1:         .title  fltg
   3:         .ident  /27dec3/
   5:         .mcall  (at)always,xmit,genedt,error
   6:         .mcall  (at)sdebug,ndebug
   7:         always
   9:         .globl  savreg, abstrm, chrpnt, cpopj,  cradix
  10:         .globl  getchr, getnb,  mode
  11:         .globl  setnb,  stcode, tstarg, value
  12:         .globl  edmask, ed.fpt
  15:         .if ndf xfltg
  17:         .globl  flt2,   flt4,   fltg1w
  19:         xitsec                  ;start in default sector
  22: flt4:   inc     r3
  23: flt2:
  24:         inc     r3              ;make it 1 or 2
  25:         asl     r3              ;now 2 or 4
  26: fp.1:   call    tstarg
  27:         beq     fp.9
  28:         mov     fltpnt-2(r3),-(sp)      ;evaluate number
  29:         call    @(sp)+
  30:         bne     fp.2            ;branch if non-null
  31:         error   9,a,<empty floating point number>               ;  null, flag error
  32: fp.2:   mov     r3,r2           ;get a working count
  33:         mov     #fltbuf,r1      ;point to floating point buffer
  34: 3$:     mov     (r1)+,(r4)      ;move in next number
  35:         call    stcode          ;place on code roll
  36:         sob     r2,3$           ;loop on word count
  37:         br      fp.1            ;continue
  39: fp.9:   return
  41:         entsec  dpure
  42: fltpnt: .word   fltg2w, fltg4w
  43:         xitsec
  45:         .if ndf xedfpt
  46:         genedt  fpt             ;floating point truncation
  47:         .endc
  49: fltg4w: inc     fltwdc          ;floating point number evaluator
  50: fltg2w: inc     fltwdc
  51: fltg1w:
  52:         call    savreg          ;save registers
  53:         mov     chrpnt,-(sp)    ;stack current character pointer
  54:         mov     #fltbuf,r3      ;convenient copy of pointers
  55:         mov     #fltsav,r4      ;  to buffer and save area
  56:         mov     r4,r1
  57: 1$:     clr     -(r1)           ;init variables
  58:         cmp     r1,#fltbeg
  59:         bhi     1$              ;loop until done
  60:         mov     #65.,fltbex     ;init binary exponent
  61:         cmp     #'+,r5          ;  "+"?
  62:         beq     10$             ;  yes, bypass and ignore
  63:         cmp     #'-,r5          ; "-"?
  64:         bne     11$             ;  no
  65:         mov     #100000,fltsgn  ;yes, set sign and bypass char
  66: 10$:    call    getchr          ;get the next character
  67: 11$:    cmp     r5,#'0          ;numeric?
  68:         blo     20$
  69:         cmp     r5,#'9
  70:         bhi     20$             ;  no
  71:         bit     #174000,(r3)    ;numeric, room for multiplication?
  72:         beq     12$             ;  yes
  73:         inc     fltexp          ;no, compensate for the snub
  74:         br      13$
  76: 12$:    call    fltm50          ;multiply by 5
  77:         call    fltgls          ;correction, make that *10
  78:         sub     #'0,r5          ;make absolute
  79:         mov     r4,r2           ;point to end of buffer
  80:         add     r5,-(r2)        ;add in
  81:         adc     -(r2)           ;ripple carry
  82:         adc     -(r2)
  83:         adc     -(r2)
  84: 13$:    add     fltdot,fltexp   ;decrement if processing fraction
  85:         clr     (sp)            ;clear initial char pointer (we're good)
  86:         br      10$             ;try for more
  88: 20$:    cmp     #'.,r5          ;decimal point?
  89:         bne     21$             ;  no
  90:         com     fltdot          ;yes, mark it
  91:         bmi     10$             ;loop if first time around
  92: 21$:    cmp     #105,r5         ;exponent?(routine  is passed upper case)
  93:         bne     fltg3           ;  no
  94:         call    getnb           ;yes, bypass "e" and blanks
  95:         mov     cradix,-(sp)    ;stack current radix
  96:         mov     #10.,cradix     ;set to decimal
  97:         call    abstrm          ;absolute term
  98:         mov     (sp)+,cradix    ;restore radix
  99:         add     r0,fltexp       ;update exponent
 100: ;	br	fltg3		;fall through
 101: fltg3:  mov     r3,r1
 102:         mov     (r1)+,r0        ;test for zero
 103:         bis     (r1)+,r0
 104:         bis     (r1)+,r0
 105:         bis     (r1)+,r0
 106:         jeq     fltgex          ;exit if so
 107: 31$:    tst     fltexp          ;time to scale
 108:         beq     fltg5           ;fini if zero
 109:         blt     41$             ;divide if .lt. zero
 110:         cmp     (r3),#031426    ;multiply, can we *5?
 111:         bhi     32$             ;  no
 112:         call    fltm50          ;yes, multiply by 5
 113:         inc     fltbex          ;  and by two
 114:         br      33$
 116: 32$:    call    fltm54          ;multiply by 5/4
 117:         add     #3.,fltbex      ;  and by 8
 118: 33$:    dec     fltexp          ;  over 10
 119:         br      31$
 121: 40$:    dec     fltbex          ;division, left justify bits
 122:         call    fltgls
 123: 41$:    tst     (r3)            ;sign bit set?
 124:         bpl     40$             ;  no, loop
 125:         mov     #16.*2,-(sp)    ;16 outer, 2 inner
 126:         call    fltgrs          ;shift right
 127:         call    fltgsv          ;place in save buffer
 128: 42$:    bit     #1,(sp)         ;odd lap?
 129:         bne     43$             ;  yes
 130:         call    fltgrs          ;move a couple of bits right
 131:         call    fltgrs
 132: 43$:    call    fltgrs          ;once more to the right
 133:         call    fltgad          ;add in save buffer
 134:         dec     (sp)            ;end of loop?
 135:         bgt     42$             ;  no
 136:         tst     (sp)+           ;yes, prune stack
 137:         sub     #3.,fltbex
 138:         inc     fltexp
 139:         br      31$
 140: fltg5:  dec     fltbex          ;left justift
 141:         call    fltgls
 142:         bcc     fltg5           ;lose one bit
 143:         add     #200,fltbex     ;set excess 128.
 144:         ble     2$              ;branch if under-flow
 145:         tstb    fltbex+1        ;high order zero?
 146:         beq     fg53$           ;  yes
 147: 2$:     error   10,n,<floating point overflow>          ;no, error
 148: fg53$:  mov     r4,r2           ;set to shift eight bits
 149:         mov     r2,r1
 150:         tst     -(r1)           ;r1 is one lower than r2
 151: 4$:     cmp     -(r1),-(r2)     ;down one word
 152:         movb    (r1),(r2)       ;move up a byte
 153:         swab    (r2)            ;beware of the inside-out pc!!
 154:         cmp     r2,r3           ;end?
 155:         bne     4$
 156:         call    fltgrs          ;shift one place right
 157:         ror     (r4)            ;set high carry
 158:         .if ndf xedfpt
 159:         bit     #ed.fpt,edmask  ;truncation?
 160:         beq     fp57$           ;  yes
 161:         .endc
 162:         mov     fltwdc,r2       ;get size count
 163:         asl     r2              ;double
 164:         bne     8$              ;preset type
 165:         inc     r2              ;single word
 166: 8$:     asl     r2              ;convert to bytes
 167:         bis     #077777,fltbuf(r2)
 168:         sec
 169: 5$:     adc     fltbuf(r2)
 170:         dec     r2
 171:         dec     r2
 172:         bge     5$
 173:         tst     (r3)            ;test sign position
 174:         bpl     fp57$           ;ok if positive
 175: 6$:     error   11,t,<trunctation error>
 176: fp57$:  add     fltsgn,(r3)     ;set sign, if any
 177: fltgex: clr     mode            ;make absolute
 178:         clr     fltwdc          ;clear count
 179:         mov     (r3),value      ;place first guy in value
 180:         mov     (sp)+,r0        ;origional char pointer
 181:         beq     1$              ;zero (good) if any digits processed
 182:         mov     r0,chrpnt       ;none, reset to where we came in
 183:         clr     r3              ;flag as false
 184: 1$:     mov     r3,r0           ;set flag in r0
 185:         jmp     setnb           ;return with non-blank
 186: fltm54:                         ;*5/4
 187:         cmp     (r3),#146314    ;room?
 188:         blo     1$
 189:         call    fltgrs
 190:         inc     fltbex
 191: 1$:     call    fltgsv          ;save in backup
 192:         call    fltgrs          ;scale right
 193:         call    fltgrs
 194:         br      fltgad
 196: fltm50:                         ;*5
 197:         call    fltgsv
 198:         call    fltgls
 199:         call    fltgls
 201: fltgad:                         ;add save buffer to fltbuf
 202:         mov     r4,r2           ;point to save area
 203: 1$:     add     6(r2),-(r2)     ;add in word
 204:         mov     r2,r1           ;set for carries
 205: 2$:     adc     -(r1)           ;add in
 206:         bcs     2$              ;continue ripple, if necessary
 207:         cmp     r2,r3           ;through?
 208:         bne     1$              ;  no
 209:         return
 210: fltgrs: clc                     ;right shift
 211:         mov     r3,r1           ;right rotate
 212:         ror     (r1)+
 213:         ror     (r1)+
 214:         ror     (r1)+
 215:         ror     (r1)+
 216:         return
 218: fltgls:                         ;left shift
 219:         mov     r4,r2
 220:         asl     -(r2)
 221:         rol     -(r2)
 222:         rol     -(r2)
 223:         rol     -(r2)
 224:         return
 226: fltgsv: mov     r3,r1           ;move fltbuf to fltsav
 227:         mov     r4,r2
 228:         xmit    4
 229:         return
 232:         entsec  impure
 233: fltbeg:                         ;start of floating point impure
 234: fltsgn: .blkw                   ;sign bit
 235: fltdot: .blkw                   ;decimal point flag
 236: fltexp: .blkw                   ;decimal exponent
 237: fltbex: .blkw   1               ;binary exponent (must preceed fltbuf)
 238: fltbuf: .blkw   4               ;main ac
 239: fltsav: .blkw   4
 241:         entsec  implin
 242: fltwdc: .blkw                   ;word count
 244:         xitsec
 247:         .endc
 249:         .end
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