# # Unix version 7. # # Sccs Id = "@(#)Makefile.11 1.3 10/27/82"; # # # Mail is too large to fit on a nonseparate I/D machine without # text overlays; use Ovmakefile to do this. # # If you do not have a vfork system call or do not support # job control, you must change the definition of OPTIONS, # SIGRETROSRC, and SIGRETROOBJ. # OPTIONS= -DV7 -DVMUNIX # vfork and job control #OPTIONS= -DV7 # no vfork or no job control LDFLAGS= -i CFLAGS= -O ${OPTIONS} ${INCLUDES} LIBES= -ljobs -lc SIGRETROSRC= # for those with job control SIGRETROOBJ= # for those with job control #SIGRETROSRC= sigretro.c # for those without job control #SIGRETROOBJ= sigretro.o # for those without job control XSTR= /usr/ucb/xstr CTAGS= /usr/ucb/ctags -w ED= -ed AS= -as RM= -rm OBJS=aux.o cmd1.o cmd2.o cmd3.o cmdtab.o collect.o config.o edit.o fio.o \ getname.o head.o v7.local.o lock.o lex.o list.o main.o \ names.o optim.o popen.o quit.o send.o strings.o temp.o tty.o \ vars.o version.o ${SIGRETROOBJ} str.o SRCS=aux.c cmd1.c cmd2.c cmd3.c cmdtab.c collect.c config.c edit.c fio.c \ getname.c head.c v7.local.c lock.c lex.c list.c main.c \ names.c optim.c popen.c quit.c send.c strings.c temp.c tty.c vars.c \ version.c ${SIGRETROSRC} HDRS=rcv.h configdefs.h def.h glob.h v7.local.h local.h S = $(SRCS) $(HDRS) # # Special massaging of C files for sharing of strings # .c.o: ${CC} -E ${CFLAGS} $*.c | ${XSTR} -c - ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} x.c mv x.o $*.o @$(RM) -f x.c all: Mail fmt cp: Mail fmt -strip Mail fmt cp Mail ${DESTDIR}/usr/ucb cp fmt ${DESTDIR}/usr/ucb cp misc/Mail.help* ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib # cd ${DESTDIR}/usr/ucb; rm -f mail; ln Mail mail rm Mail fmt *.o cmp: Mail fmt cmp Mail ${DESTDIR}/usr/ucb cmp fmt ${DESTDIR}/usr/ucb rm *.o Mail: $S $(OBJS) $(RM) -f Mail @echo Loading ... @${CC} ${LDFLAGS} -o Mail ${OBJS} ${LIBES} @size Mail $S: sccs get $@; srcs: $S tags: $(SRCS) ${CTAGS} $(SRCS); clean: $(RM) -f *.o rm -f a.out fmt x.c xs.c core cp /dev/null strings lint: lint $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS) fmt: fmt.c head.c $(CC) fmt.c head.c -O -o fmt $(RM) fmt.o head.o size fmt str.o: strings $(XSTR) $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) xs.c mv xs.o str.o $(RM) xs.c config.o: config.c $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) config.c cmdtab.o: cmdtab.c $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) cmdtab.c wc: @wc rcv.h def.h glob.h local.h v7.local.h $(SRCS) sc: @grep -c \; rcv.h def.h glob.h local.h v7.local.h $(SRCS)