1: /*
   2:  * Reads standard graphics input
   3:  * Makes a plot on a 200 dot-per-inch 11" wide
   4:  * Versatek plotter.
   5:  *
   6:  * Creates and leaves /usr/tmp/raster (1000 blocks)
   7:  * which is the bitmap
   8:  */
   9: #include "stdio.h"
  10: #include <signal.h>
  12: #define NB  88
  13: #define BSIZ    512
  14: #define mapx(x) ((1536*((x)-botx)/del)+centx)
  15: #define mapy(y) ((1536*(del-(y)+boty)/del)-centy)
  16: #define SOLID -1
  17: #define DOTTED 014
  18: #define SHORTDASHED 034
  19: #define DOTDASHED 054
  20: #define LONGDASHED 074
  21: #define SETSTATE    (('v'<<8)+1)
  23: int linmod  = SOLID;
  24: int again;
  25: int done1;
  26: char    chrtab[][16];
  27: int plotcom[]   { 0200, 0, 0};
  28: int eotcom[]        { 0210, 0, 0};
  29: char    blocks  [NB][BSIZ];
  30: int obuf[264];
  31: int lastx;
  32: int lasty;
  33: double  topx    = 1536;
  34: double  topy    = 1536;
  35: double  botx    = 0;
  36: double  boty    = 0;
  37: int centx;
  38: int centy;
  39: double  delx    = 1536;
  40: double  dely    = 1536;
  41: double  del = 1536;
  43: struct  buf {
  44:     int bno;
  45:     char    *block;
  46: };
  47: struct  buf bufs[NB];
  49: int in, out;
  50: char *picture = "/usr/tmp/raster";
  52: main(argc, argv)
  53: char **argv;
  54: {
  55:     extern int onintr();
  56:     register i;
  58:     if (argc>1) {
  59:         in = open(argv[1], 0);
  60:         putpict();
  61:         exit(0);
  62:     }
  63:     signal(SIGTERM, onintr);
  64:     if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN)
  65:         signal(SIGINT, onintr);
  66: another:
  67:     for (i=0; i<NB; i++) {
  68:         bufs[i].bno = -1;
  69:         bufs[i].block = blocks[i];
  70:     }
  71:     out = creat(picture, 0666);
  72:     in = open(picture, 0);
  73:     zseek(out, 32*32);
  74:     write(out, blocks[0], BSIZ);
  75: /*delete following code when filsys deals properly with
  76: holes in files*/
  77:     for(i=0;i<512;i++)
  78:         blocks[0][i] = 0;
  79:     zseek(out, 0);
  80:     for(i=0;i<32*32;i++)
  81:         write(out,blocks[0],512);
  82: /**/
  83:     getpict();
  84:     for (i=0; i<NB; i++)
  85:         if (bufs[i].bno != -1) {
  86:             zseek(out, bufs[i].bno);
  87:             write(out, bufs[i].block, BSIZ);
  88:         }
  89:     putpict();
  90:     if (again) {
  91:         close(in);
  92:         close(out);
  93:         goto another;
  94:     }
  95:     exit(0);
  96: }
  98: getpict()
  99: {
 100:     register x1, y1;
 102:     again = 0;
 103:     for (;;) switch (x1 = getc(stdin)) {
 105:     case 's':
 106:         botx = getw(stdin);
 107:         boty = getw(stdin);
 108:         topx = getw(stdin);
 109:         topy = getw(stdin);
 110:         delx = topx-botx;
 111:         dely = topy-boty;
 112:         if (dely/delx > 1536./2048.)
 113:             del = dely;
 114:         else
 115:             del = delx * (1566./2048.);
 116:         centx = 0;
 117:         centx = (2048 - mapx(topx)) / 2;
 118:         centy = 0;
 119:         centy = mapy(topy) / 2;
 120:         continue;
 122:     case 'l':
 123:         done1 |= 01;
 124:         x1 = mapx(getw(stdin));
 125:         y1 = mapy(getw(stdin));
 126:         lastx = mapx(getw(stdin));
 127:         lasty = mapy(getw(stdin));
 128:         line(x1, y1, lastx, lasty);
 129:         continue;
 131:     case 'm':
 132:         lastx = mapx(getw(stdin));
 133:         lasty = mapy(getw(stdin));
 134:         continue;
 136:     case 't':
 137:         done1 |= 01;
 138:         while ((x1 = getc(stdin)) != '\n')
 139:             plotch(x1);
 140:         continue;
 142:     case 'e':
 143:         if (done1) {
 144:             again++;
 145:             return;
 146:         }
 147:         continue;
 149:     case 'p':
 150:         done1 |= 01;
 151:         lastx = mapx(getw(stdin));
 152:         lasty = mapy(getw(stdin));
 153:         point(lastx, lasty);
 154:         point(lastx+1, lasty);
 155:         point(lastx, lasty+1);
 156:         point(lastx+1, lasty+1);
 157:         continue;
 159:     case 'n':
 160:         done1 |= 01;
 161:         x1 = mapx(getw(stdin));
 162:         y1 = mapy(getw(stdin));
 163:         line(lastx, lasty, x1, y1);
 164:         lastx = x1;
 165:         lasty = y1;
 166:         continue;
 168:     case 'f':
 169:         getw(stdin);
 170:         getc(stdin);
 171:         switch(getc(stdin)) {
 172:         case 't':
 173:             linmod = DOTTED;
 174:             break;
 175:         default:
 176:         case 'i':
 177:             linmod = SOLID;
 178:             break;
 179:         case 'g':
 180:             linmod = LONGDASHED;
 181:             break;
 182:         case 'r':
 183:             linmod = SHORTDASHED;
 184:             break;
 185:         case 'd':
 186:             linmod = DOTDASHED;
 187:             break;
 188:         }
 189:         while((x1=getc(stdin))!='\n')
 190:             if(x1==-1) return;
 191:         continue;
 193:     case 'd':
 194:         getw(stdin);
 195:         getw(stdin);
 196:         getw(stdin);
 197:         x1 = getw(stdin);
 198:         while (--x1 >= 0)
 199:             getw(stdin);
 200:         continue;
 202:     case -1:
 203:         return;
 205:     default:
 206:         printf("Botch\n");
 207:         return;
 208:     }
 209: }
 211: plotch(c)
 212: register c;
 213: {
 214:     register j;
 215:     register char *cp;
 216:     int i;
 218:     if (c<' ' || c >0177)
 219:         return;
 220:     cp = chrtab[c-' '];
 221:     for (i = -16; i<16; i += 2) {
 222:         c = *cp++;
 223:         for (j=7; j>=0; --j)
 224:             if ((c>>j)&1) {
 225:                 point(lastx+6-j*2, lasty+i);
 226:                 point(lastx+7-j*2, lasty+i);
 227:                 point(lastx+6-j*2, lasty+i+1);
 228:                 point(lastx+7-j*2, lasty+i+1);
 229:             }
 230:     }
 231:     lastx += 16;
 232: }
 234: int f; /* versatec file number */
 235: putpict()
 236: {
 237:     register x, *ip, *op;
 238:     int y;
 240:     if (f==0){
 241:         f = open("/dev/vp0", 1);
 242:         if (f < 0) {
 243:             printf("Cannot open vp\n");
 244:             exit(1);
 245:         }
 246:         ioctl(f, SETSTATE, plotcom);
 247:     }
 248:     op = obuf;
 249:     lseek(in, 0L, 0);
 250:     for (y=0; y<2048; y++) {
 251:         if ((y&077) == 0)
 252:             read(in, blocks[0], 32*BSIZ);
 253:         for (x=0; x<32; x++)  {
 254:             ip = (int *)&blocks[x][(y&077)<<3];
 255:             *op++ = *ip++;
 256:             *op++ = *ip++;
 257:             *op++ = *ip++;
 258:             *op++ = *ip++;
 259:         }
 260:         *op++ = 0;
 261:         *op++ = 0;
 262:         *op++ = 0;
 263:         *op++ = 0;
 264:         if (y&1) {
 265:             write(f, (char *)obuf, sizeof(obuf));
 266:             op = obuf;
 267:         }
 268:     }
 269: }
 271: line(x0, y0, x1, y1)
 272: register x0, y0;
 273: {
 274:     int dx, dy;
 275:     int xinc, yinc;
 276:     register res1;
 277:     int res2;
 278:     int slope;
 280:     xinc = 1;
 281:     yinc = 1;
 282:     if ((dx = x1-x0) < 0) {
 283:         xinc = -1;
 284:         dx = -dx;
 285:     }
 286:     if ((dy = y1-y0) < 0) {
 287:         yinc = -1;
 288:         dy = -dy;
 289:     }
 290:     slope = xinc*yinc;
 291:     res1 = 0;
 292:     res2 = 0;
 293:     if (dx >= dy) while (x0 != x1) {
 294:     if((x0+slope*y0)&linmod)
 295:     if (((x0>>6) + ((y0&~077)>>1)) == bufs[0].bno)
 296:         bufs[0].block[((y0&077)<<3)+((x0>>3)&07)] |= 1 << (7-(x0&07));
 297:     else
 298:         point(x0, y0);
 299:         if (res1 > res2) {
 300:             res2 += dx - res1;
 301:             res1 = 0;
 302:             y0 += yinc;
 303:         }
 304:         res1 += dy;
 305:         x0 += xinc;
 306:     } else while (y0 != y1) {
 307:     if((x0+slope*y0)&linmod)
 308:     if (((x0>>6) + ((y0&~077)>>1)) == bufs[0].bno)
 309:         bufs[0].block[((y0&077)<<3)+((x0>>3)&07)] |= 1 << (7-(x0&07));
 310:     else
 311:         point(x0, y0);
 312:         if (res1 > res2) {
 313:             res2 += dy - res1;
 314:             res1 = 0;
 315:             x0 += xinc;
 316:         }
 317:         res1 += dx;
 318:         y0 += yinc;
 319:     }
 320:     if((x1+slope*y1)&linmod)
 321:     if (((x1>>6) + ((y1&~077)>>1)) == bufs[0].bno)
 322:         bufs[0].block[((y1&077)<<3)+((x1>>3)&07)] |= 1 << (7-(x1&07));
 323:     else
 324:         point(x1, y1);
 325: }
 327: point(x, y)
 328: register x, y;
 329: {
 330:     register bno;
 332:     bno = ((x&03700)>>6) + ((y&03700)>>1);
 333:     if (bno != bufs[0].bno) {
 334:         if (bno < 0 || bno >= 1024)
 335:             return;
 336:         getblk(bno);
 337:     }
 338:     bufs[0].block[((y&077)<<3)+((x>>3)&07)] |= 1 << (7-(x&07));
 339: }
 341: getblk(b)
 342: register b;
 343: {
 344:     register struct buf *bp1, *bp2;
 345:     register char *tp;
 347: loop:
 348:     for (bp1 = bufs; bp1 < &bufs[NB]; bp1++) {
 349:         if (bp1->bno == b || bp1->bno == -1) {
 350:             tp = bp1->block;
 351:             for (bp2 = bp1; bp2>bufs; --bp2) {
 352:                 bp2->bno = (bp2-1)->bno;
 353:                 bp2->block = (bp2-1)->block;
 354:             }
 355:             bufs[0].bno = b;
 356:             bufs[0].block = tp;
 357:             return;
 358:         }
 359:     }
 360:     zseek(out, bufs[NB-1].bno);
 361:     write(out, bufs[NB-1].block, BSIZ);
 362:     zseek(in, b);
 363:     read(in, bufs[NB-1].block, BSIZ);
 364:     bufs[NB-1].bno = b;
 365:     goto loop;
 366: }
 368: onintr()
 369: {
 370:     exit(1);
 371: }
 373: zseek(a, b)
 374: {
 375:     return(lseek(a, (long)b*512, 0));
 376: }

Defined functions

getblk defined in line 341; used 1 times
getpict defined in line 98; used 1 times
  • in line 83
line defined in line 271; used 3 times
main defined in line 52; never used
onintr defined in line 368; used 3 times
plotch defined in line 211; used 1 times
point defined in line 327; used 12 times
putpict defined in line 235; used 2 times
zseek defined in line 373; used 5 times

Defined variables

again defined in line 24; used 3 times
blocks defined in line 29; used 6 times
botx defined in line 35; used 3 times
boty defined in line 36; used 3 times
bufs defined in line 47; used 22 times
centx defined in line 37; used 3 times
centy defined in line 38; used 3 times
chrtab defined in line 26; used 1 times
del defined in line 41; used 5 times
delx defined in line 39; used 3 times
dely defined in line 40; used 3 times
done1 defined in line 25; used 5 times
eotcom defined in line 28; never used
f defined in line 234; used 5 times
in defined in line 49; used 7 times
lastx defined in line 31; used 15 times
lasty defined in line 32; used 14 times
linmod defined in line 23; used 8 times
obuf defined in line 30; used 4 times
out defined in line 49; used 10 times
picture defined in line 50; used 2 times
plotcom defined in line 27; used 1 times
topx defined in line 33; used 3 times
topy defined in line 34; used 3 times

Defined struct's

buf defined in line 43; used 4 times

Defined macros

BSIZ defined in line 13; used 6 times
DOTDASHED defined in line 19; used 1 times
DOTTED defined in line 17; used 1 times
LONGDASHED defined in line 20; used 1 times
NB defined in line 12; used 9 times
SETSTATE defined in line 21; used 1 times
SHORTDASHED defined in line 18; used 1 times
SOLID defined in line 16; used 2 times
mapx defined in line 14; used 6 times
mapy defined in line 15; used 6 times
Last modified: 1981-07-10
Generated: 2016-12-26
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