1: #
   3: static  char    *SccsID[] = "@(#)config.c	1.7 5/24/83";
   5: /*
   6:  * This file contains definitions of network data used by Mail
   7:  * when replying.  See also:  configdefs.h and optim.c
   8:  */
  10: /*
  11:  * The subterfuge with CONFIGFILE is to keep cc from seeing the
  12:  * external defintions in configdefs.h.
  13:  */
  14: #define CONFIGFILE
  15: #include "configdefs.h"
  17: /*
  18:  * Set of network separator characters.
  19:  */
  20: char    *metanet = "!^:%@.";
  22: /*
  23:  * Host table of "known" hosts.  See the comment in configdefs.h;
  24:  * not all accessible hosts need be here (fortunately).
  25:  */
  26: struct netmach netmach[] = {
  27:     "virus",    'V',        BN,
  28:     "berkeley", '7',        AN|SN,
  29:     "a",        'a',        SN,
  30:     "b",        'b',        SN,
  31:     "c",        'c',        SN,
  32:     "d",        'd',        SN,
  33:     "e",        'e',        SN,
  34:     "f",        'f',        SN,
  35:     "g",        'g',        SN,
  36:     "ingres",   'i',        SN,
  37:     "ing70",    'i',        SN,
  38:     "ingvax",   'j',        SN|BN,
  39:     "vlsi",     'l',        SN,
  40:     "image",    'm',        SN,
  41:     "esvax",    'o',        SN,
  42:     "sesm",     'o',        SN,
  43:     "ucbcad",   'p',        SN|BN,
  44:     "q",        'q',        SN,
  45:     "kim",      'n',        SN,
  46:     "research", 'R',        BN,
  47:     "arpavax",  'r',        SN|BN,
  48:     "src",      's',        SN,
  49:     "mathstat", 't',        SN,
  50:     "vax",      'v',        BN|SN,
  51:     "ucb",      'v',        BN|SN,
  52:     "ucbvax",   'v',        BN|SN,
  53:     "onyx",     'x',        SN,
  54:     "cory",     'y',        SN,
  55:     "eecs40",   'z',        SN,
  56:     EMPTY,      EMPTYID,    SN, /* Filled in dynamically */
  57:     0,      0,      0
  58: };
  60: /*
  61:  * Table of ordered of preferred networks.  You probably won't need
  62:  * to fuss with this unless you add a new network character (foolishly).
  63:  */
  64: struct netorder netorder[] = {
  65:     AN, '@',
  66:     AN, '%',
  67:     SN, ':',
  68:     BN, '!',
  69:     -1, 0
  70: };
  72: /*
  73:  * Table to convert from network separator code in address to network
  74:  * bit map kind.  With this transformation, we can deal with more than
  75:  * one character having the same meaning easily.
  76:  */
  77: struct ntypetab ntypetab[] = {
  78:     '%',    AN,
  79:     '@',    AN,
  80:     ':',    SN,
  81:     '!',    BN,
  82:     '^',    BN,
  83:     0,  0
  84: };
  86: struct nkindtab nkindtab[] = {
  87:     AN, IMPLICIT,
  88:     BN, EXPLICIT,
  89:     SN, IMPLICIT,
  90:     0,  0
  91: };

Defined variables

SccsID defined in line 3; never used
metanet defined in line 20; used 7 times
netmach defined in line 26; used 5 times
netorder defined in line 64; used 1 times
nkindtab defined in line 86; used 1 times
ntypetab defined in line 77; used 1 times

Defined macros

CONFIGFILE defined in line 14; never used
Last modified: 1983-07-08
Generated: 2016-12-26
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