1: /*
   2:  * Print system stuff
   3:  * Works on any number (MAXTTYS each) of kl,dh, and dz ports.
   4:  * Additional mods for use of /dev/kmem (except for -u),
   5:  * size parameters in kernel, and job control
   6:  */
   8: #define MAXTTYS 48
   9: #define mask(x) (x&0377)
  10: #include <whoami.h>
  11: #include <sys/param.h>
  12: #include <stdio.h>
  13: #include <a.out.h>
  14: #include <sys/conf.h>
  15: #include <sys/tty.h>
  16: #include <sys/inode.h>
  17: #include <sys/text.h>
  18: #include <sys/proc.h>
  19: #include <sys/dir.h>
  20: #include <sys/user.h>
  21: #include <sys/file.h>
  24: char    *fcore  = "/dev/kmem";
  25: char    *fmem   = "/dev/mem";
  26: char    *fnlist = "/unix";
  27: int fc, fm;
  29: struct nlist setup[] = {
  30: #define SINODE  0
  31:     "_inode", 0, 0,
  32: #define SNINODE 1
  33:     "_ninode", 0, 0,
  34: #define STEXT   2
  35:     "_text", 0, 0,
  36: #define SNTEXT  3
  37:     "_ntext", 0, 0,
  38: #define SPROC   4
  39:     "_proc", 0, 0,
  40: #define SNPROC  5
  41:     "_nproc", 0, 0,
  42: #define SFILE   6
  43:     "_file", 0, 0,
  44: #define SNFILE  7
  45:     "_nfile", 0, 0,
  46: #define SDH 8
  47:     "_dh11", 0, 0,
  48: #define SNDH    9
  49:     "_ndh11", 0, 0,
  50: #define SKL 10
  51:     "_kl11", 0, 0,
  52: #define SNKL    11
  53:     "_nkl11", 0, 0,
  54: #define SDZ 12
  55:     "_dz11", 0, 0,
  56: #define SNDZ    13
  57:     "_ndz11", 0, 0,
  58:     0,
  59: };
  61: int inof;
  62: int txtf;
  63: int prcf;
  64: int ttyf;
  65: int usrf;
  66: long    ubase;
  67: int filf;
  68: int allflg;
  70: main(argc, argv)
  71: char **argv;
  72: {
  74:     while (--argc && **++argv == '-') {
  75:         while (*++*argv)
  76:         switch (**argv) {
  78:         case 'a':
  79:             allflg++;
  80:             break;
  82:         case 'i':
  83:             inof++;
  84:             break;
  86:         case 'x':
  87:             txtf++;
  88:             break;
  89:         case 'p':
  90:             prcf++;
  91:             break;
  93:         case 't':
  94:             ttyf++;
  95:             break;
  97:         case 'u':
  98:             if (--argc == 0)
  99:                 break;
 100:             usrf++;
 101:             ubase = oatoi(*++argv);
 102:             break;
 104:         case 'f':
 105:             filf++;
 106:             break;
 107:         }
 108:     }
 109:     if (argc>0)
 110:         fmem = fcore = argv[0];
 111:     if ((fc = open(fcore, FATT_RDONLY)) < 0) {
 112:         perror(fcore);
 113:         exit(1);
 114:     }
 115:     if ((fm = open(fmem, FATT_RDONLY)) < 0) {
 116:         perror(fmem);
 117:         exit(1);
 118:     }
 119:     if (argc>1)
 120:         fnlist = argv[1];
 121:     nlist(fnlist, setup);
 122:     if (setup[SINODE].n_type == 0) {
 123:         printf("no namelist\n");
 124:         exit(1);
 125:     }
 126:     if (inof)
 127:         doinode();
 128:     if (txtf)
 129:         dotext();
 130:     if (ttyf)
 131:         dotty();
 132:     if (prcf)
 133:         doproc();
 134:     if (usrf)
 135:         dousr();
 136:     if (filf)
 137:         dofil();
 138: }
 140: doinode()
 141: {
 142:     register struct inode *ip;
 143:     struct inode *xinode;
 144:     register int nin, loc;
 145:     int ninode;
 147:     /*
 148: 	 * Find number of inodes
 149: 	 */
 150:     if (setup[SNINODE].n_value) {
 151:         lseek (fc, (off_t) setup[SNINODE].n_value, FSEEK_ABSOLUTE);
 152:         if (read(fc, (char *)&ninode,sizeof(ninode)) != sizeof(ninode)){
 153:             perror("read");
 154:             return;
 155:         }
 156:     } else {
 157:         fprintf(stderr, "ninode not in namelist\n");
 158:         return;
 159:     }
 160:     xinode = (struct proc *)calloc(ninode, sizeof(struct inode));
 161:     if (xinode == NULL) {
 162:         printf("Not enough memory for inodes\n");
 163:         return;
 164:     }
 166:     nin = 0;
 167:     lseek(fc, (long)setup[SINODE].n_value, FSEEK_ABSOLUTE);
 168:     read(fc, (char *)xinode, ninode * sizeof(struct inode));
 169:     for (ip = xinode; ip < &xinode[ninode]; ip++)
 170:         if (ip->i_count)
 171:             nin++;
 172:     printf("%d active inodes\n", nin);
 173:     printf("   LOC  FLAGS  CNT DEVICE   INO   MODE NLK UID  SIZE/DEV\n");
 174:     loc = setup[SINODE].n_value;
 175:     for (ip = xinode; ip < &xinode[ninode]; ip++, loc += sizeof(xinode[0])) {
 176:         if (ip->i_count == 0)
 177:             continue;
 178:         printf("%7.1o ", loc);
 179:         putf(ip->i_flag&ILOCK, 'L');
 180:         putf(ip->i_flag&IUPD, 'U');
 181:         putf(ip->i_flag&IACC, 'A');
 182:         putf(ip->i_flag&IMOUNT, 'M');
 183:         putf(ip->i_flag&IWANT, 'W');
 184:         putf(ip->i_flag&ITEXT, 'T');
 185:         printf("%4d", ip->i_count&0377);
 186:         printf("%3d,%3d", major(ip->i_dev), minor(ip->i_dev));
 187:         printf("%6l", ip->i_number);
 188:         printf("%7o", ip->i_mode);
 189:         printf("%4d", ip->i_nlink);
 190:         printf("%4d", ip->i_uid);
 191:         if ((ip->i_mode&IFMT)==IFBLK || (ip->i_mode&IFMT)==IFCHR)
 192:             printf("%6d,%3d", major(ip->i_un.i_rdev), minor(ip->i_un.i_rdev));
 193:         else
 194:             printf("%10ld", ip->i_size);
 195:         printf("\n");
 196:     }
 197:     free((char *)xinode);
 198: }
 200: putf(v, n)
 201: {
 202:     if (v)
 203:         printf("%c", n);
 204:     else
 205:         printf(" ");
 206: }
 208: dotext()
 209: {
 210:     register struct text *xp;
 211:     struct text *xtext;
 212:     register loc;
 213:     int ntx;
 214:     int ntext;
 216:     /*
 217: 	 * Find number of texts
 218: 	 */
 219:     if (setup[SNTEXT].n_value) {
 220:         lseek (fc, (off_t) setup[SNTEXT].n_value, FSEEK_ABSOLUTE);
 221:         if (read(fc, (char *)&ntext, sizeof(ntext)) != sizeof (ntext)) {
 222:             perror("read");
 223:             return;
 224:         }
 225:     } else {
 226:         fprintf(stderr, "ntext not in namelist\n");
 227:         return;
 228:     }
 229:     xtext = (struct text *)calloc(ntext, sizeof(struct text));
 230:     if (xtext == NULL) {
 231:         printf("Not enough memory for text\n");
 232:         return;
 233:     }
 235:     ntx = 0;
 236:     lseek(fc, (long)setup[STEXT].n_value, FSEEK_ABSOLUTE);
 237:     read(fc, (char *)xtext, ntext * sizeof(struct text));
 238:     for (xp = xtext; xp < &xtext[ntext]; xp++)
 239:         if (xp->x_iptr!=NULL)
 240:             ntx++;
 241:     printf("%d text segments\n", ntx);
 242:     printf("   LOC FLAGS DADDR  CADDR SIZE   IPTR  CNT CCNT\n");
 243:     loc = setup[STEXT].n_value;
 244:     for (xp = xtext; xp < &xtext[ntext]; xp++, loc+=sizeof(xtext[0])) {
 245:         if (xp->x_iptr == NULL)
 246:             continue;
 247:         printf("%7.1o", loc);
 248:         printf(" ");
 249:         putf(xp->x_flag&XTRC, 'T');
 250:         putf(xp->x_flag&XWRIT, 'W');
 251:         putf(xp->x_flag&XLOAD, 'L');
 252:         putf(xp->x_flag&XLOCK, 'K');
 253:         putf(xp->x_flag&XWANT, 'w');
 254:         printf("%5u", xp->x_daddr);
 255:         printf("%7.1o", xp->x_caddr);
 256:         printf("%5d", xp->x_size);
 257:         printf("%8.1o", xp->x_iptr);
 258:         printf("%4d", xp->x_count&0377);
 259:         printf("%4d", xp->x_ccount);
 260:         printf("\n");
 261:     }
 262:     free((char *)xtext);
 263: }
 265: doproc()
 266: {
 267:     struct proc *xproc;
 268:     register struct proc *pp;
 269:     register loc, np;
 270:     int nproc;
 272:     /*
 273: 	 * Find number of procs
 274: 	 */
 275:     if (setup[SNPROC].n_value) {
 276:         lseek (fc, (off_t) setup[SNPROC].n_value, FSEEK_ABSOLUTE);
 277:         if (read(fc, (char *)&nproc, sizeof(nproc)) != sizeof (nproc)) {
 278:             perror("read");
 279:             return;
 280:         }
 281:     } else {
 282:         fprintf(stderr, "nproc not in namelist\n");
 283:         return;
 284:     }
 285:     xproc = (struct proc *)calloc(nproc, sizeof(struct proc));
 286:     if (xproc == NULL) {
 287:         printf("Not enough memory for procs\n");
 288:         return;
 289:     }
 290:     lseek(fc, (long)setup[SPROC].n_value, FSEEK_ABSOLUTE);
 291:     read(fc, (char *)xproc, nproc * sizeof(struct proc));
 292:     np = 0;
 293:     for (pp=xproc; pp < &xproc[nproc]; pp++)
 294:         if (pp->p_stat)
 295:             np++;
 296:     printf("%d processes\n", np);
 297: #ifdef  VIRUS_VFORK
 298:     printf(
 301: #else
 303: #endif
 304:     for (loc=setup[SPROC].n_value,pp=xproc; pp<&xproc[nproc]; pp++,loc+=sizeof(xproc[0])) {
 305:         if (pp->p_stat==0 && allflg==0)
 306:             continue;
 307:         printf("%6o", loc);
 308:         printf("%2d", pp->p_stat);
 309:         printf("%4o", pp->p_flag);
 310:         printf("%5d", pp->p_pri);
 311: #ifdef  MENLO_JCL
 312:         printf("%7O", pp->p_sig);
 313: #else
 314:         printf("%7o", pp->p_sig);
 315: #endif
 316:         printf("%4d", pp->p_uid&0377);
 317:         printf("%4d", pp->p_time&0377);
 318:         printf("%4d", pp->p_cpu&0377);
 319:         printf("%3d", pp->p_nice);
 320:         printf("%6d", pp->p_pgrp);
 321:         printf("%6d", pp->p_pid);
 322:         printf("%6d", pp->p_ppid);
 323:         printf("%5o", pp->p_addr);
 324: #ifdef  VIRUS_VFORK
 325:         printf("%5o", pp->p_daddr);
 326:         printf("%5o", pp->p_saddr);
 327:         printf("\n\t");
 328:         printf("%5o", pp->p_dsize);
 329:         printf("%5o", pp->p_ssize);
 330: #else
 331:         printf("%5o", pp->p_size);
 332: #endif
 333:         printf("%7o", pp->p_wchan);
 334:         printf("%7o", pp->p_link);
 335:         printf("%7o", pp->p_textp);
 336:         printf(" %u", pp->p_clktim);
 337:         printf("\n");
 338:     }
 339:     free((char *)xproc);
 340: }
 342: dotty()
 343: {
 344:     struct  tty tty[MAXTTYS];
 345:     int ntty;
 346:     register struct tty *tp;
 347:     register char *mesg;
 349: #ifdef  MPX_FILS
 350:     mesg = " # RAW CAN OUT   MODE   ADDR   DEL COL  STATE      PGRP  CHAN\n";
 351: #else
 352:     mesg = " # RAW CAN OUT   MODE   ADDR   DEL COL  STATE      PGRP\n";
 353: #endif
 354:     if (setup[SNKL].n_type != 0) {
 355:         lseek(fc, (long)setup[SNKL].n_value, FSEEK_ABSOLUTE);
 356:         read(fc, (char *)&ntty, sizeof(ntty));
 357:         lseek(fc, (long)setup[SKL].n_value, FSEEK_ABSOLUTE);
 358:         read(fc, (char *)tty, ntty * sizeof(struct tty));
 359:         printf("%d kl11 port%s\n", ntty, (ntty != 1) ?  "s" : "");
 360:         printf(mesg);
 361:         for(tp = tty; tp < &tty[ntty]; tp++)
 362:             ttyprt(tp-tty, tp);
 363:     }
 364:     if (setup[SNDZ].n_type != 0) {
 365:         lseek(fc, (long)setup[SNDZ].n_value, FSEEK_ABSOLUTE);
 366:         read(fc, (char *)&ntty, sizeof(ntty));
 367:         lseek(fc, (long)setup[SDZ].n_value, FSEEK_ABSOLUTE);
 368:         read(fc, (char *)tty, ntty * sizeof(struct tty));
 369:         printf("\n%d dz11 port%s\n", ntty, (ntty != 1) ?  "s" : "");
 370:         printf(mesg);
 371:         for(tp = tty; tp < &tty[ntty]; tp++)
 372:             ttyprt(tp-tty, tp);
 373:     }
 374:     if (setup[SNDH].n_type != 0) {
 375:         lseek(fc, (long)setup[SNDH].n_value, FSEEK_ABSOLUTE);
 376:         read(fc, (char *)&ntty, sizeof(ntty));
 377:         lseek(fc, (long)setup[SDH].n_value, FSEEK_ABSOLUTE);
 378:         read(fc, (char *)tty, ntty * sizeof(struct tty));
 379:         printf("\n%d dh11 port%s\n", ntty, (ntty != 1) ?  "s" : "");
 380:         printf(mesg);
 381:         for(tp = tty; tp < &tty[ntty]; tp++)
 382:             ttyprt(tp-tty, tp);
 383:     }
 384: }
 386: ttyprt(n, atp)
 387: struct tty *atp;
 388: {
 389:     register struct tty *tp;
 391:     tp = atp;
 392:     printf("%2d", n);
 393:     printf("%4d", tp->t_rawq.c_cc);
 394:     printf("%4d", tp->t_canq.c_cc);
 395:     printf("%4d", tp->t_outq.c_cc);
 396:     printf("%8.1o", tp->t_flags);
 397:     printf("%8.1o", tp->t_addr);
 398:     printf("%3d", tp->t_delct);
 399:     printf("%4d ", tp->t_col);
 400:     putf(tp->t_state&TIMEOUT, 'T');
 401:     putf(tp->t_state&WOPEN, 'W');
 402:     putf(tp->t_state&ISOPEN, 'O');
 403:     putf(tp->t_state&CARR_ON, 'C');
 404:     putf(tp->t_state&BUSY, 'B');
 405:     putf(tp->t_state&ASLEEP, 'A');
 406:     putf(tp->t_state&XCLUDE, 'X');
 407:     putf(tp->t_state&TTSTOP, 'S');
 408:     putf(tp->t_state&TBLOCK, 'M');
 409:     putf(tp->t_state&HUPCLS, 'H');
 410:     printf("%6d", tp->t_pgrp);
 411: #ifdef MPX_FILS
 412:     printf("%4.1o", tp->t_chan);
 413: #endif
 414:     printf("\n");
 415: }
 417: dousr()
 418: {
 419:     union {
 420:         struct  user rxu;
 421:         char    fxu[ctob(USIZE)];
 422:     } xu;
 423:     register struct user *up;
 424:     register i;
 426:     lseek(fm, ubase<<6, FSEEK_ABSOLUTE);
 427:     read(fm, (char *)&xu, sizeof(xu));
 428:     up = &xu.rxu;
 429:     dolabel("rsav", up->u_rsav);
 430:     printf("segflg, error %d, %d\n", up->u_segflg, up->u_error);
 431:     printf("uids %d,%d,%d,%d\n", up->u_uid,up->u_gid,up->u_ruid,up->u_rgid);
 432:     printf("procp %.1o\n", up->u_procp);
 433:     printf("base, count, offset %.1o %.1o %ld\n", up->u_base,
 434:         up->u_count, up->u_offset);
 435:     printf("cdir %.1o\n", up->u_cdir);
 436:     printf("dbuf %.14s\n", up->u_dbuf);
 437:     printf("dirp %.1o\n", up->u_dirp);
 438:     printf("dent %d %.14s\n", up->u_dent.d_ino, up->u_dent.d_name);
 439:     printf("pdir %.1o\n", up->u_pdir);
 440:     printf("dseg");
 441:     for (i=0; i<8; i++)
 442:         printf("%8.1o", up->u_uisa[i]);
 443:     printf("\n    ");
 444:     for (i=0; i<8; i++)
 445:         printf("%8.1o", up->u_uisd[i]);
 446:     if (up->u_sep) {
 447:         printf("\ntseg");
 448:         for (i=8; i<16; i++)
 449:             printf("%8.1o", up->u_uisa[i]);
 450:         printf("\n    ");
 451:         for (i=8; i<16; i++)
 452:             printf("%8.1o", up->u_uisd[i]);
 453:     }
 454:     printf("\nfile");
 455:     for (i=0; i<10; i++)
 456:         printf("%8.1o", up->u_ofile[i]);
 457:     printf("\n    ");
 458:     for (i=10; i<NOFILE; i++)
 459:         printf("%8.1o", up->u_ofile[i]);
 460:     printf("\nargs");
 461:     for (i=0; i<5; i++)
 462:         printf(" %.1o", up->u_arg[i]);
 463:     printf("\nsizes %.1o %.1o %.1o\n", up->u_tsize, up->u_dsize, up->u_ssize);
 464:     printf("sep %d\n", up->u_sep);
 465:     dolabel("qsav", up->u_qsav);
 466:     dolabel("ssav", up->u_ssav);
 467:     printf("sigs");
 468: #ifdef  MENLO_JCL
 469:     for (i=0; i<16; i++)
 470:         printf(" %.1o", up->u_signal[i]);
 471:     printf("\n    ");
 472:     for (i=17; i<NSIG; i++)
 473:         printf(" %.1o", up->u_signal[i]);
 474: #else
 475:     for (i=0; i<NSIG; i++)
 476:         printf(" %.1o", up->u_signal[i]);
 477: #endif
 478:     printf("\ntimes %ld %ld\n", up->u_utime/60, up->u_stime/60);
 479:     printf("ctimes %ld %ld\n", up->u_cutime/60, up->u_cstime/60);
 480:     printf("ar0 %.1o\n", up->u_ar0);
 481: /*
 482: 	printf("prof");
 483: 	for (i=0; i<4; i++)
 484: 		printf(" %.1o", up->u_prof[i]);
 485: 	printf("\n");
 486: */
 487:     printf("intflg %d\n", up->u_intflg);
 488:     printf("ttyp %.1o\n", up->u_ttyp);
 489:     printf("ttydev %d,%d\n", major(up->u_ttyd), minor(up->u_ttyd));
 490:     printf("comm %.14s\n", up->u_comm);
 491: #ifdef  MENLO_OVLY
 492:     if (up->u_ovdata.uo_curov) {
 493:         printf("curov, ovbase, dbase, nseg %d %.1o %.1o %d\n",
 494:             up->u_ovdata.uo_curov, up->u_ovdata.uo_ovbase,
 495:             up->u_ovdata.uo_dbase, up->u_ovdata.uo_nseg);
 496:         printf("offst");
 497:         for (i=0; i<8; i++)
 498:             printf(" %.1o", up->u_ovdata.uo_ov_offst[i]);
 499:         printf("\n");
 500:     }
 501: #endif
 502: }
 504: dolabel(s, l)
 505: char *s;
 506: label_t l;
 507: {
 508:     int i;
 510:     printf("%s", s);
 511:     for (i=0; i < (sizeof(label_t) / sizeof(l[0])); i++)
 512:         printf(" %.1o", l[i]);
 513:     printf("\n");
 514: }
 516: oatoi(s)
 517: char *s;
 518: {
 519:     register v;
 521:     v = 0;
 522:     while (*s)
 523:         v = (v<<3) + *s++ - '0';
 524:     return(v);
 525: }
 527: dofil()
 528: {
 529:     struct file *xfile;
 530:     register struct file *fp;
 531:     register nf;
 532:     unsigned loc;
 533:     int nfile;
 535:     /*
 536: 	 * Find number of files
 537: 	 */
 538:     if (setup[SNFILE].n_value) {
 539:         lseek (fc, (off_t) setup[SNFILE].n_value, FSEEK_ABSOLUTE);
 540:         if (read(fc, (char *)&nfile, sizeof(nfile)) != sizeof (nfile)) {
 541:             perror("read");
 542:             return;
 543:         }
 544:     } else {
 545:         fprintf(stderr, "nfile not in namelist\n");
 546:         return;
 547:     }
 548:     xfile = (struct file *)calloc(nfile, sizeof(struct file));
 549:     if (xfile == NULL) {
 550:         printf("Not enough memory for file table\n");
 551:         return;
 552:     }
 554:     nf = 0;
 555:     lseek(fc, (long)setup[SFILE].n_value, FSEEK_ABSOLUTE);
 556:     read(fc, (char *)xfile, nfile * sizeof(struct file));
 557:     for (fp=xfile; fp < &xfile[nfile]; fp++)
 558:         if (fp->f_count)
 559:             nf++;
 560:     printf("%d open files\n", nf);
 561:     printf("  LOC   FLG CNT   INO    OFFS\n");
 562:     for (fp=xfile,loc=setup[SFILE].n_value; fp < &xfile[nfile];
 563:         fp++,loc+=sizeof(xfile[0])) {
 564:         if (fp->f_count==0)
 565:             continue;
 566:         printf("%7.1o ", loc);
 567:         putf(fp->f_flag&FREAD, 'R');
 568:         putf(fp->f_flag&FWRITE, 'W');
 569:         putf(fp->f_flag&FPIPE, 'P');
 570:         printf("%4d", mask(fp->f_count));
 571:         printf("%8.1o", fp->f_inode);
 572:         printf(" %ld\n", fp->f_un.f_offset);
 573:     }
 574:     free((char *)xfile);
 575: }

Defined functions

dofil defined in line 527; used 1 times
doinode defined in line 140; used 1 times
dolabel defined in line 504; used 3 times
doproc defined in line 265; used 1 times
dotext defined in line 208; used 1 times
dotty defined in line 342; used 1 times
dousr defined in line 417; used 1 times
main defined in line 70; never used
oatoi defined in line 516; used 1 times
putf defined in line 200; used 24 times
ttyprt defined in line 386; used 3 times

Defined variables

allflg defined in line 68; used 2 times
fc defined in line 27; used 29 times
fcore defined in line 24; used 3 times
filf defined in line 67; used 2 times
fm defined in line 27; used 3 times
fmem defined in line 25; used 3 times
fnlist defined in line 26; used 2 times
inof defined in line 61; used 2 times
prcf defined in line 63; used 2 times
setup defined in line 29; used 27 times
ttyf defined in line 64; used 2 times
txtf defined in line 62; used 2 times
ubase defined in line 66; used 2 times
usrf defined in line 65; used 2 times

Defined macros

MAXTTYS defined in line 8; used 1 times
SDH defined in line 46; used 1 times
SDZ defined in line 54; used 1 times
SFILE defined in line 42; used 2 times
SINODE defined in line 30; used 3 times
SKL defined in line 50; used 1 times
SNDH defined in line 48; used 2 times
SNDZ defined in line 56; used 2 times
SNFILE defined in line 44; used 2 times
SNINODE defined in line 32; used 2 times
SNKL defined in line 52; used 2 times
SNPROC defined in line 40; used 2 times
SNTEXT defined in line 36; used 2 times
SPROC defined in line 38; used 2 times
STEXT defined in line 34; used 2 times
mask defined in line 9; used 1 times
Last modified: 1983-06-03
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
page hit count: 1736
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