.\" @(#)vhel6 6.1 (Berkeley) 4/25/86 .\" .NH Novelties, Games, and Things That Didn't Fit Anywhere Else .LP .sh BACKGAMMON .br A player of modest accomplishment. .sh BCD Converts ascii to card-image form. .sh CAL Print a calendar of specified month and year. .sh CHING The .ul I Ching. Place your own interpretation on the output. .sh FORTUNE Presents a random fortune cookie on each invocation. Limited jar of cookies included. .sh UNITS Convert amounts between different scales of measurement. Knows hundreds of units. For example, how many km/sec is a parsec/megayear? .sh ARITHMETIC .br Speed and accuracy test for number facts. .sh QUIZ Test your knowledge of Shakespeare, Presidents, capitals, etc. .sh WUMP Hunt the wumpus, thrilling search in a dangerous cave. .sh HANGMAN Word-guessing game. Uses a dictionary supplied with SPELL. .sh FISH Children's card-guessing game.