1: #include <stdio.h>
2: #include <grp.h>
3: #include <pwd.h>
5: struct group *getgrnam(), *grp;
6: struct passwd *getpwuid(), *pwd;
7: char *getpass(), *crypt();
9: #ifdef MENLO
10: char **environ;
11: char *shell ={ "/bin/sh" };
12: #endif
14: main(argc,argv)
15: int argc;
16: char **argv;
17: {
18: register i;
19: if(argc != 2) {
20: printf("usage: newgrp groupname\n");
21: done();
22: }
23: if((grp=getgrnam(argv[1])) == NULL) {
24: printf("%s: no such group\n", argv[1]);
25: done();
26: }
27: if((pwd=getpwuid(getuid())) == NULL) {
28: printf("You do not exist!\n");
29: done();
30: }
31: for(i=0;grp->gr_mem[i];i++)
32: if(strcmp(grp->gr_mem[i], pwd->pw_name) == 0)
33: break;
34: if(grp->gr_mem[i] == 0 && strcmp(grp->gr_name,"other")) {
35: printf("Sorry\n");
36: done();
37: }
39: if(grp->gr_passwd[0] != '\0' && pwd->pw_passwd[0] == '\0') {
40: if(strcmp(grp->gr_passwd, crypt(getpass("Password:"),grp->gr_passwd)) != 0) {
41: printf("Sorry\n");
42: done();
43: }
44: }
45: if(setgid(grp->gr_gid) < 0)
46: perror("setgid");
47: done();
48: }
50: done()
51: {
52: register i;
54: #ifdef MENLO
55: register char *cp;
56: register char *cp2;
57: register char **p;
58: char hometmp[50];
59: #endif
60: setuid(getuid());
61: for (i=3; i<15; i++)
62: close(i);
63: #ifndef MENLO
64: execl("/bin/sh","sh",0);
65: #else
66: /*
67: * to enable users to specify which shell they want in the environment
68: * (as opposed to the default shell), search for a "SHELL" variable
69: * pag -- 11/11/79
70: */
71: for(p=environ; *p; p++)
72: if (strncmp("SHELL=", *p, 6) == 0)
73: {
74: for(cp = *p;*cp++ != '=';)
75: ;
76: shell = cp;
77: }
78: /*
79: * the C shell is very fussy about 'sourcing' in .login
80: * and .cshrc files if they are not owned by the invoker
81: * therefore, set HOME beforehand so that the old HOME
82: * won't be used.
83: * pag -- 1/10/80
84: */
85: if (strncmp("HOME=", *p, 5) == 0)
86: {
87: for(cp = *p,cp2=hometmp;*cp != '=';)
88: *cp2++ = *cp++;
89: *cp2++ = '=';
90: strcpy(cp2,pwd->pw_dir);
91: *p = calloc(1,strlen(hometmp)+1);
92: strcat(*p,hometmp);
93: }
94: /*
95: * slight kludge here: csh strips off the first letter of argv[1]
96: * when it is "newgrp", so add a dummy first letter! -- pag
97: */
98: if(strcmp(shell,"/bin/csh") != 0)
99: execl(shell, "newgrp", 0);
100: else
101: execl(shell, "_newgrp", 0);
102: #endif
103: printf("No shell\n");
104: exit(3);
105: }
Defined functions
defined in line
50; used 6 times
defined in line
never used
Defined variables
defined in line
5; used 9 times
defined in line
6; used 4 times
defined in line
11; used 4 times