1: /*
   2:  * pi - Pascal interpreter code translator
   3:  *
   4:  * Charles Haley, Bill Joy UCB
   5:  * Version 1.0 August 1977
   6:  *
   7:  * pxp - Pascal execution profiler
   8:  *
   9:  * Bill Joy UCB
  10:  * Version 1.0 August 1977
  11:  */
  13: /*
  14:  * Yacc grammar for UNIX Pascal
  15:  *
  16:  * This grammar is processed by the commands in the shell script
  17:  * "gram" to yield parse tables and semantic routines in the file
  18:  * "y.tab.c" and a header defining the lexical tokens in "yy.h".
  19:  *
  20:  * In order for the syntactic error recovery possible with this
  21:  * grammar to work, the grammar must be processed by a yacc which
  22:  * has been modified to fully enumerate possibilities in states
  23:  * which involve the symbol "error".
  24:  * The parser used for Pascal also uses a different encoding of
  25:  * the test entries in the action table which speeds the parse.
  26:  * A version of yacc which will work for Pascal is included on
  27:  * the distribution table as "eyacc".
  28:  *
  29:  * The "gram" script also makes the following changes to the "y.tab.c"
  30:  * file:
  31:  *
  32:  *	1) Causes yyval to be declared int *.
  33:  *
  34:  *	2) Loads the variable yypv into a register as yyYpv so that
  35:  *	   the arguments $1, ... are available as yyYpv[1] etc.
  36:  *	   This produces much smaller code in the semantic actions.
  37:  *
  38:  *	3) Deletes the unused array yysterm.
  39:  *
  40:  *	4) Moves the declarations up to the flag line containing
  41:  *	   '##' to the file yy.h so that the routines which use
  42:  *	   these "magic numbers" don't have to all be compiled at
  43:  *	   the same time.
  44:  *
  45:  *	5) Creates the semantic restriction checking routine yyEactr
  46:  *	   by processing action lines containing `@@'.
  47:  *
  48:  * This compiler uses a different version of the yacc parser, a
  49:  * different yyerror which is called yerror, and requires more
  50:  * lookahead sets than normally provided by yacc.
  51:  *
  52:  * Source for the yacc used with this grammar is included on
  53:  * distribution tapes.
  54:  */
  56: /*
  58:  *
  59:  * Some of the terminal declarations are out of the most natural
  60:  * alphabetic order because the error recovery
  61:  * will guess the first of equal cost non-terminals.
  62:  * This makes, e.g. YTO preferable to YDOWNTO.
  63:  */
  65: %term
  66:     YAND        YARRAY      YBEGIN      YCASE
  67:     YCONST      YDIV        YDO     YDOTDOT
  68:     YTO     YELSE       YEND        YFILE
  70:     YID     YIF     YIN     YINT
  71:     YLABEL      YMOD        YNOT        YNUMB
  72:     YOF     YOR     YPACKED     YNIL
  74:     YSET        YSTRING     YTHEN       YDOWNTO
  75:     YTYPE       YUNTIL      YVAR        YWHILE
  76:     YWITH       YBINT       YOCT        YHEX
  79: /*
  81:  *
  82:  * Highest precedence is the unary logical NOT.
  83:  * Next are the multiplying operators, signified by '*'.
  84:  * Lower still are the binary adding operators, signified by '+'.
  85:  * Finally, at lowest precedence and non-associative are the relationals.
  86:  */
  88: %binary '<' '=' '>' YIN
  89: %left   '+' '-' YOR '|'
  90: %left   UNARYSIGN
  91: %left   '*' '/' YDIV    YMOD    YAND    '&'
  92: %left   YNOT
  94: %{
  96: /*	@(#)pas.y	2.4	SCCS id keyword	*/
  97: /* Copyright (c) 1979 Regents of the University of California */
  99: /*
 101:  */
 103: /*
 104:  * The following line marks the end of the yacc
 105:  * Constant definitions which are removed from
 106:  * y.tab.c and placed in the file y.tab.h.
 107:  */
 108: ##
 110: /*	@(#)pas.y	2.4	SCCS id keyword	*/
 111: /* Copyright (c) 1979 Regents of the University of California */
 113: #include "whoami"
 114: #include "0.h"
 115: #include "yy.h"
 116: #include "tree.h"
 118: #ifdef PI
 119: #define lineof(l)   l
 120: #define line2of(l)  l
 121: #endif
 123: %}
 125: %%
 127: /*
 129:  */
 131: goal:
 132:     prog_hedr decls procs block '.'
 133:         = funcend($1, $4, lineof($5));
 134:         ;
 136: prog_hedr:
 137:     YPROG YID '(' id_list ')' ';'
 138:         = $$ = funcbody(funchdr(tree5(T_PROG, lineof($1), $2, fixlist($4), NIL)));
 139:         |
 140:     YPROG error
 141:         = {
 142:             yyPerror("Malformed program statement", PPROG);
 143:             /*
 144: 			 * Should make a program statement
 145: 			 * with "input" and "output" here.
 146: 			 */
 147:             $$ = funcbody(funchdr(tree5(T_PROG, lineof($1), NIL, NIL, NIL)));
 148:           }
 149:         ;
 150: block:
 151:     YBEGIN stat_list YEND
 152:         = {
 153:             $$ = tree3(T_BSTL, lineof($1), fixlist($2));
 154:             if ( ((int) $3) < 0)
 155:                 brerror($1, "begin");
 156:           }
 157:         ;
 160: /*
 162:  */
 163: decls:
 164:     decls decl
 165:         = trfree();
 166:         |
 167:     decls error
 168:         = {
 169: Derror:
 170:             constend(), typeend(), varend(), trfree();
 171:             yyPerror("Malformed declaration", PDECL);
 172:           }
 173:         |
 174:     /* lambda */
 175:         = trfree();
 176:         ;
 178: decl:
 179:     labels
 180:         |
 181:     const_decl
 182:         = constend();
 183:         |
 184:     type_decl
 185:         = typeend();
 186:         |
 187:     var_decl
 188:         = varend();
 189:         ;
 191: /*
 192:  * LABEL PART
 193:  */
 195: labels:
 196:     YLABEL label_decl ';'
 197:         = label(fixlist($2), lineof($1));
 198:         ;
 199: label_decl:
 200:     YINT
 201:         = $$ = newlist($1 == NIL ? NIL : *hash($1, 1));
 202:         |
 203:     label_decl ',' YINT
 204:         = $$ = addlist($1, $3 == NIL ? NIL : *hash($3, 1));
 205:         ;
 207: /*
 208:  * CONST PART
 209:  */
 211: const_decl:
 212:     YCONST YID '=' const ';'
 213:         = constbeg($1, line2of($2)), const(lineof($3), $2, $4);
 214:         |
 215:     const_decl YID '=' const ';'
 216:         = const(lineof($3), $2, $4);
 217:         |
 218:     YCONST error
 219:         = {
 220:             constbeg($1, line2of($1));
 221: Cerror:
 222:             yyPerror("Malformed const declaration", PDECL);
 223:           }
 224:         |
 225:     const_decl error
 226:         = goto Cerror;
 227:         ;
 229: /*
 230:  * TYPE PART
 231:  */
 233: type_decl:
 234:     YTYPE YID '=' type ';'
 235:         = typebeg($1, line2of($2)), type(lineof($3), $2, $4);
 236:         |
 237:     type_decl YID '=' type ';'
 238:         = type(lineof($3), $2, $4);
 239:         |
 240:     YTYPE error
 241:         = {
 242:             typebeg($1, line2of($1));
 243: Terror:
 244:             yyPerror("Malformed type declaration", PDECL);
 245:           }
 246:         |
 247:     type_decl error
 248:         = goto Terror;
 249:         ;
 251: /*
 252:  * VAR PART
 253:  */
 255: var_decl:
 256:     YVAR id_list ':' type ';'
 257:         = varbeg($1, line2of($3)), var(lineof($3), fixlist($2), $4);
 258:         |
 259:     var_decl id_list ':' type ';'
 260:         = var(lineof($3), fixlist($2), $4);
 261:         |
 262:     YVAR error
 263:         = {
 264:             varbeg($1, line2of($1));
 265: Verror:
 266:             yyPerror("Malformed var declaration", PDECL);
 267:           }
 268:         |
 269:     var_decl error
 270:         = goto Verror;
 271:         ;
 273: /*
 275:  */
 277: procs:
 278:     /* lambda */
 279:         |
 280:     procs proc
 281:         = trfree();
 282:         ;
 283: proc:
 284:     phead YFORWARD ';'
 285:         = funcfwd($1);
 286:         |
 287:     pheadres decls procs block ';'
 288:         = funcend($1, $4, lineof($5));
 289:         ;
 290: pheadres:
 291:     phead
 292:         = funcbody($1);
 293:         ;
 294: phead:
 295:     porf YID params ftype ';'
 296:         = $$ = funchdr(tree5($1, lineof($5), $2, $3, $4));
 297:         ;
 298: porf:
 299:     YPROCEDURE
 300:         = $$ = T_PDEC;
 301:         |
 302:     YFUNCTION
 303:         = $$ = T_FDEC;
 304:         ;
 305: params:
 306:     '(' param_list ')'
 307:         = $$ = fixlist($2);
 308:         |
 309:     /* lambda */
 310:         = $$ = NIL;
 311:         ;
 313: /*
 315:  */
 317: param:
 318:     id_list ':' type
 319:         = $$ = tree3(T_PVAL, fixlist($1), $3);
 320:         |
 321:     YVAR id_list ':' type
 322:         = $$ = tree3(T_PVAR, fixlist($2), $4);
 323:         |
 324:     YFUNCTION id_list ':' type
 325:         = $$ = tree3(T_PFUNC, fixlist($2), $4);
 326:         |
 327:     YPROCEDURE id_list
 328:         = $$ = tree2(T_PPROC, fixlist($2));
 329:         ;
 330: ftype:
 331:     ':' type
 332:         = $$ = $2;
 333:         |
 334:     /* lambda */
 335:         = $$ = NIL;
 336:         ;
 337: param_list:
 338:     param
 339:         = $$ = newlist($1);
 340:         |
 341:     param_list ';' param
 342:         = $$ = addlist($1, $3);
 343:         ;
 345: /*
 346:  * CONSTANTS
 347:  */
 349: const:
 350:     YSTRING
 351:         = $$ = tree2(T_CSTRNG, $1);
 352:         |
 353:     number
 354:         |
 355:     '+' number
 356:         = $$ = tree2(T_PLUSC, $2);
 357:         |
 358:     '-' number
 359:         = $$ = tree2(T_MINUSC, $2);
 360:         ;
 361: number:
 362:     const_id
 363:         = $$ = tree2(T_ID, $1);
 364:         |
 365:     YINT
 366:         = $$ = tree2(T_CINT, $1);
 367:         |
 368:     YBINT
 369:         = $$ = tree2(T_CBINT, $1);
 370:         |
 371:     YNUMB
 372:         = $$ = tree2(T_CFINT, $1);
 373:         ;
 374: const_list:
 375:     const
 376:         = $$ = newlist($1);
 377:         |
 378:     const_list ',' const
 379:         = $$ = addlist($1, $3);
 380:         ;
 382: /*
 383:  * TYPES
 384:  */
 386: type:
 387:     simple_type
 388:         |
 389:     '^' YID
 390:         = $$ = tree3(T_TYPTR, lineof($1), tree2(T_ID, $2));
 391:         |
 392:     struct_type
 393:         |
 394:     YPACKED struct_type
 395:         = $$ = tree3(T_TYPACK, lineof($1), $2);
 396:         ;
 397: simple_type:
 398:     type_id
 399:         |
 400:     '(' id_list ')'
 401:         = $$ = tree3(T_TYSCAL, lineof($1), fixlist($2));
 402:         |
 403:     const YDOTDOT const
 404:         = $$ = tree4(T_TYRANG, lineof($2), $1, $3);
 405:         ;
 406: struct_type:
 407:     YARRAY '[' simple_type_list ']' YOF type
 408:         = $$ = tree4(T_TYARY, lineof($1), fixlist($3), $6);
 409:         |
 410:     YFILE YOF type
 411:         = $$ = tree3(T_TYFILE, lineof($1), $3);
 412:         |
 413:     YSET YOF simple_type
 414:         = $$ = tree3(T_TYSET, lineof($1), $3);
 415:         |
 416:     YRECORD field_list YEND
 417:         = {
 418:             $$ = tree3(T_TYREC, lineof($1), $2);
 419:             if ( ((int) $3) < 0)
 420:                 brerror($1, "record");
 421:           }
 422:         ;
 423: simple_type_list:
 424:     simple_type
 425:         = $$ = newlist($1);
 426:         |
 427:     simple_type_list ',' simple_type
 428:         = $$ = addlist($1, $3);
 429:         ;
 431: /*
 432:  * RECORD TYPE
 433:  */
 434: field_list:
 435:     fixed_part variant_part
 436:         = $$ = tree4(T_FLDLST, lineof(NIL), fixlist($1), $2);
 437:         ;
 438: fixed_part:
 439:     field
 440:         = $$ = newlist($1);
 441:         |
 442:     fixed_part ';' field
 443:         = $$ = addlist($1, $3);
 444:         |
 445:     fixed_part error
 446:         = yyPerror("Malformed record declaration", PDECL);
 447:         ;
 448: field:
 449:     /* lambda */
 450:         = $$ = NIL;
 451:         |
 452:     id_list ':' type
 453:         = $$ = tree4(T_RFIELD, lineof($2), fixlist($1), $3);
 454:         ;
 456: variant_part:
 457:     /* lambda */
 458:         = $$ = NIL;
 459:         |
 460:     YCASE type_id YOF variant_list
 461:         = $$ = tree5(T_TYVARPT, lineof($1), NIL, $2, fixlist($4));
 462:         |
 463:     YCASE YID ':' type_id YOF variant_list
 464:         = $$ = tree5(T_TYVARPT, lineof($1), $2, $4, fixlist($6));
 465:         ;
 466: variant_list:
 467:     variant
 468:         = $$ = newlist($1);
 469:         |
 470:     variant_list ';' variant
 471:         = $$ = addlist($1, $3);
 472:         |
 473:     variant_list error
 474:         = yyPerror("Malformed record declaration", PDECL);
 475:         ;
 476: variant:
 477:     /* lambda */
 478:         = $$ = NIL;
 479:         |
 480:     const_list ':' '(' field_list ')'
 481:         = $$ = tree4(T_TYVARNT, lineof($2), fixlist($1), $4);
 482:         |
 483:     const_list ':' '(' ')'
 484:         = $$ = tree4(T_TYVARNT, lineof($2), fixlist($1), NIL);
 485:         ;
 487: /*
 489:  */
 491: stat_list:
 492:     stat
 493:         = $$ = newlist($1);
 494:         |
 495:     stat_lsth stat
 496:         = {
 497:             if ((p = $1) != NIL && (q = p[1])[0] == T_IFX) {
 498:                 q[0] = T_IFEL;
 499:                 q[4] = $2;
 500:             } else
 501:                 $$ = addlist($1, $2);
 502:           }
 503:         ;
 505: stat_lsth:
 506:     stat_list ';'
 507:         = if ((q = $1) != NIL && (p = q[1]) != NIL && p[0] == T_IF) {
 508:             if (yychar < 0)
 509:                 yychar = yylex();
 510:             if (yyshifts >= 2 && yychar == YELSE) {
 511:                 recovered();
 512:                 copy(&Y, &OY, sizeof Y);
 513:                 yerror("Deleted ';' before keyword else");
 514:                 yychar = yylex();
 515:                 p[0] = T_IFX;
 516:             }
 517:           }
 518:         ;
 520: /*
 522:  */
 524: cstat_list:
 525:     cstat
 526:         = $$ = newlist($1);
 527:         |
 528:     cstat_list ';' cstat
 529:         = $$ = addlist($1, $3);
 530:         |
 531:     error
 532:         = {
 533:             $$ = NIL;
 534: Kerror:
 535:             yyPerror("Malformed statement in case", PSTAT);
 536:           }
 537:         |
 538:     cstat_list error
 539:         = goto Kerror;
 540:         ;
 542: cstat:
 543:     const_list ':' stat
 544:         = $$ = tree4(T_CSTAT, lineof($2), fixlist($1), $3);
 545:         |
 546:     YCASELAB stat
 547:         = $$ = tree4(T_CSTAT, lineof($1), NIL, $2);
 548:         |
 549:     /* lambda */
 550:         = $$ = NIL;
 551:         ;
 553: /*
 554:  * STATEMENT
 555:  */
 557: stat:
 558:     /* lambda */
 559:         = $$ = NIL;
 560:         |
 561:     YINT ':' stat
 562:         = $$ = tree4(T_LABEL, lineof($2), $1 == NIL ? NIL : *hash($1, 1), $3);
 563:         |
 564:     proc_id
 565:         = $$ = tree4(T_PCALL, lineof(yyline), $1, NIL);
 566:         |
 567:     proc_id '(' wexpr_list ')'
 568:         = $$ = tree4(T_PCALL, lineof($2), $1, fixlist($3));
 569:         |
 570:     YID error
 571:         = goto NSerror;
 572:         |
 573:     assign
 574:         |
 575:     YBEGIN stat_list YEND
 576:         = {
 577:             $$ = tree3(T_BLOCK, lineof($1), fixlist($2));
 578:             if ( ((int) $3) < 0)
 579:                 brerror($1, "begin");
 580:           }
 581:         |
 582:     YCASE expr YOF cstat_list YEND
 583:         = {
 584:             $$ = tree4(T_CASE, lineof($1), $2, fixlist($4));
 585:             if ( ((int) $5) < 0)
 586:                 brerror($1, "case");
 587:           }
 588:         |
 589:     YWITH var_list YDO stat
 590:         = $$ = tree4(T_WITH, lineof($1), fixlist($2), $4);
 591:         |
 592:     YWHILE expr YDO stat
 593:         = $$ = tree4(T_WHILE, lineof($1), $2, $4);
 594:         |
 595:     YREPEAT stat_list YUNTIL expr
 596:         = $$ = tree4(T_REPEAT, lineof($3), fixlist($2), $4);
 597:         |
 598:     YFOR assign YTO expr YDO stat
 599:         = $$ = tree5(T_FORU, lineof($1), $2, $4, $6);
 600:         |
 601:     YFOR assign YDOWNTO expr YDO stat
 602:         = $$ = tree5(T_FORD, lineof($1), $2, $4, $6);
 603:         |
 604:     YGOTO YINT
 605:         = $$ = tree3(T_GOTO, lineof($1), *hash($2, 1));
 606:         |
 607:     YIF expr YTHEN stat
 608:         = $$ = tree5(T_IF, lineof($1), $2, $4, NIL);
 609:         |
 610:     YIF expr YTHEN stat YELSE stat
 611:         = $$ = tree5(T_IFEL, lineof($1), $2, $4, $6);
 612:         |
 613:     YIF expr YTHEN stat YELSE
 614:         = $$ = tree5(T_IFEL, lineof($1), $2, $4, NIL);
 615:         |
 616:     YASSERT '(' expr ')'
 617:         = $$ = tree3(T_ASRT, lineof($1), $3);
 618:         |
 619:     error
 620:         = {
 621: NSerror:
 622:             $$ = NIL;
 623: Serror:
 624:             yyPerror("Malformed statement", PSTAT);
 625:           }
 626:         ;
 627: assign:
 628:     variable ':' '=' expr
 629:         = $$ = tree4(T_ASGN, lineof($2), $1, $4);
 630:         ;
 632: /*
 634:  */
 636: expr:
 637:     error
 638:         = {
 639: NEerror:
 640:             $$ = NIL;
 641: Eerror:
 642:             yyPerror("Missing/malformed expression", PEXPR);
 643:           }
 644:         |
 645:     expr relop expr         %prec '<'
 646:         = $$ = tree4($2, $1[1] == SAWCON ? $3[1] : $1[1], $1, $3);
 647:         |
 648:     '+' expr            %prec UNARYSIGN
 649:         = $$ = tree3(T_PLUS, $2[1], $2);
 650:         |
 651:     '-' expr            %prec UNARYSIGN
 652:         = $$ = tree3(T_MINUS, $2[1], $2);
 653:         |
 654:     expr addop expr         %prec '+'
 655:         = $$ = tree4($2, $1[1] == SAWCON ? $3[1] : $1[1], $1, $3);
 656:         |
 657:     expr divop expr         %prec '*'
 658:         = $$ = tree4($2, $1[1] == SAWCON ? $3[1] : $1[1], $1, $3);
 659:         |
 660:     YNIL
 661:         = $$ = tree2(T_NIL, NOCON);
 662:         |
 663:     YSTRING
 664:         = $$ = tree3(T_STRNG, SAWCON, $1);
 665:         |
 666:     YINT
 667:         = $$ = tree3(T_INT, NOCON, $1);
 668:         |
 669:     YBINT
 670:         = $$ = tree3(T_BINT, NOCON, $1);
 671:         |
 672:     YNUMB
 673:         = $$ = tree3(T_FINT, NOCON, $1);
 674:         |
 675:     variable
 676:         |
 677:     YID error
 678:         = goto NEerror;
 679:         |
 680:     func_id '(' wexpr_list ')'
 681:         = $$ = tree4(T_FCALL, NOCON, $1, fixlist($3));
 682:         |
 683:     '(' expr ')'
 684:         = $$ = $2;
 685:         |
 686:     negop expr          %prec YNOT
 687:         = $$ = tree3(T_NOT, NOCON, $2);
 688:         |
 689:     '[' element_list ']'
 690:         = $$ = tree3(T_CSET, SAWCON, fixlist($2));
 691:         |
 692:     '[' ']'
 693:         = $$ = tree3(T_CSET, SAWCON, NIL);
 694:         ;
 696: element_list:
 697:     element
 698:         = $$ = newlist($1);
 699:         |
 700:     element_list ',' element
 701:         = $$ = addlist($1, $3);
 702:         ;
 703: element:
 704:     expr
 705:         |
 706:     expr YDOTDOT expr
 707:         = $$ = tree3(T_RANG, $1, $3);
 708:         ;
 710: /*
 712:  */
 714: variable:
 715:     YID
 716:         = {
 717:             @@ return (identis(var, VAR));
 718:             $$ = setupvar($1, NIL);
 719:           }
 720:         |
 721:     qual_var
 722:         = $1[3] = fixlist($1[3]);
 723:         ;
 724: qual_var:
 725:     array_id '[' expr_list ']'
 726:         = $$ = setupvar($1, tree2(T_ARY, fixlist($3)));
 727:         |
 728:     qual_var '[' expr_list ']'
 729:         = $1[3] = addlist($1[3], tree2(T_ARY, fixlist($3)));
 730:         |
 731:     record_id '.' field_id
 732:         = $$ = setupvar($1, tree3(T_FIELD, $3, NIL));
 733:         |
 734:     qual_var '.' field_id
 735:         = $1[3] = addlist($1[3], tree3(T_FIELD, $3, NIL));
 736:         |
 737:     ptr_id '^'
 738:         = $$ = setupvar($1, tree1(T_PTR));
 739:         |
 740:     qual_var '^'
 741:         = $1[3] = addlist($1[3], tree1(T_PTR));
 742:         ;
 744: /*
 745:  * Expression with write widths
 746:  */
 747: wexpr:
 748:     expr
 749:         |
 750:     expr ':' expr
 751:         = $$ = tree4(T_WEXP, $1, $3, NIL);
 752:         |
 753:     expr ':' expr ':' expr
 754:         = $$ = tree4(T_WEXP, $1, $3, $5);
 755:         |
 756:     expr octhex
 757:         = $$ = tree4(T_WEXP, $1, NIL, $2);
 758:         |
 759:     expr ':' expr octhex
 760:         = $$ = tree4(T_WEXP, $1, $3, $4);
 761:         ;
 762: octhex:
 763:     YOCT
 764:         = $$ = OCT;
 765:         |
 766:     YHEX
 767:         = $$ = HEX;
 768:         ;
 770: expr_list:
 771:     expr
 772:         = $$ = newlist($1);
 773:         |
 774:     expr_list ',' expr
 775:         = $$ = addlist($1, $3);
 776:         ;
 778: wexpr_list:
 779:     wexpr
 780:         = $$ = newlist($1);
 781:         |
 782:     wexpr_list ',' wexpr
 783:         = $$ = addlist($1, $3);
 784:         ;
 786: /*
 787:  * OPERATORS
 788:  */
 790: relop:
 791:     '=' = $$ = T_EQ;
 792:         |
 793:     '<' = $$ = T_LT;
 794:         |
 795:     '>' = $$ = T_GT;
 796:         |
 797:     '<' '>' = $$ = T_NE;
 798:         |
 799:     '<' '=' = $$ = T_LE;
 800:         |
 801:     '>' '=' = $$ = T_GE;
 802:         |
 803:     YIN = $$ = T_IN;
 804:         ;
 805: addop:
 806:     '+' = $$ = T_ADD;
 807:         |
 808:     '-' = $$ = T_SUB;
 809:         |
 810:     YOR = $$ = T_OR;
 811:         |
 812:     '|' = $$ = T_OR;
 813:         ;
 814: divop:
 815:     '*' = $$ = T_MULT;
 816:         |
 817:     '/' = $$ = T_DIVD;
 818:         |
 819:     YDIV    = $$ = T_DIV;
 820:         |
 821:     YMOD    = $$ = T_MOD;
 822:         |
 823:     YAND    = $$ = T_AND;
 824:         |
 825:     '&' = $$ = T_AND;
 826:         ;
 828: negop:
 829:     YNOT
 830:         |
 831:     '~'
 832:         ;
 834: /*
 835:  * LISTS
 836:  */
 838: var_list:
 839:     variable
 840:         = $$ = newlist($1);
 841:         |
 842:     var_list ',' variable
 843:         = $$ = addlist($1, $3);
 844:         ;
 846: id_list:
 847:     YID
 848:         = $$ = newlist($1);
 849:         |
 850:     id_list ',' YID
 851:         = $$ = addlist($1, $3);
 852:         ;
 854: /*
 855:  * Identifier productions with semantic restrictions
 856:  *
 857:  * For these productions, the character @@ signifies
 858:  * that the associated C statement is to provide
 859:  * the semantic restriction for this reduction.
 860:  * These lines are made into a procedure yyEactr, similar to
 861:  * yyactr, which determines whether the corresponding reduction
 862:  * is permitted, or whether an error is to be signaled.
 863:  * A zero return from yyEactr is considered an error.
 864:  * YyEactr is called with an argument "var" giving the string
 865:  * name of the variable in question, essentially $1, although
 866:  * $1 will not work because yyEactr is called from loccor in
 867:  * the recovery routines.
 868:  */
 870: const_id:
 871:     YID
 872:         = @@ return (identis(var, CONST));
 873:         ;
 874: type_id:
 875:     YID
 876:         = {
 877:             @@ return (identis(var, TYPE));
 878:             $$ = tree3(T_TYID, lineof(yyline), $1);
 879:           }
 880:         ;
 881: var_id:
 882:     YID
 883:         = @@ return (identis(var, VAR));
 884:         ;
 885: array_id:
 886:     YID
 887:         = @@ return (identis(var, ARRAY));
 888:         ;
 889: ptr_id:
 890:     YID
 891:         = @@ return (identis(var, PTRFILE));
 892:         ;
 893: record_id:
 894:     YID
 895:         = @@ return (identis(var, RECORD));
 896:         ;
 897: field_id:
 898:     YID
 899:         = @@ return (identis(var, FIELD));
 900:         ;
 901: proc_id:
 902:     YID
 903:         = @@ return (identis(var, PROC));
 904:         ;
 905: func_id:
 906:     YID
 907:         = @@ return (identis(var, FUNC));
 908:         ;

Defined macros

line2of defined in line 120; used 6 times
lineof defined in line 119; used 46 times
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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