.\" @(#)m99 6.1 (Berkeley) 4/29/86 .\" .bp .if t .1C .SH Appendix: Usage on .UC UNIX and .UC GCOS . .PP Beware _ local customs vary. Check with a native before going into the jungle. .SH UNIX .PP The program .UL ratfor is the basic translator; it takes either a list of file names or the standard input and writes Fortran on the standard output. Options include .UL \-6x , which uses .UL x as a continuation character in column 6 .UC UNIX "" ( uses .UL & in column 1), and .UL \-C , which causes Ratfor comments to be copied into the generated Fortran. .PP The program .UL rc provides an interface to the .UL ratfor command which is much the same as .UL cc . Thus .P1 rc [options] files .P2 compiles the files specified by .UL files . Files with names ending in .UL \&.r are Ratfor source; other files are assumed to be for the loader. The flags .UL \-C and .UL \-6x described above are recognized, as are .P1 -c compile only; don't load -f save intermediate Fortran .f files -r Ratfor only; implies -c and -f -2 use big Fortran compiler (for large programs) -U flag undeclared variables (not universally available) .P2 Other flags are passed on to the loader. .SH GCOS .PP The program .UL \&./ratfor is the bare translator, and is identical to the .UC UNIX version, except that the continuation convention is .UL & in column 6. Thus .P1 \&./ratfor files >output .P2 translates the Ratfor source on .UL files and collects the generated Fortran on file `output' for subsequent processing. .PP .UL \&./rc provides much the same services as .UL rc (within the limitations of .UC GCOS ), regrettably with a somewhat different syntax. Options recognized by .UL ./rc include .P1 .ta 1.2i name Ratfor source or library, depending on type h=/name make TSS H* file (runnable version); run as /name r=/name update and use random library a= compile as ascii (default is bcd) C= copy comments into Fortran f=name Fortran source file g=name gmap source file .P2 Other options are as specified for the .UL \&./cc command described in [4]. .SH TSO, TSS, and other systems .PP Ratfor exists on various other systems; check with the author for specifics.