.\" Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" @(#)intro.0 6.1 (Berkeley) 4/23/86 .\" .tp .(l C .ps 12 .ft B Screen Updating and Cursor Movement Optimization: .fl A Library Package .ft .ps .sp .i "Kenneth C. R. C. Arnold" .sp Computer Science Division Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720 .sp 3 .bi ABSTRACT .sp 2 .)l .(q .pp This document describes a package of C library functions which allow the user to: .ie t .ip \ \ \ \(bu .el .ip 1) update a screen with reasonable optimization, .ie t .ip \ \ \ \(bu .el .ip 2) get input from the terminal in a screen-oriented fashion, and .ie t .ip \ \ \ \(bu .el .ip 3) independent from the above, move the cursor optimally from one point to another. .pp These routines all use the \*(tc \*(db to describe the capabilities of the terminal. .)q .b Acknowledgements .pp This package would not exist without the work of Bill Joy, who, in writing his editor, created the capability to generally describe terminals, wrote the routines which read this \*(db, and, most importantly, those which implement optimal cursor movement, which routines I have simply lifted nearly intact. Doug Merritt and Kurt Shoens also were extremely important, as were both willing to waste time listening to me rant and rave. The help and/or support of Ken Abrams, Alan Char, Mark Horton, and Joe Kalash, was, and is, also greatly appreciated. .sp 2 Revised 16 April 1986