.\" Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" @(#)ch0.n 6.2 (Berkeley) 5/10/86 .\" .\" $Header: ch0.n,v 1.3 83/07/27 15:10:52 layer Exp $ .pp \ \ .sp 2i .tl ''\s14The\ \s16F\s14RANZ\ \s16L\s14ISP\ \s14Manual'' .ps 10 .sp 1v .tl ''by'' .sp 2v .tl ''\fIJohn\ K.\ Foderaro\fP'' .sp 2v .tl ''\fIKeith\ L.\ Sklower\fP'' .sp 2v .tl ''\fIKevin\ Layer\fP'' .sp 2i .tl ''June 1983'' .sp 2i .tl '''A document in' .tl '''four movements' .He .bp .sp 1i .ft I .ll 5.5i .in .5i .tl ''Overture'' .sp 2v A chorus of students under the direction of Richard Fateman have contributed to building .Fr from a mere melody into a full symphony . The major contributors to the initial system were Mike Curry, John Breedlove and Jeff Levinsky. Bill Rowan added the garbage collector and array package. Tom London worked on an early compiler and helped in overall system design. Keith Sklower has contributed much to .Fr , adding the bignum package and rewriting most of the code to increase its efficiency and clarity. Kipp Hickman and Charles Koester added hunks. Mitch Marcus added *rset, evalhook and evalframe. Don Cohen and others at Carnegie-Mellon made some improvements to evalframe and provided various features modelled after UCI/CMU PDP-10 Lisp and Interlisp environments (editor, debugger, top-level). John Foderaro wrote the compiler, added a few functions, and wrote much of this manual. Of course, other authors have contributed specific chapters as indicated. Kevin Layer modified the compiler to produce code for the Motorola 68000, and helped make .Fr pass ``Lint''. .br This manual may be supplemented or supplanted by local chapters representing alterations, additions and deletions. We at U.C. Berkeley are pleased to learn of generally useful system features, bug fixes, or useful program packages, and we will attempt to redistribute such contributions. .sp 1.75i .ft R .ll 6.0i .in 0 \(co 1980, 1981, 1983 by the Regents of the University of California. (exceptions: Chapters 13, 14 (first half), 15 and 16 have separate copyrights, as indicated. These are reproduced by permission of the copyright holders.) .br Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, and the copyright notice of the Regents, University of California, is given. All rights reserved. .br .sp 2v Work reported herein was supported in part by the U. S. Department of Energy, Contract DE-AT03-76SF00034, Project Agreement DE-AS03-79ER10358, and the National Science Foundation under Grant No. MCS 7807291 .sp 2v UNIX is a trademark of Bell Laboratories. VAX and PDP are trademarks of Digital Equiptment Coporation. MC68000 is a trademark of Motorola Semiconductor Products, Inc. .bp .ps 16 .sp 1i .tl ''Score'' .sp .5i .ps 12 .in 1i. .ti 2i \fBFirst Movement \fI(allegro non troppo)\fR .ps 10 .sp 1v .de CH .ti -.5i \fR\\$1 \\$2\fP .br .. .ft I .CH 1. F\s-2RANZ\s0\ L\s-2ISP\s0 Introduction to .Fr , details of data types, and description of notation .CH 2. Data\ Structure\ Access Functions for the creation, destruction and manipulation of lisp data objects. .CH 3. Arithmetic\ Functions Functions to perform arithmetic operations. .CH 4. Special\ Functions Functions for altering flow of control. Functions for mapping other functions over lists. .CH 5. I/O\ Functions Functions for reading and writing from ports. Functions for the modification of the reader's syntax. .CH 6. System\ Functions Functions for storage management, debugging, and for the reading and setting of global Lisp status variables. Functions for doing UNIX-specific tasks such as process control. .ft R .sp 2v .ps 12 .ti 2i \fBSecond Movement \fI(Largo)\fR .ps 10 .sp 1v .ft I .CH 7. The\ Reader A description of the syntax codes used by the reader. An explanation of character macros. .CH 8. Functions,\ Fclosures,\ and\ Macros A description of various types of functional objects. An example of the use of foreign functions. .CH 9. Arrays\ and\ Vectors A detailed description of the parts of an array and of Maclisp compatible arrays. .CH 10. Exception\ Handling A description of the error handling sequence and of autoloading. .ft R .bp .ps 12 .ti 2i \fBThird Movement \fI(Scherzo)\fR .ps 10 .sp 1v .ft I .CH 11. The\ Joseph\ Lister\ Trace\ Package A description of a very useful debugging aid. .CH 12. Liszt,\ the\ lisp\ compiler A description of the operation of the compiler and hints for making functions compilable. .CH 13. CMU\ Top\ Level\ and\ File\ Package A description of a top level with a history mechanism and a package which helps you keep track of files of lisp functions. .CH 14 Stepper A description of a program which permits you to put breakpoints in lisp code and to single step it. A description of the evalhook and funcallhook mechanism. .CH 15 Fixit A program which permits you to examine and modify evaluation stack in order to fix bugs on the fly. .CH 16 Lisp\ Editor A structure editor for interactive modification of lisp code. .ft R .sp 2v .ps 12 .ti 2i \fBFinal Movement \fI(allegro)\fR .ps 10 .sp 1v .ft I .CH Appendix\ A -\ Function\ Index .CH Appendix\ B -\ List\ of\ Special\ Symbols .CH Appendix\ C -\ Short\ Subjects Garbage collector, Debugging, Default Top Level