.PS .ps 9 [ PUOFT: [ A: box invis ht .4i wid 1i "Per-User Open" "File Table" B: box ht .25i with .n at A.s C: box with .n at B.s D: box ht .25i with .n at C.s ] move down 1.0625i left 1.25i from PUOFT.D.s OFT: [ A: box invis ht .4i wid 1i "Open File" "Table" B: box ht .25i with .n at A.s C: box with .n at B.s D: box ht .25i with .n at C.s ] move down 1.0625i right 1.25i from PUOFT.D.s AIT: [ A: box invis ht .4i wid 1i "Active I-node" "Table" B: box ht .25i with .n at A.s C: box with .n at B.s D: box ht .25i with .n at C.s ] move down 2.5i from PUOFT.D.s IF: [ A: box ht .25i B: box ht .25i "I-node" with .n at A.s C: box ht .25i with .n at B.s D: box ht .25i "File" with .n at C.s E: box ht .25i with .n at D.s ] move right 1.5i from IF.D.w FMA: [ box invis "File" "Mapping" "Algorithms" ] line from FMA.ne to FMA.se line from FMA.nw to FMA.sw line left .15i from FMA.se line left .15i from FMA.ne line right .15i from FMA.nw line right .15i from FMA.sw arrow from FMA.w to IF.D.e arrow from AIT.C.e right .25i then down 2.125i then left .5i arrow from OFT.C.e to AIT.C.w arrow from PUOFT.C.w left .5i then down 1.625i then left .5i arrow <-> from IF.B.e right .5i then up 1.5i then right .5i move up .1875i from OFT.A.nw line right 5i move left 5i down 1.9375i line right 5i move up 1.63475i right 2.75i from PUOFT.D.s line right .1i down .1i then down .6i then right .1i down .1i then left .1i down .1i then down .6i then left .1i down .1i move down .34375i right 2.75i from PUOFT.D.s line right .1i down .1i then down .6i then right .1i down .1i then left .1i down .1i then down .6i then left .1i down .1i move down 2.34375i right 2.75i from PUOFT.D.s line right .1i down .1i then down .6i then right .1i down .1i then left .1i down .1i then down .6i then left .1i down .1i move up 0.817375i right 2.9i from PUOFT.D.s box invis "Swapped" "Per User" move down 1.15625i right 2.9i from PUOFT.D.s box invis wid 1i "Resident" "Per System" move down 3.15675i right 2.9i from PUOFT.D.s box invis ht 1i wid 1i "Secondary" "Storage" "Per" "File System" ] .PE