.\" Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" @(#)1.t 6.1 (Berkeley) 5/14/86 .\" .ds lq `` .ds rq '' .ds LH "Installing/Operating \*(4B .ds RH Introduction .ds CF \*(DY .LP .nr H1 1 .bp .LG .B .ce 1. INTRODUCTION .sp 2 .R .NL .PP This document explains how to install the \*(4B release of the Berkeley version of UNIX for the VAX on your system. Because of the file system organization used in \*(4B, if you are not currently running 4.2BSD you will have to do a full bootstrap from the distribution tape. The procedure for performing a full bootstrap is outlined in chapter 2. The process includes booting standalone utilities from tape to format a disk if necessary, then to copy a small root filesystem image onto a swap area. This filesystem is then booted and used to extract a dump of a standard root filesystem. Finally, that root filesystem is booted, and the remainder of the system binaries and sources are read from the archives on the tape(s). .PP The technique for upgrading a 4.2BSD system is described in chapter 3 of this document. As 4.3BSD is upward-compatible with 4.2BSD, The upgrade procedure involves extracting a new set of system binaries onto new root and /usr filesystems. The sources are then extracted, and local configuration files are merged into the new system. 4.2BSD user filesystems may up upgraded in place, and 4.2BSD binaries may be used with 4.3BSD in the course of the conversion. It is desirable to recompile most local software after the conversion, as there are many changes and performance improvements in the standard libraries. .NH 2 Hardware supported .PP This distribution can be booted on a VAX 8650, VAX 8600, VAX-11/785, VAX-11/780, VAX-11/750, VAX-11/730 or VAX-11/725 cpu with any of the following disks: .DS .TS lw(1.5i) l. DEC MASSBUS: RM03, RM05, RM80, RP06, RP07 EMULEX MASSBUS: AMPEX Capricorn, 9300, CDC 9766, 9775, FUJITSU 2351 Eagle DEC UNIBUS: RK07, RL02, RA80, RA81, RA60, RC25 EMULEX SC-21V, SC-31 AMPEX DM980, Capricorn, 9300, UNIBUS*: CDC 9762, 9766, FUJITSU 160M, 330M EMULEX SC-31 UNIBUS*: FUJITSU 2351 Eagle DEC IDC: R80, RL02 .TE .DE .FS * Other UNIBUS controllers and drives may be easily usable with the system, but will likely require minor modifications to the system to allow bootstrapping. The EMULEX disk and SI tape controllers, and the drives shown here are known to work as bootstrap devices. .FE .PP The tape drives supported by this distribution are: .DS .TS lw(1.5i) l. DEC MASSBUS: TE16, TU45, TU77, TU78 EMULEX MASSBUS: TC-7000 DEC UNIBUS: TS11, TU80 EMULEX TC-11, AVIV UNIBUS: KENNEDY 9300, STC, CIPHER TU45 UNIBUS*: SI 9700 .TE .DE .PP The tapes and disks may be on any available UNIBUS or MASSBUS adapter at any slot with the proviso that the tape device must be slave number 0 on the formatter if it is a MASSBUS tape drive. .PP This distribution does not support the DEC CI780 or the HSC50 disk controller. As such, this distribution will not boot on the standard VAX 8600 and VAX 8650 cluster configurations. You will need to configure your system to use only UNIBUS and MASSBUS disk and tape devices. .NH 2 Distribution format .PP The basic distribution contains the following items: .DS (3)\0\0 1600bpi 2400' magnetic tapes, or (1)\0\0 6250bpi 2400' magnetic tape, and (1)\0\0 TU58 console cassette, and (1)\0\0 RX01 console floppy disk. .DE Installation on any machine requires a tape unit. Since certain standard VAX packages do not include a tape drive, this means one must either borrow one from another VAX system or one must be purchased separately. The console media distributed with the system are not suitable for use as the standard console media; their intended use is only for installation. .PP \fBThe distribution does not fit on several standard VAX configurations that contain only small disks\fP. If your hardware configuration does not provide at least \fB75\fP Megabytes of disk space you can still install the distribution, but you will probably have to operate without source for the user level commands and, possibly, the source for the operating system. The RK07-only distribution format once provided by our group is no longer available. Further, no attempt has ever been made to install the system on the standard VAX-11/730 hardware configuration from DEC that contains only dual RL02 disk drives (though the distribution tape may be bootstrapped on an RL211 controller and the system provides support for RL02 disk drives either on an IDC or an RL211). The labels on the distribution tape(s) show the amount of disk space each tape file occupies, these should be used in selecting file system layouts on systems with little disk space. .PP If you have the facilities, it is a good idea to copy the magnetic tape(s) in the distribution kit to guard against disaster. The tapes are 9-track 1600 BPI or 6250 BPI and contain some 512-byte records followed by many 10240-byte records. There are interspersed tape marks; end-of-tape is signaled by a double end-of-file. .PP The basic bootstrap material is present in three short files at the beginning of the first tape. The first file on the tape contains preliminary bootstrapping programs. This is followed by a binary image of a 2 megabyte ``mini root'' file system. Following the mini root file is a full dump of the root file system (see \fIdump\fP\|(8)*). .FS * References of the form X(Y) mean the subsection named X in section Y of the .UX programmer's manual. .FE Additional files on the tape(s) contain tape archive images (see \fItar\fP\|(1)). See Appendix A for a description of the contents and format of the tape(s). One file contains software contributed by the user community; refer to the accompanying documentation for a description of its contents and an explanation of how it should be installed. .NH 2 VAX hardware terminology .PP This section gives a short discussion of VAX hardware terminology to help you get your bearings. .PP If you have MASSBUS disks and tapes it is necessary to know the MASSBUS that they are attached to, at least for the purposes of bootstrapping and system description. The MASSBUSes can have up to 8 devices attached to them. A disk counts as a device. A tape \fIformatter\fP counts as a device, and several tape drives may be attached to a formatter. If you have a separate MASSBUS adapter for a disk and one for a tape then it is conventional to put the disk as unit 0 on the MASSBUS with the lowest ``TR'' number, and the tape formatter as unit 0 on the next MASSBUS. On a 11/780 this would correspond to having the disk on ``mba0'' at ``tr8'' and the tape on ``mba1'' at ``tr9''. Here the MASSBUS adapter with the lowest TR number has been called ``mba0'' and the one with the next lowest number is called ``mba1''. .PP To find out the MASSBUS that your tape and disk are on you can examine the cabling and the unit numbers or your site maintenance guide. Do not be fooled into thinking that the number on the front of the tape drive is a device number; it is a \fIslave\fP number, one of several possible tapes on the single tape formatter. For bootstrapping, the slave number \fBmust\fP be 0. The formatter unit number may be anything distinct from the other numbers on the same MASSBUS, but you must know what it is. .PP The MASSBUS devices are known by several different names by DEC software and by UNIX. At various times it is necessary to know both names. There is, of course, the name of the device like ``RM03'' or ``RM80''; these are easy to remember because they are printed on the front of the device. DEC also names devices based on the driver name in the system using a convention that reflects the interconnect topology of the machine. The first letter of such a name is a ``D'' for a disk, the second letter depends on the type of the drive, ``DR'' for RM03, RM05, and RM80's, ``DB'' for RP06's. The next letter is related to the interconnect; DEC calls the first MASSBUS or UNIBUS adapter ``A'', the second ``B'', etc. Thus, ``DRA'' is a RM drive on the first MASSBUS adapter. Finally, the name ends in a digit corresponding to the unit number for the device on the MASSBUS, i.e. ``DRA0'' is a disk at the first device slot on the first MASSBUS adapter and is an RM disk. .NH 2 UNIX device naming .PP UNIX has a set of names for devices which are different from the DEC names for the devices, viz.: .DS .TS l l. RM/RP disks hp TE/TU tapes ht TU78 tape mt .TE .DE .PP The normal standalone system, used to bootstrap the full UNIX system, uses device names: .DS xx(y,z) .DE where \fIxx\fP is either \fBhp\fP, \fBht\fP, or \fBmt\fP. The value \fIy\fP specifies the MASSBUS to use and also the device. It is computed as .DS 8 * \fImba\fP + \fIdevice\fP .DE Thus mba0 device 0 would have a \fIy\fP value of 0 while mba1 device 0 would have a \fIy\fP value of 8. The \fIz\fP value is interpreted differently for tapes and disks: for disks it is a disk \fIpartition\fP (in the range 0-7), and for tapes it is a file number on the tape. .PP Each UNIX physical disk is divided into 8 logical disk partitions, each of which may occupy any consecutive cylinder range on the physical device. The cylinders occupied by the 8 partitions for each drive type are specified in section 4 of the programmers manual and in the disk description file /etc/disktab (c.f. \fIdisktab\fP(5)).* .FS * It is possible to change the partitions by changing the code for the table in the disk driver; it is often desirable to do this, therefore these tables should be read off each pack; they may be in a future version of the system. .FE Each partition may be used for either a raw data area such as a paging area or to store a UNIX file system. It is conventional for the first partition on a disk to be used to store a root file system, from which UNIX may be bootstrapped. The second partition is traditionally used as a paging area, and the rest of the disk is divided into spaces for additional ``mounted file systems'' by use of one or more additional partitions. .PP The third logical partition of each physical disk also has a conventional usage: it allows access to the entire physical device, including the bad sector forwarding information recorded at the end of the disk (one track plus 126 sectors). It is occasionally used to store a single large file system or to access the entire pack when making a copy of it on another. Care must be taken when using this partition not to overwrite the last few tracks and thereby clobber the bad sector information. .PP The disk partitions have names in the standalone system of the form ``hp(y,z)'' with varying \fIy\fP as described above. Thus partition 1 of a RM05 on mba0 at drive 0 would be ``hp(0,1)''. When not running standalone, this partition would normally be available as ``/dev/hp0b''. Here the prefix ``/dev'' is the name of the directory where all ``special files'' normally live, the ``hp'' serves an obvious purpose, the ``0'' identifies this as a partition of hp drive number ``0'' and the ``b'' identifies this as the second partition. .PP In all simple cases, a drive with unit number 0 (in its unit plug on the front of the drive) will be called unit 0 in its UNIX file name. This is not, however, strictly necessary, since the system has a level of indirection in this naming. If there are multiple controllers, the disk unit numbers will normally be counted sequentially across controllers. This can be taken advantage of to make the system less dependent on the interconnect topology, and to make reconfiguration after hardware failure extremely easy. We will not discuss that now. .PP Returning to the discussion of the standalone system, we recall that tapes also took two integer parameters. In the normal case where the tape formatter is unit 0 on the second mba (mba1), the files on the tape have names ``ht(8,0)'', ``ht(8,1)'', etc. Here ``file'' means a tape file containing a single data stream. The distribution tape(s) have data structures in the tape files and though the tape(s) contain only 9 tape files, they contain several thousand UNIX files. .PP For the UNIBUS, there are also conventional names. The important DEC names to know are DM?? for RK07 drives and DU?? for drives on a UDA50. For example, RK07 drive 0 on a controller on the first UNIBUS on the machine is ``DMA0''. UNIX calls such a device an ``hk'' and the standalone name for the first partition of such a device is ``hk(0,0)''. The first number is calculated from the drive number and UNIBUS adapter as .DS 8 * \fIuba\fP + \fIdrive\fP .DE If the controller were on the second UNIBUS its name would be ``hk(8,0)''. If we wished to access the first partition of an RK07 drive 1 on uba0 we would use ``hk(1,0)''. .PP The UNIBUS disk and tape names used by UNIX are: .DS .TS l l. RK disks hk TS tapes ts UDA disks ra RC25 disks ra IDC disks rb SMD disks up TM tapes tm TMSCP tapes tmscp TU tapes ut .TE .DE .PP Here SMD disks are disks on an RM-emulating controller on the UNIBUS, and TM tapes are tapes on a controller that emulates the DEC TM11. TU tapes are tapes on a UNIBUS controller that emulates the DEC TU45. IDC disks are disks on an 11/730 Integral Disk Controller. TS tapes are tapes on a controller compatible with the DEC TS11 (e.g. a TU80). The naming conventions for partitions in UNIBUS disks and files in UNIBUS tapes are the same as those for MASSBUS disks and tapes. .NH 2 UNIX devices: block and raw .PP UNIX makes a distinction between ``block'' and ``raw'' (character) devices. Each disk has a block device interface where the system makes the device byte addressable and you can write a single byte in the middle of the disk. The system will read out the data from the disk sector, insert the byte you gave it and put the modified data back. The disks with the names ``/dev/xx0a'', etc are block devices. There are also raw devices available. These have names like ``/dev/rxx0a'', the ``r'' here standing for ``raw''. Raw devices bypass the buffer cache and use DMA directly to/from the program's I/O buffers; they are normally restricted to full-sector transfers. In the bootstrap procedures we will often suggest using the raw devices, because these tend to work faster. Raw devices are used when making new filesystems, when checking unmounted filesystems, or for copying quiescent filesystems. The block devices are used to mount file systems, or when operating on a mounted filesystem such as the root. .PP You should be aware that it is sometimes important whether to use the character device (for efficiency) or not (because it wouldn't work, e.g. to write a single byte in the middle of a sector). Don't change the instructions by using the wrong type of device indiscriminately.