1: / C register save and restore -- version 7/75
   2: / modified by wnj && cbh 6/79 for overlaid text registers
   3: / modified by wf jolitz 2/80 to work and use emt syscall
   4: / modified for 8-byte thunk, mjk 10/81
   5: /
   7: .globl  csv
   8: .globl  cret
   9: .globl  __ovno
  10: .globl  _etext
  11: .data
  12: __ovno: 0
  13: .text
  15: emt= 0104000            / overlays switched by emulator trap. ovno in r0.
  17: / ovhndlr1 through ovhndlr7 are called from the thunks after
  18: / r1 is set to the location of the first instruction in the subroutine
  19: / after the call to csv (~foo+4).  They in turn branch to ovhndlr
  20: / which sets the overlay and simulates a csv.
  21: / Thus, the subroutine's call to csv is bypassed.
  23: .globl  ovhndlr1, ovhndlr2, ovhndlr3, ovhndlr4, ovhndlr5, ovhndlr6, ovhndlr7
  25: ovhndlr1:
  26:         mov     $1,r0
  27:         br      ovhndlr
  29: ovhndlr2:
  30:         mov     $2,r0
  31:         br      ovhndlr
  33: ovhndlr3:
  34:         mov     $3,r0
  35:         br      ovhndlr
  37: ovhndlr4:
  38:         mov     $4,r0
  39:         br      ovhndlr
  41: ovhndlr5:
  42:         mov     $5,r0
  43:         br      ovhndlr
  45: ovhndlr6:
  46:         mov     $6,r0
  47:         br      ovhndlr
  49: ovhndlr7:
  50:         mov     $7,r0
  51:         br      ovhndlr
  53: ovhndlr:
  54:         cmp     r0,__ovno
  55:         beq     1f
  56:         emt
  57: 1:      mov     sp,r5
  58:         mov     __ovno,-(sp)
  59:         mov     r0,__ovno
  60:         mov     r4,-(sp)
  61:         mov     r3,-(sp)
  62:         mov     r2,-(sp)
  63:         jsr     pc,(r1)         / jsr part is sub $2,sp
  65: / csv for routines called directly (in base or intra-overlay calls).
  66: / no overlays have been changed, so we just save the previous overlay
  67: / number on the stack. note that r0 isn't set to the current overlay
  68: / because we weren't called through a thunk.
  69: csv:
  70:         mov     r5,r1
  71:         mov     sp,r5
  72:         mov     __ovno,-(sp)    / overlay is extra (first) word in mark
  73: / rest is old code common with csv
  74:         mov     r4,-(sp)
  75:         mov     r3,-(sp)
  76:         mov     r2,-(sp)
  77:         jsr     pc,(r1)         / jsr part is sub $2,sp
  78: /
  79: / at this point, the stack frame looks like this:
  80: /
  81: /	_________________________
  82: /	|  return addr to callee|
  83: /	|_______________________|
  84: / r5->	| old r5	        |
  85: /	|_______________________|
  86: /	| previous ovnumber     |
  87: /	|_______________________|
  88: /	| old r4		|
  89: /	|_______________________|
  90: /	| old r3		|
  91: /	|_______________________|
  92: / sp->	| old r2		|
  93: /	|_______________________|
  94: /
  97: cret:
  98:         mov     r5,r2
  99: / get the overlay out of the mark, and if it is non-zero
 100: / make sure it is the currently loaded one
 101:         mov     -(r2),r4
 102:         bne     1f              / zero is easy
 103: 2:
 104:         mov     -(r2),r4
 105:         mov     -(r2),r3
 106:         mov     -(r2),r2
 107:         mov     r5,sp
 108:         mov     (sp)+,r5
 109:         rts     pc
 110: / not returning to root segment, so check that the right
 111: / overlay is loaded, and if not ask UNIX for help
 112: 1:
 113:         cmp     r4,__ovno
 114:         beq     2b              / lucked out!
 115: / if return address is in root segment, then nothing to do
 116:         cmp     2(r5),$_etext
 117:         blos    2b
 118: / returning to wrong overlay --- do something!
 119:         mov     r0,r3
 120:         mov     r4,r0
 121:         emt
 122:         mov     r4,__ovno
 123:         mov     r3,r0
 124: / intr. routines may run between these, so should force segment __ovno
 125:         br      2b

Defined functions

cret declared in line 8; defined in line 97; used 1 times
  • in line 8
csv declared in line 7; defined in line 69; used 1 times
  • in line 7
emt defined in line 15; used 2 times
ovhndlr defined in line 53; used 7 times
ovhndlr1 declared in line 23; defined in line 25; used 1 times
  • in line 23
ovhndlr2 declared in line 23; defined in line 29; used 1 times
  • in line 23
ovhndlr3 declared in line 23; defined in line 33; used 1 times
  • in line 23
ovhndlr4 declared in line 23; defined in line 37; used 1 times
  • in line 23
ovhndlr5 declared in line 23; defined in line 41; used 1 times
  • in line 23
ovhndlr6 declared in line 23; defined in line 45; used 1 times
  • in line 23
ovhndlr7 declared in line 23; defined in line 49; used 1 times
  • in line 23

Defined variables

__ovno declared in line 9; defined in line 12; used 7 times
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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