1: /*
   2: 	netrc.c
   4: 	procedures to read and parse the .netrc file
   6: 	You may call:
   7: 		commandfile() 		to read the file.
   8: 		rdnetfile(cfile)	to read the file.
  10: Note:
  11: 	commandfile()
  12: 		will read the passwd file
  13: 		if getenv(HOME) searches the passwd file
  15: Table of netrc options
  16: 	option			default
  17: 	------			-------
  18: 	default			default machine
  19: 	login string		current login
  20: 	password string		-
  21: 	notify yes/no		yes
  22: 	write yes/no		yes
  23: 	command string		-
  24: 	force yes/no		no
  26: Fabry has suggested that machine names be more general:
  27: that you be able to say:
  29: 	cory:	fabry on Cory
  30: 	caf:	caf on Cory
  31: 	c:	fabry on C
  33: so the formulation would look like:
  35: 	default key
  36: 	key: machine login passwd ...
  37: 	key: ....
  39: and so on
  41: Gould has suggested the format be:
  43: 	pseudo cory 	real Cory 	login fabry
  44: 	pseudo caf 	real Cory 	login caf
  45: 	pseudo c 	real C 		login fabry
  47: Init file example:
  48: format local C remote A
  50: 	default A
  51: 	machine A    local C link /dev/net-A    speed 9
  52: 	machine Cory local C link /dev/net-Cory speed 9
  54: if remote == 0, default is A
  56: passwords work as follows:
  57:    passwd = "\n" means no password
  59: */
  60: # include "defs.h"
  62: /* tokens, returned by parser */
  63: # define MACHINE 1
  64: # define LOGIN 2
  65: # define PASSWORD 3
  66: # define ONLYUID 4
  67: # define NOTIFY 5
  68: # define QUIET 6
  69: # define COMMAND 7
  70: # define ID 8
  71: # define YES 9
  72: # define DEFAULT 10
  73: # define WRITE 11
  74: # define NO 12
  75: # define FORCE 13
  76: # define LOCALTOK 14
  77: # define LINK 15
  78: # define SPEED 16
  79: # define LENGTH 18
  80: # define DEBUGTOK 19
  81: # define ALTIME 20
  82: # define ALCOUNT 21
  83: # define HISPEEDLINK 22
  84: # define EIGHTBIT 23
  85: # define INSPEED 24
  86: # define OUTSPEED 25
  88: /* global */
  89: struct userinfo status;
  90: struct daemonparms netd = {
  91:     LINKS,          /* inspeed */
  92:     LINKS,          /* outspeed */
  93:     MAXBREAD,       /* maxbread */
  94:     ATIME,          /* atime */
  95:     ATIME,          /* oatime */
  96:     "/dev/null",        /* device */
  97:     SIZE,           /* datasize */
  98:     0           /* onlyuid */
  99:     /* rest are all zero */
 100: };
 102: /* local */
 103: static char tokval[100];
 105: static struct tokstruct {
 106:     char *tokstr;
 107:     int tval;
 108: }   toktab[]= {
 109:     "machine",  MACHINE,
 110:     "login",    LOGIN,
 111:     "password", PASSWORD,
 112:     "onlyuid",  ONLYUID,
 113:     "notify",   NOTIFY,
 114:     "command",  COMMAND,
 115:     "yes",      YES,
 116:     "y",        YES,
 117:     "no",       NO,
 118:     "n",        NO,
 119:     "default",  DEFAULT,
 120:     "write",    WRITE,
 121:     "force",    FORCE,
 122:     "quiet",    QUIET,
 123:     "local",    LOCALTOK,
 124:     "speed",    SPEED,
 125:     "link",     LINK,
 126:     "length",   LENGTH,
 127:     "debug",    DEBUGTOK,
 128:     "time",     ALTIME,
 129:     "count",    ALCOUNT,
 130:     "hispeedlink",  HISPEEDLINK,
 131:     "8bit",     EIGHTBIT,
 132:     "inspeed",  INSPEED,
 133:     "outspeed", OUTSPEED,
 134:     0,      0
 135:     };
 137: static struct stat statbuf;
 139: /*
 140: 	commandfile()
 142: 	this procedure reads in and parses the .netrc file.
 143: 	when you call this, if the remote machine is to be explicitely
 144: 	set, the global variable "remote" must have a value.
 145: 	on return, if it is non-zero, "remote" will have the
 146: 	remote machine the data was collected for.
 147: 	status.localname need not have a value.
 148: */
 149: commandfile(){
 150:     char *hdir, buf[BUFSIZ];
 151:     FILE *cfile;
 152:     hdir = getenv("HOME");
 153:     if(hdir == NULL)hdir = ".";
 154:     sprintf(buf,"%s/.netrc",hdir);
 155: /*
 156: 	debug("file %s",buf);
 157: */
 158:     cfile = fopen(buf,"r");
 159:     if(cfile == NULL)return;
 160:     rdnetfile(cfile);
 161:     fclose(cfile);
 162:     }
 163: /*
 164: 	read the file cfile and parse
 165: */
 166: rdnetfile(cfile)
 167:     FILE *cfile;
 168: {
 169:     int t;
 170:     if(cfile == NULL)return;
 171:     if(fstat(fileno(cfile),&statbuf) < 0 || (statbuf.st_mode & 0444) == 0)
 172:         return;
 173:     while((t = token(cfile))){
 174:         switch(t){
 175:         case DEFAULT:
 176:             if(token(cfile) == ID && remote == 0)remote = lookup(tokval);
 177:             /*
 178: 			debug("rem %c\n",remote);
 179: 			*/
 180:             break;
 181:         case MACHINE:
 182:             if(remote == 0)remote = getremote(local);
 183:             if(token(cfile) != ID)continue;
 184:             if(remote != lookup(tokval))continue;
 185:             /* this is the entry for the remote mach we want */
 186:             getnetline(cfile);
 187:             return;
 188:             break;
 189:         }
 190:         }
 191:     return;
 192:     }
 193: /*
 194: 	read a line of the file
 195: */
 196: static getnetline(cfile)
 197:     FILE *cfile;
 198: {
 199:     int t;
 200:     while((t = token(cfile))){
 201:         switch(t){
 202:         /* these options are usually in the .netrc file */
 203:         case MACHINE: return;
 204:         case LOGIN:
 205:             if(token(cfile) && status.login[0] == 0)
 206:                 strcpy(status.login,tokval);
 207:             break;
 208:         case PASSWORD:
 209:             if(fstat(fileno(cfile),&statbuf) >= 0
 210:             && (statbuf.st_mode & 077) != 0){
 211:                 err("Error - .netrc file not correct mode.\n");
 212:                 err("Remove password or correct mode.\n");
 213:                 exit(EX_USAGE);
 214:                 }
 215:             if(token(cfile) && status.mpasswd[0] == 0)
 216:                 strcpy(status.mpasswd,tokval);
 217:             /*
 218: 			debug("mp:%s:%s\n",status.mpasswd,tokval);
 219: 			*/
 220:             break;
 221:         case NOTIFY:
 222:             status.nonotify = token(cfile) == NO;
 223:             break;
 224:         case WRITE:
 225:             status.nowrite = token(cfile) == NO;
 226:             break;
 227:         case COMMAND:
 228:             if(token(cfile) && status.defcmd[0] == 0)
 229:                 strcpy(status.defcmd,tokval);
 230:             break;
 231:         case QUIET:
 232:             status.quiet = token(cfile) == YES;
 233:             break;
 234:         case FORCE:
 235:             status.force = token(cfile) == YES;
 236:             break;
 238:         /* these options are usually in /usr/net/initfile */
 239:         case LOCALTOK:
 240:             if(token(cfile))local = lookup(tokval);
 241:             break;
 242:         case LINK:
 243:             if(token(cfile))strcpy(netd.dp_device,tokval);
 244:             break;
 245:         case SPEED:
 246:             if(token(cfile))
 247:                 netd.dp_inspeed = netd.dp_outspeed=atoi(tokval);
 248:             break;
 249:         case INSPEED:
 250:             if(token(cfile))netd.dp_inspeed = atoi(tokval);
 251:             break;
 252:         case OUTSPEED:
 253:             if(token(cfile))netd.dp_outspeed = atoi(tokval);
 254:             break;
 255:         case LENGTH:
 256:             if(token(cfile))netd.dp_datasize = atoi(tokval);
 257:             break;
 258:         case DEBUGTOK:
 259:             debugflg++;
 260:             break;
 261:         case ALTIME:
 262:             if(token(cfile))netd.dp_oatime = atoi(tokval);
 263:             break;
 264:         case ALCOUNT:
 265:             if(token(cfile))netd.dp_maxbread = atoi(tokval);
 266:             break;
 267:         case ONLYUID:
 268:             if(token(cfile))netd.dp_onlyuid = atoi(tokval);
 269:             break;
 270:         case EIGHTBIT:
 271:             netd.dp_use8bits++;
 272:             break;
 273:         case HISPEEDLINK:
 274:             if(token(cfile))strcpy(netd.dp_hispeedlink,tokval);
 275:             break;
 276:         default:
 277:             err("Unknown .netrc option %s\n",tokval);
 278:             break;
 279:         }
 280:         }
 281:     }
 282: static token(cfile)
 283:     FILE *cfile;
 284: {   /* returns next token in cfile, 0 on EOF */
 285:     char *p;
 286:     int c;
 287:     if(feof(cfile))return(0);
 288:     while((c = getc(cfile)) != EOF && (c == '\n' || c == '\t'
 289:         || c == ' ' || c == ','));
 290:     /* next char begins token */
 291:     if(c == EOF)return(0);
 292:     p = tokval;
 293:     if(c == '"'){   /* process quoted string */
 294:         while((c = getc(cfile)) != EOF && c != '"'){
 295:             if(c == '\\')c = getc(cfile);
 296:             *p++ = c;
 297:             }
 298:         }
 299:     else {
 300:         *p++ = c;
 301:         while((c = getc(cfile)) != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '\t'
 302:             && c != ' ' && c != ','){
 303:             if(c == '\\')c = getc(cfile);
 304:             *p++ = c;
 305:             }
 306:         }
 307:     *p = 0;
 308:     if(tokval[0] == 0)return(0);
 309: /*
 310: 	debug("tok %s",tokval);
 311: */
 312:     return(tlookup(tokval));
 313:     }
 314: static tlookup(str)
 315:   char *str; {
 316:     struct tokstruct *p;
 317:     for(p = toktab; p->tokstr; p++)
 318:         if(streql(p->tokstr,str) == 0){
 319:             return(p->tval);
 320:             }
 321:     return(ID);
 322:     }

Defined functions

getnetline defined in line 196; used 1 times
rdnetfile defined in line 166; used 2 times
tlookup defined in line 314; used 1 times
token defined in line 282; used 21 times

Defined variables

netd defined in line 90; used 11 times
statbuf defined in line 137; used 4 times
status defined in line 89; used 10 times
toktab defined in line 108; used 1 times
tokval defined in line 103; used 19 times

Defined struct's

tokstruct defined in line 105; used 2 times
  • in line 316(2)

Defined macros

ALCOUNT defined in line 82; used 1 times
ALTIME defined in line 81; used 1 times
COMMAND defined in line 69; used 1 times
DEBUGTOK defined in line 80; used 1 times
DEFAULT defined in line 72; used 1 times
EIGHTBIT defined in line 84; used 1 times
FORCE defined in line 75; used 1 times
HISPEEDLINK defined in line 83; used 1 times
ID defined in line 70; used 3 times
INSPEED defined in line 85; used 1 times
LENGTH defined in line 79; used 1 times
LINK defined in line 77; used 1 times
LOCALTOK defined in line 76; used 1 times
LOGIN defined in line 64; used 1 times
MACHINE defined in line 63; used 1 times
NO defined in line 74; used 4 times
NOTIFY defined in line 67; used 1 times
ONLYUID defined in line 66; used 1 times
OUTSPEED defined in line 86; used 1 times
PASSWORD defined in line 65; used 1 times
QUIET defined in line 68; used 1 times
SPEED defined in line 78; used 1 times
WRITE defined in line 73; used 1 times
YES defined in line 71; used 4 times
Last modified: 1980-07-16
Generated: 2016-12-26
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