.\" @(#)m4 6.1 (Berkeley) 4/29/86 .\" .NH EXPERIENCE .SH Good Things .PP ``It's so much better than Fortran'' is the most common response of users when asked how well Ratfor meets their needs. Although cynics might consider this to be vacuous, it does seem to be true that decent control flow and cosmetics converts Fortran from a bad language into quite a reasonable one, assuming that Fortran data structures are adequate for the task at hand. .PP Although there are no quantitative results, users feel that coding in Ratfor is at least twice as fast as in Fortran. More important, debugging and subsequent revision are much faster than in Fortran. Partly this is simply because the code can be .ul read. The looping statements which test at the top instead of the bottom seem to eliminate or at least reduce the occurrence of a wide class of boundary errors. And of course it is easy to do structured programming in Ratfor; this self-discipline also contributes markedly to reliability. .PP One interesting and encouraging fact is that programs written in Ratfor tend to be as readable as programs written in more modern languages like Pascal. Once one is freed from the shackles of Fortran's clerical detail and rigid input format, it is easy to write code that is readable, even esthetically pleasing. For example, here is a Ratfor implementation of the linear table search discussed by Knuth [7]: .P1 A(m+1) = x for (i = 1; A(i) != x; i = i + 1) ; if (i > m) { m = i B(i) = 1 } else B(i) = B(i) + 1 .P2 A large corpus (5400 lines) of Ratfor, including a subset of the Ratfor preprocessor itself, can be found in [8]. .SH Bad Things .PP The biggest single problem is that many Fortran syntax errors are not detected by Ratfor but by the local Fortran compiler. The compiler then prints a message in terms of the generated Fortran, and in a few cases this may be difficult to relate back to the offending Ratfor line, especially if the implementation conceals the generated Fortran. This problem could be dealt with by tagging each generated line with some indication of the source line that created it, but this is inherently implementation-dependent, so no action has yet been taken. Error message interpretation is actually not so arduous as might be thought. Since Ratfor generates no variables, only a simple pattern of .UC IF 's and .UC GOTO 's, data-related errors like missing .UC DIMENSION statements are easy to find in the Fortran. Furthermore, there has been a steady improvement in Ratfor's ability to catch trivial syntactic errors like unbalanced parentheses and quotes. .PP There are a number of implementation weaknesses that are a nuisance, especially to new users. For example, keywords are reserved. This rarely makes any difference, except for those hardy souls who want to use an Arithmetic .UC IF . A few standard Fortran constructions are not accepted by Ratfor, and this is perceived as a problem by users with a large corpus of existing Fortran programs. Protecting every line with a `%' is not really a complete solution, although it serves as a stop-gap. The best long-term solution is provided by the program Struct [9], which converts arbitrary Fortran programs into Ratfor. .PP Users who export programs often complain that the generated Fortran is ``unreadable'' because it is not tastefully formatted and contains extraneous .UC CONTINUE statements. To some extent this can be ameliorated (Ratfor now has an option to copy Ratfor comments into the generated Fortran), but it has always seemed that effort is better spent on the input language than on the output esthetics. .PP One final problem is partly attributable to success _ since Ratfor is relatively easy to modify, there are now several dialects of Ratfor. Fortunately, so far most of the differences are in character set, or in invisible aspects like code generation.