1: ; Copyright (c) 1981 Harvard-Radcliffe Student Timesharing System
   2: ; Science Center, Harvard University
   3:         .psect  shrcode con
   5: ;
   6: ;;this section of code is the garbage collector
   7: ;;it reclaims unused atoms, dtprs, numbers, and bcd
   8: ;;
   9: ;;in interest of speed, the collection of atoms is not enabled
  10: ;;normally.  if one feels that he can use this feature, then
  11: ;;there is a language level switch
  12: ;;that enables  full collection
  13: ;;
  14: ;;
  15: ;;this code is the recursive part of the collector that does the marking
  16: ;;the driver and  marker follow
  17: ;;
  18: ;;note that the gc bit on each object is the 0 bit in the first
  19: ;;word of that object. this gives a quick check as to whether the
  20: ;;object is already loved or not, and therefore whether on needs to fool
  21: ;;around with it.
  22: ;
  23: ;
  24: gcolinr:
  26: .if     eq,multiseg
  27:  .if    ne,nilas0
  28:         jmpifnil        a,31$
  29:  .endc
  30: .endc
  31:         mov     b,np            ;use np to tell how many things on stack
  32:         br      21$
  33: 10$:    pop     a
  34: 20$:
  35: .if     eq,multiseg
  36:  .if    ne,nilas0
  37:         jmpifnil        a,2$,nl
  38:  .endc
  39: .endc
  40: 21$:    bit     b,(a)           ;b is loaded with constant 1
  41:         bne     2$
  42: 7$:
  43:         dispatch
  44:         br      3$              ;if number
  45:         .word 0                 ;for dispatch allowing 2 words/inst
  46:         br      4$              ;dtpr
  47:         .word   0
  48:         br      5$              ;atom
  49:         .word   0
  50:         br      6$              ;bcd
  51: 1$:     bis     b,(a)           ;hole...
  52: 2$:     sob     np,10$          ;port + other stuff
  53: 31$:    ret
  55: 3$:     brifsmalint     a,2$    ;integer code
  56:         br      1$
  59: 5$:     jmpifnil (a),35$        ;save push if possible
  60:         push    (a)             ;trace atom out
  61:         inc     np
  62: 35$:    bis     b,(a)+          ;mark it
  63:         tst     (a)+            ;point to fb
  64:         jmpifnil (a),36$        ;and this one
  65:         push    (a)             ;trace shallowest (probably) first
  66:         inc     np
  67: 36$:    mov     -(a),a          ;get middle
  68:         br      20$
  71: 4$:     tst     (a)+            ;want to push on cdr,trace car
  72:         jmpifnil (a),37$        ;again, don't push nil on
  73:         push    (a)
  74:         inc     np              ;one deeper
  75: 37$:
  76:         bis     b,-(a)
  77:         mov     (a),a           ;get car
  78:         bic     b,a             ;and clear it
  79:         br      20$
  81: 6$:     tstb    supcol
  82:         beq     8$
  83: .if     eq,multiseg
  84:         cmp     a,#firpage
  85:         blos    8$
  86: .endc
  87:         bis     b,(a)
  88: 8$:
  89:         mov     2(a),a
  90:         br      20$
  92:         .rsect  shrcode
  94: nogcol:                         ;not enough stack space
  95:         add     #100.+20,sp             ;see if np is too large
  96:         mov     npbottom,np
  97:         cmp     sp,np
  98:         blo     1$
  99:         add     #20,npbottom    ;help in future gcol's
 100: 1$:
 101:         mov     np,sp
 102:         generm  </not enough stack space to attempt gcol/<12>//>
 103:         mov     #tmp-<^pl errorm>,a
 104:         call    geterr
 105:         loadnil @np
 106:         call    putstr
 107:         jmp     lsploop
 111: ;this is the collector driver
 113: gcol:   incb    noint                   ;do not allow 5^c's
 114:         mov     j1,-(sp)                ;save r0
 115:         $sig
 116:                 11.                     ;seg fault
 117:         nogcol
 118:         mov     %0,$$sig+4              ;prepare to reset trap
 119:         add     #-100.,sp               ;gotta make sp point...
 120:         mov     sp,j1                   ;first move sp to j1 and
 121:         bic     #17777,j1               ;see about testing somebody's seg
 122:         cmp     j1,$$break+2            ;instead of nowhere
 123:         blos    nogcol                  ;woops--this is owned!!!
 124:         tst     (sp)                    ;now see if is in no man's land
 125:         add     #100.,sp                ;there had to be room
 126:         mov     #11.,$$sig+2            ;and trap type
 127:         $indir
 128:         $$sig
 129:         push    a
 130:         push    b
 131:         push    j2
 132:         push    j3
 133:         push    np
 134:         mov     sp,gcolf                ;save sp
 135: .if     df,gctrace
 136:         .globl  gcex,gcem
 137:         npush   #anil
 138:         outstr  gcem
 139:         call    dmpport
 140: .if     df,width
 141:         clrb    poport+1
 142: .endc
 143:         add     #-4,np
 144:  .endc
 147: resgcol:
 150:         mov     #1,b
 151:         tstb    supcol
 152:         beq     10$             ;if in short mode, save all atoms
 154: .if     eq, hash
 155:         .ift
 156:         mov     xoblist,j1
 157: 1$:     bic     b,j1            ;clear tracebit if nec.
 158:         jmpifnil        j1,20$
 159:         car     j1,j2
 160:         bis     b,(j1)
 161:         bit     b,(j2)
 162:         bne     9$
 163:         cmp     j2,#lsatm
 164:         blo     2$
 165: .if     ne,nilas0
 166:         tst     (j2)
 167:         bne     2$
 168:         tst     2(j2)
 169:         bne     2$
 170:         tst     4(j2)
 171:         beq     9$
 172:  .iff
 173:         cmp     (j2),#anil
 174:         bne     2$
 175:         cmp     2(j2),#anil
 176:         bne     2$
 177:         jmpifnil        4(j2),9$
 178: .endc
 179: 2$:     mov     j2,a
 180:         call    gcolinr
 181: 9$:     cdr     j1,j1
 182:         br      1$
 183:       .iff
 184:         mov     #<2*hash>,j3
 185: 7$:     mov     <hasht-2>(j3),j1
 186: 1$:     bic     b,j1
 187:         jmpifnil        j1,9$
 188:         car     j1,j2
 189:         bis     b,(j1)+
 190:         bit     b,(j2)
 191:         bne     8$
 192:         mov     j2,a
 193:         cmp     j2,#lsatm
 194:         blo     6$
 195: .if     ne,nilas0
 196:         tst     (j2)+
 197:         bne     6$
 198:         tst     (j2)+
 199:         bne     6$
 200:         tst     (j2)
 201:         beq     8$
 202:  .iff
 203:         jmpnnil (j2)+,6$
 204:         jmpnnil (j2)+,6$
 205:         jmpifnil        (j2),8$
 206: .endc
 207: 6$:     call    gcolinr
 208: 8$:     mov     @j1,j1
 209:         br      1$
 210: 9$:     bit     #2,j3
 211:         beq     2$
 212:         bis     b,<hasht-2>(j3)
 213: 2$:     dec     j3
 214:         sob     j3,7$
 215: .endc
 216: 10$:    mov xoblist,a
 217:         call    gcolinr
 219: ;now we trace the namestack
 220: ;j1-j3 are available
 223: 20$:    mov     (sp),j1
 224:         mov     cptop,j2
 225:         tst     (j2)+           ;get to first entry
 226: 11$:    cmp     j2,j1
 227:         bhi     19$             ;if past stack, quit
 228:         mov     (j2)+,a
 229:         call    gcolinr
 230:         br      11$
 232: ;and now the cstk
 233: ;the things that are traced are oddaddresses, and things protected by snags
 234: ;which are at the moment eexit,(eexit1),brksnag,register snags
 237: 19$:    mov     sp,j1
 238:         add     #14,j1
 239:         mov     cptop,j2
 240: 21$:    bit     b,(j1)
 241:         beq     22$
 242:         mov     (j1)+,a
 243:         bic     b,a
 244:         call    gcolinr
 245:         br      23$
 246: 22$:    cmp     #eexit,(j1)
 247:         bne     29$
 248: 28$:    tst     (j1)+
 249:         mov     (j1)+,a
 250:         call    gcolinr
 251:         tst     (j1)+
 252:         mov     (j1)+,a
 253:         call    gcolinr
 254:         br      23$
 255: 29$:
 256: .if     ne,xfer
 257:         cmp     #eexit1,(j1)
 258:         beq     28$
 259: .endc
 260:         cmp     #brksnag,(j1)
 261:         beq     56$
 262:         cmp     #r4rres,(j1)
 263:         beq     55$
 264:         cmp     #r3rres,(j1)
 265:         beq     54$
 266:         cmp     #r2rres,(j1)
 267:         beq     52$
 268:         cmp     #r1rres,(j1)+
 269:         beq     51$
 270:         br      23$
 271: 56$:    cmp     (j1)+,(j1)+
 272: 55$:    tst     (j1)+
 273: 54$:    tst     (j1)+
 274: 52$:    tst     (j1)+
 275:         tst     (j1)+
 276: 51$:    tst     (j1)+
 277: 23$:    cmp     j1,j2
 278:         blo     21$
 284: ;well, that it for the tracing.
 285: ;now we gotta go around and collect the stuff we've played with
 286: ;and reset the gcbits back to 0
 287: ;refreshing our memory on the qmap values
 288: ;	-5	owned by monitor
 289: ;	-4	stack space(np+cp)
 290: ;	-3	not allocated but owned by us
 291: ;	-2	allocatecd by port
 292: ;	-1	binary code
 293: ;	0	word
 294: ;	1	dtpr
 295: ;	2	atom
 296: ;	3	bcd(p)
 297: ;	4	port
 298: ;
 299: ;first we gotta get rid of the freelists
 302:         loadnil fnumber
 303:         loadnil fdtpr
 304:         tstb    supcol
 305:         beq     30$
 306:         loadnil fbcd
 307: 30$:    clr     cdtpr
 308:         clr     cnumber
 312: ;reminder a,j1-np are available for the gathering process
 313: ;b still contains 1
 315: .if     eq,multiseg
 316:         .ift
 317:         mov     #firpage,np
 318:         .iff
 319:         mov     #starbc,np
 320: .endc
 321: colloop:        mov     np,j3
 322:         swab    j3
 323:         movb    qmap(j3),j2
 324: 1$:     add     #^d256,np
 325:         asl             j2; mult by two
 326:         jmp     @gcjmtbl(j2)
 328: .psect  shrwddat con
 329:         gcfinup         ;if in monitor core
 330:         gcfinup         ;or in stack space
 331:         colloop
 332:         colloop         ;if port or free ignore page
 333:         colloop         ;ditto for sys
 334: gcjmtbl: gccolwd
 335:         gccoldt
 336:         colloop         ;atoms are taken care of latter
 337:         gccolbcd        ;for bcd
 338:         colloop ;take care of ports
 340:         .psect  shrcode con
 341: gccoldt:        mov     fdtpr,j1
 342:         mov     cdtpr,j2
 343:         call gcwdat
 344:         mov     j1,fdtpr
 345:         mov     j2,cdtpr
 346:         br      colloop
 347: gccolwd:        mov     fnumber,j1
 348:         mov     cnumber,j2
 349:         call    gcwdatt
 350:         mov     j1,fnumber
 351:         mov     j2,cnumber
 352:         br      colloop
 353: gcwdat: mov     np,a
 354:         mov     #^d64,j3
 355: 1$:     add     #-4,a
 356:         bit     b,(a)
 357:         beq     2$
 358:         bic     b,(a)
 359:         sob     j3,1$
 360:         ret
 361: 2$:     mov     j1,(a)
 362:         inc j2
 363:         mov a,j1
 364:         sob     j3,1$
 365:         ret
 367: gccolbcd:       tstb    supcol
 368:         bne     2$
 369: 6$:     br colloop
 370: 2$:
 371: .if     eq,multiseg
 372:         .ift
 373:         mov     np,a
 374:         sub     #^d256,a
 375: 3$:     mov     (a),j1
 376:         bic     #177001,j1
 377:         bit     b,(a)
 378:         bne     4$
 379:         mov     fbcd,2(a)
 380:         mov     a,fbcd
 381: 4$:     bic     b,(a)
 382:         add     j1,a
 383:         cmp     a,np
 384:         blo     3$
 385:                 br      6$
 386:     .iff
 387:         mov     np,a
 388:         mov     np,j3
 389:         sub     #6,j3
 390:         sub     #^d256,a
 391: 4$:     bit     b,(a)
 392:         bne     5$
 393:         mov     fbcd,2(a)
 394:         mov     a,fbcd
 395: 5$:     bic     b,(a)
 396:         add     #6,a
 397:         cmp     a,j3
 398:         blo     4$
 399:         br      6$
 400: .endc
 402: gcfinup: tstb   supcol
 403:         beq     20$
 404:  .if    eq,hash         ;implement supercolect on atoms...
 405:         mov     #<xoblist-2>,a
 406: 9$:     cdr     a,j1
 407:         jmpifnil        j1,30$,nl
 408:         car     j1,j3
 409:         bit     b,(j3)
 410:         beq     10$
 411:         bic     b,(j3)
 412:         mov     j1,a
 413:         br      9$
 414: 10$:    cdr     j1,2(a)
 415:         mov     fdtpr,(j1)
 416:         mov     j1,fdtpr
 417:         inc     cdtpr
 418:         mov     #4,j2
 419:         mov     j3,np
 420:         add     #6,np
 421: 11$:    inc     np
 422:         tstb    (np)+
 423:         beq     12$
 424:         inc     j2
 425:         br      11$
 426: 12$:    mov     j2,2(j3)        ;save count
 427:         mov     fratom,(j3)
 428:         mov     j3,fratom
 429:         br      9$
 432:    .iff
 435:         mov     #<2*hash>,np
 436: 5$:     mov     np,a
 437:         add     #<hasht-2>,a
 438:         jmpifnil        (a),14$
 439: 6$:     mov     @a,j1
 440:         jmpifnil        j1,14$,nl
 441:         mov     (j1)+,j2
 442:         bit     b,(j2)
 443:         beq     10$
 444:         bic     b,(j2)
 445:         mov     j1,a
 446:         br      6$
 447: 10$:    mov     @j1,(a)
 448:         mov     fdtpr,-(j1)
 449:         mov     j1,fdtpr
 450:         inc     cdtpr
 451:         mov     #4,j3
 452:         mov     j2,j1
 453:         add     #6,j1
 454: 11$:    inc j1
 455:         tstb (j1)+
 456:         beq     12$
 457:         inc     j3
 458:         br      11$
 459: 12$:    mov     j3,2(j2)
 460:         mov     fratom,(j2)
 461:         mov     j2,fratom
 462:         br      6$
 463: 14$:    dec     np
 464:         sob     np,5$
 465:         br      30$
 466: .endc
 468: 20$:            ;here if not supcol, to clear oblist bits
 469:         call    clrobl          ;clear bits...
 470: ;	br	30$		;and finish up
 475: 30$:    cmp     mfdtpr,cdtpr
 476:         blos    31$
 477:         call    globallc
 478:         mov     a,np
 479:         beq     fgcexit
 480:         movb    #1,qmap(a)
 481:         swab    np
 482:         add     #400,np
 483:         mov     cdtpr,j2
 484:         mov     fdtpr,j1
 485:         call    gcwdat
 486:         mov     j1,fdtpr
 487:         mov     j2,cdtpr
 488: 31$:    cmp     mfnumb,cnumber
 489:         blos    32$
 490:         call    globallc
 491:         mov     a,np
 492:         beq     fgcexit
 493:         clrb    qmap(a)
 494:         swab    np
 495:         add     #400,np
 496:         mov     cnumber,j2
 497:         mov     fnumber,j1
 498:         call    gcwdatt
 499:         mov     j1,fnumber
 500:         mov     j2,cnumber
 501:         br      30$
 502: 32$:
 503:         cmp     mfdtpr,cdtpr
 504:         bhi     30$
 506: resstack:
 507:         pop     np
 508: .if     df,gctrace
 509:         npush   #anil
 510:         outstr  gcex
 511:         call    dmpport
 512: .if     df,width
 513:         clrb    poport+1
 514: .endc
 515:         add     #-4,np
 516: .endc
 517:         pop     j3
 518:         pop     j2
 519:         pop     b
 520:         pop     a
 521:         pop     j1
 522:         clr     gcolf
 523:         decb    noint                   ;and allow ^c's
 524:         ret
 531: fgcexit:
 532:         mov     14(sp),saveloc  ;save real return
 533:         mov     #1$,14(sp)
 534:         br      resstack        ;pop off things
 535: 1$:                             ;and return here...
 537: .if     ne,xfer                 ;if we are env xfer material
 538:         call    noroom          ;go to routine
 539: nroomg:                 ;leaving trail......
 540:  .iff
 541:         push    saveloc         ;push	return back on
 542:         save1
 543:         mov     a,j3                    ;this saves register a
 544: ;now we go into the error routine
 545: ;if no more dtprs avail, and brksig#0, then give differnt error, and
 546: ;allow break to return to tl.
 549:  .if    ne, brksig
 550:         tst     cdtpr
 551:         beq     fgcebrk
 552:   .iftf
 553:         error   </cannot reclaim required amount of ints or dtprs/>,3$
 554: 3$:     mov     j3,a
 555:         mov     2(sp),j3
 556:         cmp     (sp)+,(sp)+
 557: 4$:     jmp     gcol
 558:  .ift
 559: fgcebrk:
 560:         $sig
 561:         brksig
 562:         lsploop
 563:         error   </no more dtprs--hit break to return to top level/>
 564: .endc
 566: .endc
 567:         .rsect  shrcode
 569: clrobl:         ;this file clears the oblist bits
 570:                         ;used when overflow occurs
 571:                         ;and when gcfinup finishes up
 572:  .if    eq,hash
 573:         mov     xoblist,a
 574: 21$:
 575:         jmpifnil        a,30$,nl
 576:         bic     b,(a)   ;clear the mark bit
 577:         car     a,j1
 578:         bic     b,(j1)
 579:         cdr     a,a
 580:         br      21$
 581:   .iff
 582:         mov     #<2*hash>,j1
 583: 21$:    bic     b,<hasht-2>(j1)
 584:         mov     <hasht-2>(j1),a
 585: 22$:
 586:         jmpifnil        a,23$,nl
 587:         bic     b,(a)
 588:         mov     (a)+,j2         ;get ready for cdr as well as take car
 589:         bic     b,(j2)
 590:         mov     (a),a           ;the cdr refered to above
 591:         br      22$
 592: 23$:    dec     j1
 593:         sob     j1,21$
 594: .endc
 595:         ret
 597:         .rsect  shrcode
 600: gcolovr:                                ;this routine takes care of
 601:                                         ;gc overflow..............
 603:         ;first, restore stack
 605:         mov     gcolf,sp
 608: .if ne,gcrec
 610:         ;rearm stack ovr
 612:         $sig
 613:                 11.
 614:         segfault
 615:  .if    df,gctrace              ;get out message...
 616:         loadnil -(sp)           ;load nil on sp
 617:         mov     sp,np           ;and fool np
 618:         generm  <//<12>/***attempt to recover from gcol stack overflow ***/<12>//>
 619:         mov     #tmp-<^pl errorm>,a
 620:         call    geterr
 621:         call    putstr
 622:         call    dmpport
 623:   .if   df,width
 624:         clrb    poport+1
 625:   .endc
 626:         tst     (sp)+           ;back up sp
 627:  .endc
 628:         mov     #1,b            ;leave b ok
 629: ;and now scan the env to fix things up...
 631:  .if    eq,multiseg
 632:         mov     #firpage,j3
 633:   .iff
 634:         mov     #starbc,j3
 635:  .endc
 637: 1$:     mov     j3,j2
 638:         mov     j3,a
 639:         swab    a
 640:         add     #400,j3
 641:         movb    qmap(a),a
 642:         bmi     10$
 643:         cmp     a,#1
 644:         beq     5$
 645:         cmp     a,#3
 646:         bne     1$              ;loop for more...
 648: 2$:                             ;here for binary code
 649:  .if    eq,multiseg             ;case for d space only
 651:         cmp     j2,j3
 652:         bhis    1$              ;done...
 653:         mov     2(j2),a         ;get arg ready
 654:         mov     (j2),j1
 655:         bic     #177000,j1
 656:         add     j1,j2   ;and make j2 point to next
 657:         bit     b,j2    ;if odd, we collect
 658:         beq     3$
 659:         call    gcolinr         ;collect thing
 660: 3$:
 661:         bic     b,j2
 662:         br      2$
 664:   .iff
 665:         mov     j2,j1
 666:         add     #6,j2
 667:         cmp     j2,j3
 668:         bhis    1$
 669:         bit     b,(j1)+
 670:         beq     2$
 671:         mov     (j1)+,a
 672:         call    gcolinr
 673:         br      2$
 674:  .endc
 679: 5$:                             ;here for dtprs...
 681:         bit     b,(j2)
 682:         beq     6$
 683:         mov     (j2)+,a
 684:         bic     b,a             ;clear it
 685:         call    gcolinr
 686:         mov     (j2)+,a
 687:         call    gcolinr
 688:         br      8$
 689: 6$:
 690:         cmp     (j2)+,(j2)+
 691: 8$:
 692:         cmp     j2,j3
 693:         blo     5$
 694:         br      1$
 697: 10$:
 698:  .if    df,gctrace
 699:         generm <//<12>/*** about to clear all those oblist bits ***/<12>//>
 700:         mov     #tmp-<^pl errorm>,a
 701:         call    geterr
 702:         loadnil -(sp)
 703:         mov     sp,np
 704:         call    putstr
 705:         call    dmpport
 706:   .if   df,width
 707:         clrb    poport+1
 708:   .endc
 709:         tst     (sp)+
 710:         mov     #1,%0
 711:  .endc
 713:         call    clrobl          ;clear the oblist bits....
 714:  .if    ne,hash                 ;gotta clear oblist
 715:         mov     xoblist,a
 716:         mov     #<hash/2>,j1
 717: 12$:    bic     b,(a)+
 718:         mov     (a),a
 719:         sob     j1,12$
 720:  .endc
 723:  .if    df,gctrace
 725:         generm  </about to jump to gcresume/<12>//>
 726:         mov     #tmp-<^pl errorm>,a
 727:         call    geterr
 728:         loadnil -(sp)
 729:         mov     sp,np
 730:         call    putstr
 731:         call    dmpport
 732:   .if   df,width
 733:         clrb    poport+1
 734:   .endc
 735:         tst     (sp)+
 736:         mov     #1,b
 737:  .endc
 738:         jmp     resgcol
 739:  .iff
 741:         generm  <//<12>/gc stack overflow--lisp exit/<12>/**********/>
 742:         mov     #tmp-<^pl errorm>,a
 743:         call    geterr
 744:         loadnil -(sp)
 745:         mov     sp,np
 746:         call    putstr
 747:         call    dmpport
 748:         $exit
 749: .endc
Last modified: 1981-05-10
Generated: 2016-12-26
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