.\" @(#)vhel4 6.1 (Berkeley) 4/25/86 .\" .NH Information Handling .LP .sh SORT Sort or merge ASCII files line-by-line. No limit on input size. .op Sort up or down. .op Sort lexicographically or on numeric key. .op Multiple keys located by delimiters or by character position. .op May sort upper case together with lower into dictionary order. .OP Optionally suppress duplicate data. .sh TSORT Topological sort \(em converts a partial order into a total order. .sh UNIQ Collapse successive duplicate lines in a file into one line. .op Publish lines that were originally unique, duplicated, or both. .op May give redundancy count for each line. .sh TR Do one-to-one character translation according to an arbitrary code. .op May coalesce selected repeated characters. .op May delete selected characters. .sh DIFF Report line changes, additions and deletions necessary to bring two files into agreement. .op May produce an editor script to convert one file into another. .op A variant compares two new versions against one old one. .sh COMM Identify common lines in two sorted files. Output in up to 3 columns shows lines present in first file only, present in both, and/or present in second only. .sh JOIN Combine two files by joining records that have identical keys. .sh GREP Print all lines in a file that satisfy a pattern as used in the editor ED. .op May print all lines that fail to match. .op May print count of hits. .op May print first hit in each file. .sh LOOK Binary search in sorted file for lines with specified prefix. .sh WC Count the lines, ``words'' (blank-separated strings) and characters in a file. .sh SED Stream-oriented version of ED. Can perform a sequence of editing operations on each line of an input stream of unbounded length. .op Lines may be selected by address or range of addresses. .op Control flow and conditional testing. .op Multiple output streams. .op Multi-line capability. .sh AWK Pattern scanning and processing language. Searches input for patterns, and performs actions on each line of input that satisfies the pattern. .op Patterns include regular expressions, arithmetic and lexicographic conditions, boolean combinations and ranges of these. .op Data treated as string or numeric as appropriate. .op Can break input into fields; fields are variables. .op Variables and arrays (with non-numeric subscripts). .op Full set of arithmetic operators and control flow. .op Multiple output streams to files and pipes. .op Output can be formatted as desired. .op Multi-line capabilities.