yylval.nodep = mkty( sp->stype, sp->dimoff, sp->sizoff );
 460:                 return( TYPE );
 461:                 }
 462:             stwart = (stwart&SEENAME) ? instruct : 0;
 463:             yylval.intval = id;
 464:             return( NAME );
 466:         case A_DIG:
 467:             /* collect a digit string, then look at last one... */
 468:             lastcon = 0;
 469:             lxget( lxchar, LEXDIG );
 470:             switch( lxchar=getchar() ){
 472:             case 'x':
 473:             case 'X':
 474:                 if( yytext[0] != '0' && !yytext[1] ) uerror( "illegal hex constant" );
 475:                 lxmore( lxchar, LEXHEX );
 476:                 /* convert the value */
 477:                 {
 478:                     register char *cp;
 479:                     for( cp = yytext+2; *cp; ++cp ){
 480:                         /* this code won't work for all wild character sets,
 481: 						   but seems ok for ascii and ebcdic */
 482:                         lastcon <<= 4;
 483:                         if( isdigit( *cp ) ) lastcon += *cp-'0';
 484:                         else if( isupper( *cp ) ) lastcon += *cp - 'A'+ 10;
 485:                         else lastcon += *cp - 'a'+ 10;
 486:                         }
 487:                     }
 489:             hexlong:
 490:                 /* criterion for longness for hex and octal constants is that it
 491: 				   fit within 0177777 */
 492:                 if( lastcon & ~0177777L ) yylval.intval = 1;
 493:                 else yylval.intval = 0;
 495:                 goto islong;
 497:             case '.':
 498:                 lxmore( lxchar, LEXDIG );
 500:             getfp:
 501:                 if( (lxchar=getchar()) == 'e' || lxchar == 'E' ){ /* exponent */
 503:             case 'e':
 504:             case 'E':
 505:                     if( (lxchar=getchar()) == '+' || lxchar == '-' ){
 506:                         *lxgcp++ = 'e';
 507:                         }
 508:                     else {
 509:                         ungetc(lxchar,stdin);
 510:                         lxchar = 'e';
 511:                         }
 512:                     lxmore( lxchar, LEXDIG );
 513:                     /* now have the whole thing... */
 514:                     }
 515:                 else {  /* no exponent */
 516:                     ungetc( lxchar ,stdin);
 517:                     }
 518:                 return( isitfloat( yytext ) );
 520:             default:
 521:                 ungetc( lxchar ,stdin);
 522:                 if( yytext[0] == '0' ){
 523:                     /* convert in octal */
 524:                     register char *cp;
 525:                     for( cp = yytext+1; *cp; ++cp ){
 526:                         lastcon <<= 3;
 527:                         lastcon += *cp - '0';
 528:                         }
 529:                     goto hexlong;
 530:                     }
 531:                 else {
 532:                     /* convert in decimal */
 533:                     register char *cp;
 534:                     for( cp = yytext; *cp; ++cp ){
 535:                         lastcon = lastcon * 10 + *cp - '0';
 536:                         }
 537:                     }
 539:                 /* decide if it is long or not (decimal case) */
 541:                 /* if it is positive and fits in 15 bits, or negative and
 542: 				   and fits in 15 bits plus an extended sign, it is int; otherwise long */
 543:                 /* if there is an l or L following, all bets are off... */
 545:                 {   CONSZ v;
 546:                     v = lastcon & ~077777L;
 547:                     if( v == 0 || v == ~077777L ) yylval.intval = 0;
 548:                     else yylval.intval = 1;
 549:                     }
 551:             islong:
 552:                 /* finally, look for trailing L or l */
 553:                 if( (lxchar = getchar()) == 'L' || lxchar == 'l' ) yylval.intval = 1;
 554:                 else ungetc( lxchar ,stdin);
 555:                 return( ICON );
 556:                 }
 558:         case A_DOT:
 559:             /* look for a dot: if followed by a digit, floating point */
 560:             lxchar = getchar();
 561:             if( lxmask[lxchar+1] & LEXDIG ){
 562:                 ungetc(lxchar,stdin);
 563:                 lxget( '.', LEXDIG );
 564:                 goto getfp;
 565:                 }
 566:             stwart = FUNNYNAME;
 567:             goto onechar;
 569:         case A_STR:
 570:             /* string constant */
 571:             lxmatch = '"';
 572:             return( STRING );
 574:         case A_CC:
 575:             /* character constant */
 576:             lxmatch = '\'';
 577:             lastcon = 0;
 578:             lxstr(0);
 579:             yylval.intval = 0;
 580:             return( ICON );
 582:         case A_BCD:
 583:             {
 584:                 register i;
 585:                 int j;
 586:                 for( i=0; i<LXTSZ; ++i ){
 587:                     if( ( j = getchar() ) == '`' ) break;
 588:                     if( j == '\n' ){
 589:                         uerror( "newline in BCD constant" );
 590:                         break;
 591:                         }
 592:                     yytext[i] = j;
 593:                     }
 594:                 yytext[i] = '\0';
 595:                 if( i>6 ) uerror( "BCD constant exceeds 6 characters" );
 596: # ifdef gcos
 597:                 else strtob( yytext, &lastcon, i );
 598:                 lastcon >>= 6*(6-i);
 599: # else
 600:                 uerror( "gcos BCD constant illegal" );
 601: # endif
 602:                 yylval.intval = 0;  /* not long */
 603:                 return( ICON );
 604:                 }
 606:         case A_SL:
 607:             /* / */
 608:             if( (lxchar=getchar()) != '*' ) goto onechar;
 609:             lxcom();
 610:         case A_WS:
 611:             continue;
 613:         case A_NL:
 614:             ++lineno;
 615:             lxtitle();
 616:             continue;
 618:         case A_NOT:
 619:             /* ! */
 620:             if( (lxchar=getchar()) != '=' ) goto onechar;
 621:             yylval.intval = NE;
 622:             return( EQUOP );
 624:         case A_MI:
 625:             /* - */
 626:             if( (lxchar=getchar()) == '-' ){
 627:                 yylval.intval = DECR;
 628:                 return( INCOP );
 629:                 }
 630:             if( lxchar != '>' ) goto onechar;
 631:             stwart = FUNNYNAME;
 632:             yylval.intval=STREF;
 633:             return( STROP );
 635:         case A_PL:
 636:             /* + */
 637:             if( (lxchar=getchar()) != '+' ) goto onechar;
 638:             yylval.intval = INCR;
 639:             return( INCOP );
 641:         case A_AND:
 642:             /* & */
 643:             if( (lxchar=getchar()) != '&' ) goto onechar;
 644:             return( yylval.intval = ANDAND );
 646:         case A_OR:
 647:             /* | */
 648:             if( (lxchar=getchar()) != '|' ) goto onechar;
 649:             return( yylval.intval = OROR );
 651:         case A_LT:
 652:             /* < */
 653:             if( (lxchar=getchar()) == '<' ){
 654:                 yylval.intval = LS;
 655:                 return( SHIFTOP );
 656:                 }
 657:             if( lxchar != '=' ) goto onechar;
 658:             yylval.intval = LE;
 659:             return( RELOP );
 661:         case A_GT:
 662:             /* > */
 663:             if( (lxchar=getchar()) == '>' ){
 664:                 yylval.intval = RS;
 665:                 return(SHIFTOP );
 666:                 }
 667:             if( lxchar != '=' ) goto onechar;
 668:             yylval.intval = GE;
 669:             return( RELOP );
 671:         case A_EQ:
 672:             /* = */
 673:             switch( lxchar = getchar() ){
 675:             case '=':
 676:                 yylval.intval = EQ;
 677:                 return( EQUOP );
 679:             case '+':
 680:                 yylval.intval = ASG PLUS;
 681:                 break;
 683:             case '-':
 684:                 yylval.intval = ASG MINUS;
 686:             warn:
 687:                 if( lxmask[ (lxchar=getchar())+1] & (LEXLET|LEXDIG|LEXDOT) ){
 688:                     werror( "ambiguous assignment: assignment op taken" );
 689:                     }
 690:                 ungetc( lxchar ,stdin);
 691:                 break;
 693:             case '*':
 694:                 yylval.intval = ASG MUL;
 695:                 goto warn;
 697:             case '/':
 698:                 yylval.intval = ASG DIV;
 699:                 break;
 701:             case '%':
 702:                 yylval.intval = ASG MOD;
 703:                 break;
 705:             case '&':
 706:                 yylval.intval = ASG AND;
 707:                 break;
 709:             case '|':
 710:                 yylval.intval = ASG OR;
 711:                 break;
 713:             case '^':
 714:                 yylval.intval = ASG ER;
 715:                 break;
 717:             case '<':
 718:                 if( (lxchar=getchar()) != '<' ){
 719:                     uerror( "=<%c illegal", lxchar );
 720:                     }
 721:                 yylval.intval = ASG LS;
 722:                 break;
 724:             case '>':
 725:                 if( (lxchar=getchar()) != '>' ){
 726:                     uerror( "=>%c illegal", lxchar );
 727:                     }
 728:                 yylval.intval = ASG RS;
 729:                 break;
 731:             default:
 732:                 goto onechar;
 734:                 }
 736:             return( ASOP );
 738:         default:
 739:             cerror( "yylex error, character %03o (octal)", lxchar );
 741:             }
 743:         /* ordinarily, repeat here... */
 744:         cerror( "out of switch in yylex" );
 746:         }
 748:     }
 750: struct lxrdope {
 751:     /* dope for reserved, in alphabetical order */
 753:     char *lxrch;    /* name of reserved word */
 754:     short lxract;   /* reserved word action */
 755:     short lxrval;   /* value to be returned */
 756:     } lxrdope[] = {
 758:     "asm",      AR_A,   0,
 759:     "auto",     AR_CL,  AUTO,
 760:     "break",    AR_RW,  BREAK,
 761:     "char",     AR_TY,  CHAR,
 762:     "case",     AR_RW,  CASE,
 763:     "continue", AR_RW,  CONTINUE,
 764:     "double",   AR_TY,  DOUBLE,
 765:     "default",  AR_RW,  DEFAULT,
 766:     "do",       AR_RW,  DO,
 767:     "extern",   AR_CL,  EXTERN,
 768:     "else",     AR_RW,  ELSE,
 769:     "enum",     AR_E,   ENUM,
 770:     "for",      AR_RW,  FOR,
 771:     "float",    AR_TY,  FLOAT,
 772:     "fortran",  AR_CL,  FORTRAN,
 773:     "goto",     AR_RW,  GOTO,
 774:     "if",       AR_RW,  IF,
 775:     "int",      AR_TY,  INT,
 776:     "long",     AR_TY,  LONG,
 777:     "return",   AR_RW,  RETURN,
 778:     "register", AR_CL,  REGISTER,
 779:     "switch",   AR_RW,  SWITCH,
 780:     "struct",   AR_S,   0,
 781:     "sizeof",   AR_RW,  SIZEOF,
 782:     "short",    AR_TY,  SHORT,
 783:     "static",   AR_CL,  STATIC,
 784:     "typedef",  AR_CL,  TYPEDEF,
 785:     "unsigned", AR_TY,  UNSIGNED,
 786:     "union",    AR_U,   0,
 787:     "while",    AR_RW,  WHILE,
 788:     "",     0,  0,  /* to stop the search */
 789:     };
 791: lxres() {
 792:     /* check to see of yytext is reserved; if so,
 793: 	/* do the appropriate action and return */
 794:     /* otherwise, return -1 */
 796:     register c, ch;
 797:     register struct lxrdope *p;
 799:     ch = yytext[0];
 801:     if( !islower(ch) ) return( -1 );
 803:     switch( ch ){
 805:     case 'a':
 806:         c=0; break;
 807:     case 'b':
 808:         c=2; break;
 809:     case 'c':
 810:         c=3; break;
 811:     case 'd':
 812:         c=6; break;
 813:     case 'e':
 814:         c=9; break;
 815:     case 'f':
 816:         c=12; break;
 817:     case 'g':
 818:         c=15; break;
 819:     case 'i':
 820:         c=16; break;
 821:     case 'l':
 822:         c=18; break;
 823:     case 'r':
 824:         c=19; break;
 825:     case 's':
 826:         c=21; break;
 827:     case 't':
 828:         c=26; break;
 829:     case 'u':
 830:         c=27; break;
 831:     case 'w':
 832:         c=29; break;
 834:     default:
 835:         return( -1 );
 836:         }
 838:     for( p= lxrdope+c; p->lxrch[0] == ch; ++p ){
 839:         if( !strcmp( yytext, p->lxrch ) ){ /* match */
 840:             switch( p->lxract ){
 842:             case AR_TY:
 843:                 /* type word */
 844:                 stwart = instruct;
 845:                 yylval.nodep = mkty( (TWORD)p->lxrval, 0, p->lxrval );
 846:                 return( TYPE );
 848:             case AR_RW:
 849:                 /* ordinary reserved word */
 850:                 return( yylval.intval = p->lxrval );
 852:             case AR_CL:
 853:                 /* class word */
 854:                 yylval.intval = p->lxrval;
 855:                 return( CLASS );
 857:             case AR_S:
 858:                 /* struct */
 859:                 stwart = INSTRUCT|SEENAME;
 860:                 yylval.intval = INSTRUCT;
 861:                 return( STRUCT );
 863:             case AR_U:
 864:                 /* union */
 865:                 stwart = INUNION|SEENAME;
 866:                 yylval.intval = INUNION;
 867:                 return( STRUCT );
 869:             case AR_E:
 870:                 /* enums */
 871:                 stwart = SEENAME;
 872:                 return( yylval.intval = ENUM );
 874:             case AR_A:
 875:                 /* asm */
 876:                 lxget( ' ', LEXWS );
 877:                 if( getchar() != '(' ) goto badasm;
 878:                 lxget( ' ', LEXWS );
 879:                 if( getchar() != '"' ) goto badasm;
 880: # ifndef ONEPASS
 881: # ifndef LINT
 882:                 putchar(')');
 883: # endif
 884: # endif
 885:                 while( (c=getchar()) != '"' ){
 886:                     if( c=='\n' || c==EOF ) goto badasm;
 887: # ifndef LINT
 888:                     putchar(c);
 889: # endif
 890:                     }
 891:                 lxget( ' ', LEXWS );
 892:                 if( getchar() != ')' ) goto badasm;
 893: # ifndef LINT
 894:                 putchar('\n');
 895: # endif
 896:                 return( 0 );
 898:             badasm:
 899:                 uerror( "bad asm construction" );
 900:                 return( 0 );
 902:             default:
 903:                 cerror( "bad AR_?? action" );
 904:                 }
 905:             }
 906:         }
 907:     return( -1 );
 908:     }
 910: lxtitle(){
 911:     /* called after a newline; set linenumber and file name */
 913:     register c, val;
 914:     register char *cp;
 916:     for(;;){  /* might be several such lines in a row */
 917:         if( (c=getchar()) != '#' ){
 918:             if( c != EOF ) ungetc(c,stdin);
 919:             return;
 920:             }
 922:         lxget( ' ', LEXWS );
 923:         val = 0;
 924:         for( c=getchar(); isdigit(c); c=getchar() ){
 925:             val = val*10+ c - '0';
 926:             }
 927:         ungetc( c, stdin );
 928:         lineno = val;
 929:         lxget( ' ', LEXWS );
 930:         if( (c=getchar()) != '\n' ){
 931:             for( cp=ftitle; c!='\n'; c=getchar(),++cp ){
 932:                 *cp = c;
 933:                 }
 934:             *cp = '\0';
 935:             }
 936:         }
 937:     }

Defined functions

lxcom defined in line 363; used 1 times
lxenter defined in line 138; used 5 times
lxinit defined in line 206; used 1 times
  • in line 93
lxmore defined in line 149; used 4 times
lxres defined in line 791; used 1 times
lxstr defined in line 249; used 5 times
lxtitle defined in line 910; used 2 times
mainp1 defined in line 53; never used
yylex defined in line 427; never used

Defined variables

lxcp defined in line 204; used 6 times
lxdope defined in line 167; used 5 times
lxgcp defined in line 49; used 4 times
lxmask defined in line 136; used 7 times
lxmatch defined in line 247; used 5 times
lxrdope defined in line 756; used 1 times
yytext defined in line 48; used 22 times

Defined struct's

lxdope defined in line 162; used 6 times
lxrdope defined in line 750; used 2 times
  • in line 797(2)

Defined macros

AR_A defined in line 44; used 1 times
AR_CL defined in line 40; used 6 times
AR_E defined in line 43; used 1 times
AR_RW defined in line 39; used 13 times
AR_S defined in line 41; used 1 times
AR_TY defined in line 38; used 7 times
AR_U defined in line 42; used 1 times
A_1C defined in line 10; used 15 times
A_AND defined in line 22; used 1 times
A_BCD defined in line 13; used 1 times
A_CC defined in line 12; used 1 times
A_DIG defined in line 9; used 1 times
A_DOT defined in line 15; used 1 times
A_EQ defined in line 18; used 1 times
A_ERR defined in line 7; used 1 times
A_GT defined in line 21; used 1 times
A_LET defined in line 8; used 1 times
A_LT defined in line 20; used 1 times
A_MI defined in line 17; used 1 times
A_NL defined in line 25; used 1 times
A_NOT defined in line 19; used 1 times
A_OR defined in line 23; used 1 times
A_PL defined in line 16; used 1 times
A_SL defined in line 14; used 1 times
A_STR defined in line 11; used 1 times
A_WS defined in line 24; used 1 times
CSMASK defined in line 131; never used
CSSZ defined in line 132; used 3 times
LEXDIG defined in line 30; used 9 times
LEXDOT defined in line 34; used 2 times
LEXHEX defined in line 32; used 2 times
LEXLET defined in line 29; used 7 times
LEXOCT defined in line 31; used 3 times
LEXWS defined in line 33; used 6 times
LXTSZ defined in line 47; used 3 times
lxget defined in line 147; used 12 times
Last modified: 1982-08-28
Generated: 2016-12-26
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